>1st round results Jair Bolsonaro 46,26% Fernando Haddad 28,95% Ciro Gomes 12,51% Geraldo Alckmin 4,78% João Amoêdo 2,52% Cabo Daciolo 1,26% Henrique Meirelles 1,21% Marina Silva 1,00% Alvaro Dias 0,81%
-- BACKGROUND -- Jair Bolsonaro is front-runner for president of Brazil. He is a conservative Christian, former army captain and the only candidate free from involvement in corruption. He's pro-gun legislation and whats the liberalization of the economy with a Chicago boy as minister and to align Brazil to the American foreign policy (fuck Cuba, Venezuela, Palestine and China). He's stable in the Israeli hospital after being stabbed in the guts by a former member of PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party) and undergoing emergency surgery.
Memes by Bolsonaro: >Pinochet should have killed more people >Historical debt towards slavery? I didn't enslave anyone. >The Portuguese didn't enslave blacks, but blacks enslaved themselves. >I wouldn't rape you because you are ugly and you don't deserve it. >Do you burn the donut? I don't care! Be happy! Hugs for you!
Cara, essa degeneração é marxismo cultural. Foda-se essa neo-direita do caralho!
Andrew Anderson
It will be on the 28th
Ethan Evans
Who here /PurgingEveryLeftistFaggotFromYourLife/?
Brandon Cook
Comparativo dos programas Bolsonaro/ Lula (Haddad): (Links para ver na fonte:)
>PLANO DO HADDAD=LULA: divulgacandcontas.tse.jus.br/candidaturas/oficial/2018/BR/BR/2022802018/280000629808//proposta_1536702143353.pdf
>PLANO DO BOLSONARO: divulgacandcontas.tse.jus.br/candidaturas/oficial/2018/BR/BR/2022802018/280000614517//proposta_1534284632231.pdf
- Bolsonaro: Redução da carga tributária e aumento da receita destinada aos municípios (pág 58)
- Lula/Haddad: Criar imposto sobre a exportação (pág 41), criar imposto sobre lucros e dividendos (pág 42) e aumentar o imposto territorial rural ITR para grandes propriedades (pág 56)
- Bolsonaro: contrariedade a qualquer regulação ou controle social de mídia (pág 7)
- Lula/Haddad: implantar mecanismos de regulação da imprensa e criar uma empresa pública de comunicação para expor o posicionamento do governo (pág 16)
- Bolsonaro: a justiça deverá seguir seu rumo sem interferências políticas (pág 15)
- Lula/Haddad: promover uma reforma do sistema de justiça para reduzir o poder de investigação do ministério público federal (pág 6, 15)
- Bolsonaro: tolerância zero com o crime (pág 10) e redução da maioridade penal (pág 32)
- Lula/Haddad: desmilitarização das polícias (pág 31) e iluminação com led nas ruas (pág 54)
- Bolsonaro: reduzir os 29 ministérios existentes atualmente (pág 17)
- Bolsonaro: deixar de louvar ditaduras assassinas socialistas (pág 79)
- Lula/Haddad: desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de países do Mercosul (Venezuela) (pág 11)
William Moore
- Bolsonaro: Segurança no campo, políticas para consolidar mercado interno, abrir novos mercados externos, melhoria da logística de distribuição (pág 69)
- Lula/Haddad: regulação do agronegócio para evitar ampliação de grandes latifundiários. Implantar reforma agrária e distribuir terras ao MST e indígenas (pág 56)
- Bolsonaro: respeito e obediência à constituição (pág 6)
- Lula/Haddad: Estabelecer um novo processo constituinte para aumentar o poder do estado (pág 6)
- Bolsonaro: Prender e deixar na cadeia quem tiver cometido crimes (pág 30) e acabar com a progressão de pena e saída temporária (pág 32)
- Lula/Haddad: Reduzir a massa carcerária do Brasil através da liberação de presidiários (pág 33)
- Bolsonaro: o sindicato deve ser voluntário, contra a obrigatoriedade do imposto sindical (pág 64)
- Lula/Haddad: valorização de sindicatos e associações de trabalhadores (pág 40)
- Bolsonaro: Combate à ideologia de liberação irrestrita de drogas ilícitas (pág 26)
- Lula/Haddad: Promover a descriminalização das drogas (pág 32)
As logon as it get's us votes. Better have these guys in than those who will teach our children to do that in schools. This wasn't election to get the best guys in, but an election to take the absolute scum out.
My dad just passed me this in zapzap. I guess it shows Pocket's strength with fake news.
Isaiah Reyes
probably lazy bums not going to vote
James Robinson
U the brazillian-american user? Good luck finding that gurl
Easton Anderson
>I guess it shows Pocket's strength with fake news. What?
Cameron Thompson
Cala boca seu otário, o Frota tem mais respeito pelo eleitor do que qualquer cuck do Novo que seu pai vota pra você. Uma vez visitei o local de trabalho da Bianca e nunca fui tão bem tratado na minha vida e pude ver o amor que é depositado nessa trapinha, então se informe melhor antes de sair falando bost.a por ai seu lixo
Logan Edwards
He meant how these things spread like wildfire in Bolsoesfera, I suppose.
