Because they're retarded.
Why aren't millennials getting jobs?
Nobody will hire me. I've got an IQ of 140 and do all sorts of freelance programmer shit for money but nobody will actually give me a job.
>men without jobs
>pic is a white guy
Yeah, I totally buy this narrative.
I can't compete for entry-level jobs that women with 15 years experience are applying for because they want a change of scenery. All other options are very low paid service jobs with no benefits. I'd rather not bother instead of making 1000 a month and wanting to blow my head off before and after every shift.
Because they are shit workers. They come into an office and think that they can change everything to suit them. I have to fire these assholes all of the time for laziness and subversion.
Why work when I get my neetbux for doing nothing?
>has a hiring pipeline that selects for SJWs
>blames millenials for his own shitty business practices
boomers, boomers never change
>April 17, 2022
>1 post by this ID
>potential full time
lol. businesses, being smart would just use you like a whore for those 2 yrs, get whatever productivity out of you and then drop kick your ass out the door
Nogs don't want to work, and managers won't hire more than a certain number of whites to fulfill the diversity quota