Why aren't millennials getting jobs?

Why aren't millennials getting jobs?

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Because they’re socially inept entitled retards. Ask any employer.

Because (((they))) give out student loans

None of them want to work unpaid internships for a potential full time job two years down the line.

The % of the population that is white is going down with each generation.

Out sourcing, mass-immigration and dis-interested/corrupt politicians incompetently managing the economy. The jobs simply don't exist. In Ausrtalia our rate of unemployment is over 11% with unemployment for younger men being much higher.

that just means we are rich and don't realize it.
Honestly my parents might not look it,
but they could afford to support me my whole life at a middle class income. I am 37, They wont of curse. its all so dumb
this whole boomer everyone needs a job thing needs to die.

>April 17 2022

WHY was this article written in 2022 Shlomo?

Because they come into their interviews smelling like the worst weed imaginable, and if by some freak accident they're likeable enough during the interview they're too stupid to figure out how to pass a drug test.

Because they're retarded.

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Nobody will hire me. I've got an IQ of 140 and do all sorts of freelance programmer shit for money but nobody will actually give me a job.

>men without jobs
>pic is a white guy
Yeah, I totally buy this narrative.

I can't compete for entry-level jobs that women with 15 years experience are applying for because they want a change of scenery. All other options are very low paid service jobs with no benefits. I'd rather not bother instead of making 1000 a month and wanting to blow my head off before and after every shift.

Because they are shit workers. They come into an office and think that they can change everything to suit them. I have to fire these assholes all of the time for laziness and subversion.

Why work when I get my neetbux for doing nothing?

>has a hiring pipeline that selects for SJWs
>blames millenials for his own shitty business practices
boomers, boomers never change

>April 17, 2022
>1 post by this ID

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>potential full time

lol. businesses, being smart would just use you like a whore for those 2 yrs, get whatever productivity out of you and then drop kick your ass out the door

Nogs don't want to work, and managers won't hire more than a certain number of whites to fulfill the diversity quota

because they haven't given me any?
kill yourself faggot boomer

>You need 3 years of experience for this entry level position
This is why.

t. millennial at min wage job where the company wants 1 year supervisory experience before they'll promote me

Wtf am I supposed to do as a 30yo NEET? I failed out of uni being immature and have no job history, no references, no nothing. I am normal and well read and it would surprise people irl that I'm a NEET. All my old friends are successful and have houses and wives and I'm a loser. Should I go back and finish uni or what? idk how I'd even finance it with defaulted stu loans


I get shit every time I roll for that Pic.

Just go to a community college, with FAFSA I was spending $300 a semester

Conservative Millennial's do have jobs. It's the limp wristed liberal men with a degree in women's studies that are the 30%

I think I used all my pell grant up unless it restarts after so many yrs? I know I could finish my BA easily but I have defaulted federal loans which prevent any new aid

Millennial men know that it is easier to start mass wildfires than to work and pay taxes while the political parties import millions from the 3rd world.

I'm self employed.

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I mean what are you supposed to do as a white guy?

It’s pretty rough even if you have a good degree and little debt.

meaning: not willing to work for starvation wages under the table like an illegal migrant is.

>illegal twerk



25yo boomer here

Most fellow men my age have lots of college debt & a useless degree. They'd get a $11/hr job and complain about having no money leftover every month. I offer some free financial advice and check their expenses... 30% is all to booze and weed and stupid shit, baka. I know a few that try to milk disability or milk off their parents... one of them actually get their gf to be the breadwinner and they just stay NEET.

Very few are financially stable, with a gf or wife & children.

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>he doesn't live in a blue state that launches a scud storm of grant money at you for college

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>entry level
>require 1-3 years of experience
>requires references of said past experience
Pretty much every application ever. If you're fortunate enough to get a paid internship, that's good on you but those bitches are competitive as FUCK. I start filling out my applications next summer, as is everybody else...

because they get useless degrees and have no employable skills?

because globalist kikes exported all the blue collar jobs to china in order to save themselves more money, thus concentrating more wealth in the upper class and making the chinese rich, who are in turn buying up all the land in the west.

because the student loan shilling kikes pushed the university meme instead of a "get a trades" job

these are probably the 3 main factors...

