/hue/volution - State Assemblies Edition

As logon as it get's us votes. Better have these guys in than those who will teach our children to do that in schools. This wasn't election to get the best guys in, but an election to take the absolute scum out.

Why did we lose Pará?

Attached: Pará.png (681x600, 69K)

Fraud and gibs.

My dad just passed me this in zapzap. I guess it shows Pocket's strength with fake news.

probably lazy bums not going to vote

U the brazillian-american user? Good luck finding that gurl

>I guess it shows Pocket's strength with fake news.

Cala boca seu otário, o Frota tem mais respeito pelo eleitor do que qualquer cuck do Novo que seu pai vota pra você. Uma vez visitei o local de trabalho da Bianca e nunca fui tão bem tratado na minha vida e pude ver o amor que é depositado nessa trapinha, então se informe melhor antes de sair falando bost.a por ai seu lixo

He meant how these things spread like wildfire in Bolsoesfera, I suppose.

That is why the Nazis choose to escape to Latin America. Fourth Reich is rising!

Fuck socialism and all the best for Brazilians.