>this is what the Amerimutt eats during an emergency
This is what the Amerimutt eats during an emergency
Never had a pop tart in my life.
What do they taste like?
No it isn't you fucking moob
cardboard with some frosting on it
The only time you should eat stuff like that is during an emergency.
fat fucking losers**
Dios mio...
wat is dis madness?
>The only time you should eat stuff like that is during an emergency.
this guy gets it.
Not so much like cardboard, but sugar. Lots of sugar. Hints of "Whatever flavor you bought"
Non-perishable, calorie-dense foods in waterproof packaging. I would have probably got a bit less sugar and stocked up on things like nuts, dried fruit, and some canned foods instead. But at least user won't be going hungry.
Typical nigger diet
like a less sweet sugar cookie filled with thick jelly topped with hard icing
And maybe some fucking water? I only see two bottles of water. Two.
you can see some scary shit when you look at the carts of niggers and fat people at walmart
I think I'm going to puke. Please somebody, post some gore.
Thats fucking diabetus
Everything bad about capitalism
People on the gulf coast party during hurricanes. I literally slept on the front porch during hurricane Irma last year and I live in Florida.
Probably more calories than an African nation
It's a joke.
Extremely dry pastry dough filled with flavored corn syrup and with hard powdery frosting on top
in untoasted: candy flavored stale bread
toasted: pretty ok actually with milk. like pie crust with jelly inside.
>hershey's chocolate bars
absolutely disgusting
>hershey's cookies and creme bars
absolutely patrician
You fucking idiots, you know how many calories are there? we used to drop pallets of pop-tarts in Africa because why the fuck not. Best Idea wins.
Not bad, like a dry sweet bread cookie filled with jam
Wouldnt be my first pick of this bunch though, that would be the cookied and cream hershys
Sounds awful
Calories because of sugar and fat. You can't live off that shit, you're gonna feel ill and disgusting.
Never have I seen so much disgusting stuff in my life.
Lots of energy
>el consumador
they taste like diabetes and obesity
look up the nutritional facts on pop tarts and you will never touch that shit
Glad to see Boogie298 is finally getting out of the house and shopping again.
Pretty gross desu
Cut a scone in half, fill it was super processed tasting jam, then put it in a hydraulic press to flatten it into a poptart.
Hey anaon, that’s what I had for lunch too
There nasty, but they have a long shelf life.
Pop tarts were the first snack I had when I moved to the US as a young teen. I stayed clear of any prepackaged food for two years, I'm completely serious. I kinda regret it because reese's cups are amazing
Can someone show me some real prep food so I dont get so depressed, thanks.
>not recognizing funny bait and pasta
fucking kill yourself
Any milfags in here know very well the taste of a pop tart lmao
pop tarts are not that good. but if you were fed them as a kid they are nostalgic. The brown sugar ones are actually pretty good now that i think about it. Europoors would hate them off course and talk shit, but thats okay
So do canned beans, canned vegetables, dry rice etc.
burger in ice cream which is cooked and cameralizes
Christ that’s disgusting. Should have gotten some biltong, salami, lard, mre’s, canned fish, a keg of beer etc. Fat and protein mostly.
wouldn't it be /comfy/ to eat trolli and shitpost while russia invades?
Brown sugar and wildberry
Although any of them are tolerable frozen with some weed
Pussy, that's snacks for the party.
Not much there I would eat. This was my lunch.
Maybe it's to throw at the blacks to distract them and run away while they fight for a pack of Reeses.
>this is what the Russian eats during an emergency
Fine cardboard impregnated with sugar and hints of whatever flavor you bought with some frosting on top.
not even gonna lie that looks delicious
>fat is bad
user, i...
first day out of prison
I thought only chinks did that
Revolting. A Big Mac is a thing of beauty, flavor, and American pride. That was blasphemy.
Processed fat is indeed bad. Now, if you're eating almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds etc. you're good to go.
A drunk eats when he's loaded, a real one eats when he's not.
Hoegaarden is my favorite
go to mcdonalds and order a double cheeseburger, add lettuce and mac sauce. Thank me later.
Ya know what you don’t see
Flour, cake mix yes, flour no
Fresh veggies
Fresh fruit
Mushrooms -ever
Seeds and nuts,unless candy coated
Americans really love cancer do they
That pic has been posted 100s of times over the past 4 years
This is only like 3 or 4 days of food, you'd need to stockpile more to survive any kind of SHTF situation.
the correct answer
I think even less, he needs water to survive. All that is just different forms of sugar.
Are those hotdogs that he's drowsing in milkshake??
Winter is harsh, gotta accumulate a protective layer.
>This is only like 3 or 4 days of food,
It's a hurricane not the eruption of Yellowstone.
Soda is mostly water, it has all the extra but it's still majority water.
Good way to get kidney stones. Water is non-negotiable. You can live for a long time without food, but without water you are fucking dead.
Unless you have diabates or need sugar doses to survive I wouldnt stockpile any soda or candies. Better just bulk up food that will last a long time and lots of water.
gotta get those calories
Our existence is a joke.We were born only to suffer and die.
lot of exaggeration here. It's just a pretty lame desert. Nobody anywhere treats it as some kind of delicacy, but you're not gonna die if you eat one
this doesn't work anymore. double cheeseburger is ~2 and mcds charges .30 for mac sauce and .30 for lettuce now. cheaper just to get the actual big mac using app coupons
>this is what Euros eat in an emergency
Like pie crust and frosting.
Kind of dry and sugary, but they make a decent snack.
>only one fucking Crunch bar
What the fuck. Crunch bars are the best candy bars, by a huge margin.
Thank you, Switzerland.
That's fucking gross.
we don't have emergencies because we didn't settle in the hurricane lanes
God Im Scared right now. That's driving distance.
>Crunch bars are the best candy bars, by a huge margin
look at this dumb nigger
What is processed fat?
>t. bad taste in candy
Canola oil, basedbean oil, cottonseed oil etc.
where is the protein! then I saw the slim jims. Nah this guy has all his macros in check. Sage
Oh. I've just never heard them called processed.
On that note, why the FUCK does every condiment have basedbean oil in it?
Not literally every one, some hot sauces are safe but, 95% at least.
I couldn't find real mayonnaise in walmart for the first time this past week.
They sell Trolli in the US? They deserve it, I bet it goes great with the rest of their subpar confectionery.
Sieg Haribo
It’s actially not a bad plan in a survival situation. You want calories that easily assimilated. Sugar and carbs don’t require a lot of energy to absorb. Short term it’s a good idea. That’s why a lot of survival rations are high in sugar.
Thats fucking disgusting desu
To be fair, if a big enough emergency were to hit, I'd likely rather submerse myself in hedonism for a little bit than actually live.