Keep rollin rollin rollin. YEAH!

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interest rates
income taxes

>socially inept retards
In previous generations men were given work to do and they did it.

NOW employers have turned most jobs into informational middlemen where you are supposed to do lots of talking without getting anything done
>lots of talking without getting anything done
Now which of the two sexes is better at talking a lot and not getting anything done? Which of the two sexes would actually prefer just chatting with each other and accomplishing nothing?

It's almost like society making the workforce more female-friendly had the effect of making it hostile to men

I went to work for a company in the hood because I knew their standards were wishful thinking and they couldn't really adhere to them. Established professionals aren't going to work around violent niggers all day everyday. After I finish my third year I'm out.

In the old days death would have claimed us

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i'm surprised more people don't lie on their application

I have a degree that should be employable but has become saturated due to lies about the job market pumped out by the industry and colleges.


I guess this is a legit clothing line. I kinda want one now.

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cuz women are in the workforce. you can't give everyone a job and women are often given it just because they are women.

US has no more jobs

Boomers were here first, fair is fair, pay your rent and taxes

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I’m gen z I guess. 21. I work a summer job and I work for my dads small business as his only employee about 2 days a week year round. All while being a full time college student.

I know financially he is more than breaking even. though he is paying for my school. I don’t enjoy living at home but it is free, it’s also gonna be at least another 3 years before I graduate because I switched schools.

So I try not to feel guilty. Compared to my other brothers I’m a huge success. No DUI’s or dropping out.


>a degree that should be employable

you are not entitled to anything except a vote, you must suck that corporate dick like everyone else. notice nobody in your university told you it would be like this once you graduate? gee i wonder why.

you can thank globalist kikes for racing us to the bottom so that they could build their own personal piles of money, they pushed all that wealth into china just to save sliver of it and now your societies are poorer for it.

the west needs to turn full nationalist protectionist if it hopes to stand any chance of not collapsing within our lifetime.

It's so easy....


Because my boomer parents give me money
They also gave me a multi million dollar beach house to avoid the embarrassment of having their NEET wizard son still living wiht them

Purify me Russell

The businesses that control my industry literally bank rolled multiple schools to deflate wages and increase competition for jobs.
Over the past ten years the number of schools for my program has doubled due to colleges looking to make bank on idiots like me and industry bucks.

I fell like the internet has something to do with it, but I can't figure out what.

>society turns to shit
>education turns to shit
>begging groceries at walmart now requires 3 years of experience and a bachelors, even then you can get fired any second because you are white and dont fill diversity quota
>future looks ever worse
>economy is shit
>being told you are toxic white racist at every turn

wonder why

This includes all races. If you narrow it to white or whites and asians the percentage is quite low.

probably has something to do with the fact that almost everyone does 4+ years of college instead of working straight away

What the fuck, are you a time traveler

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>begging groceries at walmart now requires 3 years of experience and a bachelors, even then you can get fired any second because you are white and dont fill diversity quota
not true at all lmao

Too busy innawoods. She works, I build our home and operate.

Just got offered a 6 month internship at a healthcare consulting company with a base pay of $30/hr and a good chance of it turning into a permanent position.

They don't have wives because of feminism, so there's no point.

Ban women from having careers. This forces them to marry instead, AND opens up the job market for men at the same time. It's a win-win.

>The businesses that control my industry literally bank rolled multiple schools to deflate wages and increase competition for jobs.

i see your point, if they truly lied about supply of work in the industry then yes your demand for the credentials would be misplaced.

how could you not know though? if you just mentioned which industry it was i could probably figure out a lot myself




no good jobs

Good luck, hope it works out well for you.

Checked and underrated

sure you do Einstien

video games addiction
internet addiction
pornography addiction
junk food addiction
mental illness due to isolation and stress because of fore-mentioned reasons

Also too be fair I did know and wanted to drop out halfway through but was convinced by my parents and lack of a bachelor's degree.
I agree I made a poor choice.