Oliver Carter
That is why the Nazis choose to escape to Latin America. Fourth Reich is rising!
Fuck socialism and all the best for Brazilians.
Ethan Young
...How are these fake? they are take right out of their government propositions. You can check them yourself. They are the first thing that is shared....
Carter Davis
these % in the south and southeast are way more worrisome than a no-one-cares filled jungle. Bolso should've gotten a lot more votes from there
Ryder Garcia
Era pra ter postado isso nessa thread
Henry Bailey
I understand the degeneracy part; but why would it be cultural marxism ?
This isn't a victory. We can't make nordestinos vote against Bolsonaro out of spite.
Easton Martinez
>- Bolsonaro: respeito e obediência à constituição (pág 6) Come on now. We all know Bolsonaro wants a new constitution built upon values, like the american one.
the "right wing news cycle trend setters" went in full damage control mode on their plataforms and begged every one to not shit on northeasterns, fearing it might give fuel to haddad. They are not wrong.
Henry Hill
The left's strategy is to promote bairrismo and take back the NE capitals, not good.
Ayden Perry
That is not a goal for this government though. What he wants and think matters way less than what he does and says he will do.
Isaiah Harris
Aí sim, amém!
Logan Price
yes, 6
Sebastian Stewart
>We all know Bolsonaro wants a new constitution built upon values, like the american one. And they said they're only changing it after consulting the popular vote. Like in any democracy.
No plano do Haddad tem >"combate ao RACISMO INSTITUCIONAL" >combate a "violencia genocida contra indigenas" >será implantado o QUESITO cor nos postos de atendimento a saudê >Promoção de mais ideologia de genero na area do ensino (Lembrando que Haddad era ministro da educação quando tentaram aprovar o Kit Gay) >Mais demarcações de terras indígenas (ataque a propriedade privada em areas rurais)
Tyler Price
>implying this wouldn't happen anyway it's the (((media))) after all, just another day
Isaiah Gomez
the best state has the greatest % of Bolsonaro electors no wonder why
Aaron Campbell
And pink wojak. But still, we're the meme makers. We have to stop making shit like that. It's counter productive.
Parker Jenkins
>all the leftycucks crying on twitter over the number of deputies we got
You're kidding yourself if that's what you believe.
Making a new constitution is his ultimate goal, it's his VP's ultimate goal. By changing the constitution he can finally bring the death penalty, remove the relativity of private property and make the Armed Forces obey the people directly and not the 3 powers; he can also forbid electronic voting machines with a new constitution. A new constitution is the dream my friend.
Parker Peterson
That just shows you how power-hungry commies still fucking are.
They literally still outnumber us counting PT + The other buddy parties, they just saw their old rivals PSDB and PMDB bleed numbers and nearly die, but they STILL act like victims.
It's insane.
Jayden Evans
Only those that aren't being tricked, which is why we need to spread this shit everywhere. Right now many people have no idea about this.
Jonathan Taylor
This, people like to blame the northeast, but if right wing candidates won overwhelmingly in the southern states the northeastern votes wouldn't matter. The northeastern vote is important because the vote in the other states of Brazil is much more split than right wingers aknowledge
Joshua Nelson
>frota >neo direita Ele e so o tiririca 2.0, deixa de neura
Justin Jackson
>It's too late Not really. We create so many threads that shit will get buried soon. We just need to stop making divisive shit like that and spreading it.
Dylan Phillips
I agree, but we need the normie to vote for him first.
Alexander Davis
wtf I'm postemissile now
Robert Edwards
also that. but then you also have the people that feel like how bolsonaro is too offensive against minorities, his comments and all that and wouldn't vote for him at all. but maybe would dissuade them voting for haddad too, though
Luis Perry
Do these people even know what fascism is? Why do they keep using this word?
Zachary Diaz
How do you think that Bolsonaro will perform in the debates against Haddad?
Is Haddad a jedi of debates, like Ted Cruz was?
John Watson
Nah, Haddad will get obliterated
Kevin Hall
They don't. Because they've been conditioned to use it.
Jordan Richardson
He is extremely garbage.
Owen Powell
>but then you also have the people that feel like how bolsonaro is too offensive against minorities, his comments and all that and wouldn't vote for him at all People who care about that over the shit going on in our country are lost causes. But yeah Dissuading them from voting for haddad is an excellent idea and the minimum we should strive for.
Samuel Cox
Haddad is timid and uncharismatic, doesn't appeal to his poor, rural electorate at all.
Bolsonaro isn't a debate wizard either but he should bully him pretty hard.
