>The only time you should eat stuff like that is during an emergency.
this guy gets it.
This is what the Amerimutt eats during an emergency
Not so much like cardboard, but sugar. Lots of sugar. Hints of "Whatever flavor you bought"
Non-perishable, calorie-dense foods in waterproof packaging. I would have probably got a bit less sugar and stocked up on things like nuts, dried fruit, and some canned foods instead. But at least user won't be going hungry.
Typical nigger diet
like a less sweet sugar cookie filled with thick jelly topped with hard icing
And maybe some fucking water? I only see two bottles of water. Two.
you can see some scary shit when you look at the carts of niggers and fat people at walmart
I think I'm going to puke. Please somebody, post some gore.
Thats fucking diabetus
Everything bad about capitalism