>my dads small business
Nobody count family business like experience.

Because they're spics and niggers.

I have a job. I've nailed every interview I've ever had.

kek but serious they have too high standards of who they want to hire

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>not engaged in the workforce at all
why are these different categories

>I agree I made a poor choice.
you will eventually reach the point where your undergrad no longer matters, trust me it sucks for hte first few years but you will eventually get out this hole.

someone posted this in another thread:

globalists offshored White industries and propped up a dead economy with the low interest rates by Fed and other central banks to hyperinflate huge increases in real estate prices which have led to less White people being able to afford to buy adequate real estate for their family so families are having NO kids instead of 3-4 kids and many families are never formed in the first place because people are priced out of the real estate market compared to their wages (even with the low interest rates) so not even 1-2 kid families are forming at the needed replacement level.

Only single moms on welfare can make kids since the government pays for their real estate needs.

Then to "fix" this problem caused by low interest rates causing high real estate prices Government in USA has allowed immigration of tens of millions of illegals and tens of millions of poos/chinks which has further worsened the problem by depressing wages for 50% of people and by further increasing the demand for real estate leading to ever higher real estate prices.

and i thought it was pretty accurate.

its okay to be angry, speak with your vote and vote as far right as possible, its the only way out of this mess.

Since this is a job thread, how do I get experience to set myself apart from the thousands of other students graduating in a few months? I want to get into migration/intelligence/counterterrorism but a single piece of paper won't be enough. Asthma basically excludes me from military service and I'm already learning two other languages, not sure what else to do though.
Cheers Jow Forums

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spics and niggers

Because governments doesn't want admitte that the real numbers are so fuck higher.

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probably stop posting on pol unfortunately since you fucking nany state will look into your internet history if you go for any type of intelligence job.

Because they all wasted time / money going to classes in colleges instead of learning the trades / hard knocks of the working world.

I don't have an undergrad.
I got in with just my 2 years of prerequisites.
It's pharmacy or something else at this point.
Trying to get my license in additional states already got two but I am admittedly dragging my feet because I hate the job so much.


You can just sit on your ass and be poor, there is no reason to work for it.


The competition is almost double what it was 50 years ago.

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most people change careers 3 times throughout their lives, the sooner you realise that you will work live, not live to work, the sooner you will be happier and more productive.

i dont like my job but it pays a shitload of money so i do it because it enables me to do the things i do love to do which is hunting, sports and chasing women.

find what you love and fill your free time with that, your 9-5 will be easier when you spend it dreaming about that white tail or whatever it is you want to really be pursuing

People will ignore this because it's the only solution

>NOW employers have turned most jobs into informational middlemen where you are supposed to do lots of talking without getting anything done
i was recently employed and am in this situation. it's great. i get paid to shit around and inefficiently do things. I have my own business developing on the side, so an 8 hr break that i get paid for is pretty nice. traffic sucks, however.

You forgot the core reason that caused all these addictions: lack of societal identity, which causes nihilism and encourages hedonism.
Society has no morals.
Society has no God.
Society is no family.
Society has no future.
Men who lack a cause to live for are men who will lack the will to work. I'm surprised that majority of millenial men still work.

The great depression peak unemployment was 25%. And often much lower.

White men are at 30% now and have been for a decade or more.

In ten years the number of white male suicides will skyrocket. Leaving behind broken homes, fatherless children, and destitute women.

When retirement comes the survivors will slip quickly into poverty being unable to afford medicine, food, or lodging. They will have no pensions, no 401ks, no ability to work. And they will die on the streets or be shoved into group homes.

America is done. Its over. The moment they implimented Cultural Marxism and induced defensive apathy it was over.

We are a walking corpse with most people to dumb to realize it.

short of out right physically beating women back into the kitchen, this solution is pretty infeasible.

you arnt just going to undo the jew poison that is feminism, its rotten our society to the core.

best you can hope for is total reset by letting it collapse through no longer paying taxes. that will take years though many in your family will starve or die in violence though

Do you all think them giving out student loans is a bit like them encouraging gambling, but for (or on) children and children’s futures?

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