Landon Brooks
fear mongering
Luis Hughes
Both are bad in debates
Brayden Lopez
>either it's not really anti-American or the CIA is full of Communists. Usually it goes like this, any political shift that happens for you, also happens for us, so it is likely the later.
honestly nordestinos in general are pretty proud of our region for whatever reason and get (rightfully or not) pissed at people from the south and southeast saying stuff like hur dur nuke the northeast like you guys were doing yesterday. i don't blame you or anything, i'm just saying. i remember with dilma x aécio a lot of people changed their vote to dilma out of spite
Oliver Hughes
Except that if you people spread stuff like that sloppily you'll just give more ammo for the PTralhada.
That shit user posted is full of fallacies and outright lies, "Haddad wants to make drugs legal!!" is false when the document talks about legalization as a counter-measure seen in international countries such as Marijuana and what not, along with other examples.
There is no reason to lower ourselves to their standards and spread bullshit, it just makes us look bad. Focus on objectivity and they will have no argument.
Bolsonaro will have a posture against the PT venezuelation plan, so it is basically Brazil vs PT
Jeremiah Nelson
Haddad was buttfucked by a businessman when he ran for reelection in São Paulo. Bolsonaro is a seasoned politician with a lot of sensitive information on Haddad's party and an undeniable authoritarian aura. The issue with Bolsonaro is that he refuses to lie and make up shit about things he's not an expert in such as the economy.
I still think Haddad will get fucked.
Carson Ortiz
He's neither particurlary smart nor charismatic, and worst of all he has no Pzass or whatever your niggers call it. You know... chutzpah!
Sebastian Collins
Internal poll of the day:
1) What is, in your opinion, the probablilty of Bolsonaro winning the second round ? 2) With what percentage of votes ?
Matthew Sanchez
Haddad is just boring. Bolsonaro is crazy and retarded, but in the last week he is controlling himself and isn't saying anything crazy, so he is spouting the classic PR stuff such as "unite the people" and all that.
Juan Rogers
No they dont. fun thing is, fascism doesnt have an agreed on or fundamental definition. iirc it was a mussolini thing. since them it's been parroted as a synonymous to right wing authoritarian regime they fail to ackonowledge that there's no way in hell bolsonaro would keep the populars to his side at even the slightest first attempt of authoritarianism. he had presented himself as very libertarian economic and institution wise and to crack down pedos and criminals. how fags see this as a LGBT genocide is beyond me
>Useless welfare queens have a chip on their shoulders You don't say
Adrian Fisher
tem que pegar esse arrogantezinho do amoedo e enfiar um livro da ayn rand no cu. Se a gente perder essas eleiçoes por causa da brincadeirinha dos lolbertarians eu vou fazer questão de me filiar ao comissariado do PT e destruir a vida de cada um desses filhos da puta. Essa babaquice toda deles cagou a eleição só pra inflar ego de ancap doente e sem noção, os mais inteligentes (como o co-fundador do NOVO) ja tinham entendido que era melhor ser estrategico e esperar pra disputir eleição presidencial nos proximos 4 anos depois do brasil ter um tempo pra respirar e os comunas virarem historia.
Jonathan Williams
based but not redpilled
Levi Gomez
no, it's retarded. they're proud of living and being a shit region. I don't understand. and I live here and I don't like it here
Sorry sweetie, but we won't let hate win. You had your chance to steal the election, now we have time to organize and build a coalition. We outnumber you. We will win.
Justin Gomez
Jason Rogers
Haddad is not charismatic and isn't a good debater. Bolsonaro has been a congressman for almost 30 years, he can hold himself together pretty well in a debate. In fact, he performed well in the two debates he went to. Haddad will throw the usual accusations against him. Attacks which Bolsonaro already knows the perfect response to. Bolsonaro grew to learn to keep his cool, as we've seen in recent interviews (and those 2 debates) - people who say he might get pissed and lose his reasoning are forgetting that.
Bolsonaro will do fine in the debates.
Easton Allen
He said he wants the decriminalization, the only differences is that you provided a reason for it. Personally I don't think it's A misrepresentation, but it does make it seem "worse" if you are partial to the legalization already.
Angel White
As one I can explain.
They're proud of "surviving" the harsh environment and claiming to be hard-working (but generating little wealth.)
Thing is 70% of them are on gibs, and they're mostly hypocrites with severe retardation.
William Carter
desu bolsonaro has nothing to gain going into debates. he literally only has to lose. the left will jump into any slips he will for sure commit, and capitalize it into votes, and god knows he has said a TON of crap. I say let him "rest" at home for 30 more days.
BOLSA CRACK, FILHO DA PUTA, SABE O Q É? seceção quando? passou da hora
Justin Sanchez
Fascism is used as an umbrella term for anything that stands against the Revolution, being it classical liberalism, conservatism or nationalism. It comes from the good old days of the Cold War when the Soviet propaganda machine used to label any opposition as fascists to capitalize on the bad rep the Axis Powers got after WW2 and discredit them.
Gabriel Rogers
You realize the elections were defrauded and it wouldn't matter right? And if there's/there was no fraud winning the second round will be easy.