What will little Jimmy's reaction to this be when he gets flooded on social media with it...

Don't really follow AJ, mostly posting for the screeching leftist professor.

Kek this truly need more normie recognition

Just think of it as a late term abortion user.

What the fuck is going on in this thread? Just do it, it's hilarious and exactly what he deserves. People deal with horrible things every second of the day, and most of it will be much worse than Jimmy Kimmel being reminded his son has a heart condition that might not even kill him anyway.

>4 days ago
>he's faced no backlash

optics cucks never learn

And checked.

Attached: 1536808407843.jpg (960x640, 235K)

Attached: 1526660366843.gif (500x500, 779K)


But it's alright for Jimmy Kimmel to sell dick pills and adult nappies while mocking the dead relatives of government employees.

Why are liberals so hypocritical?

>that's pretty disgusting even for /b/ standards

You must be new remember you're here forever