Increasing white immigration

Instead of trying to eliminate most of immigration to stop the Hispanic invasion, is it possible that finding a way to increase European immigration dramatically is the answer to stopping it? Maybe when their governments collapse from all the welfare for blacks and muslims?

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I quit believing in the USA a few months ago. Nothing is going to change this place. I will teach my kids loyalty to their race and that’s it. There will be no American flags in my house or on my property.

Disgrace. The American flag is a symbol of whites achievements.

stop referring to all Hispanics, idiot all are Mexicans in your country the illegals are 36,000,000

I think if Trump successfully gets his policy change through that prevents people from immigrating with out proving they won't be a drain on the state things will dramatically improve. Immigrants will be Europeans and Asians... blacks and hispanics will get to hear "fuck off loser".

Now the other central american people are coming in large numbers so we say Hispanics.

Now everything makes sense

Cut off all immigration you cocksucker. Ethnic diversity even WITHIN races is bad which is a topic Jow Forums never seems to want to talk about. America becoming populated entire by poles destroys its uniquenesss as a nation just as much as it becoming populated entirely by spics.

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I think it will help, but it will only slow it down. Not end it.

>and asians
Sink the gooks, those insects have got to go as well

What are you going on about? Slavs fit in perfectly in America as long as it is not a super liberal area because we aren’t completely pussified like Western Europe is.

The Poles are smart and good people, of course next to the Germans and northern Italians are garbage

You guys need to stop with the track suits, tho. It's fuckin gay as shit.


They are pushing blacks and hispanics out of places so they are good allies

To import more white Euros...the 1965 Hart/Cellar Immigration Act has to be done away, with.

Italians were better back before the 90’s. They became real pricks afterwards.

Asians, along with Whites, are the only two races that can actually want to live near each other. All the rest would risk their lives, even their childrens' lives, just to get away from their own kind. A "china town" 20 miles away is the kind of diversity I like. The culture killing mixing is what I hate. The idea of an are being "too white" or "not diverse enough". Asians are fine by me... especially if they're not south asians.

Most Hispanics are mixed to all hell at this point. If you want to find more pure ones either look in Europe or rich areas in general. I know Brazil essentially has a sort of caste system.

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Only the northern Italians are true Italians

I expect white people will be fleeing Europe soon. we can take refugees of European ancestry.

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you did not understand me, South America is not pure hispanic, without a mixture of Germans, Welsh, French, Italians etc, but they speak Spanish

I don't think americans understand how hard it is for Europeans/Canadian to move to united states.
Unless you are married to an American, are wealthy or gets hired by an American company it's more or less impossible.

Meanwhile, literate Mexicans are flooding the borders and making Spanish the first language in Arizona. You really need to need to fix your migration policy, America.

I want to visit my country men in minnesota

Most Europeans don't want to immigrate here, if we changed our immigration policy to be 100% white the numbers would fall dramatically.

The Irish just come. ICE/INS doesn't mess with them. When you look at the stats, there are tens/hundreds of thousands of Irish illegals. And, the US Gov't deports like 4 of them a year after they get busted for kiddie diddling or some other sick perverted shit. I suspect it would be the same for you. Everyone wants more whites in the US- most especially our law enforcement.

Just do what Russians and other Eastern Europeans do and have a baby here.

>canadian immigrants

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The only white thing left in Canada is the snow.

Even Indians are ok half the time. Some are pricks.

Indians are Aryans though

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The Indians i've meet have always been good people. Indians iq is pretty low so i think we in the west only get the smart ones,

You'd make Europe even more of a shithole, and spoil more whites into your meme culture.

Uruguay is the whitest SA place genetically. They are tiny.

Yeah. Indians don't bother me because they work and they're not violent. They tend to not be entitled - actually willing to work for what they have. I wish they'd get over the birth control disaster from the 1970's though and start planning birth again instead of just reproducing like bacteria.

They do not want spics, but if pajeets?

Yeah most Indians that usually have some money and education

Uruguay was founded by citizens of Buenos Aires, Uruguay was an Argentine province, nothing more

You all are cucks. There is no bargaining when it comes to culture. They are either in you vicinity and exert influence on you or they are not. We have enjoyed the latter for so long here in the US, it will be hell when the pendulum swings the other way. I supoose ignorance is bliss for these millenials who are liberal, race blind, and ignorant of their culture and history. I will be dying by the time of the onset of the new regime. Fuck this place. I hope at least someone learns from the mistakes of these Christians who fought for the Union and pushed the Civil Rights act and Hart Cellar through.

Maybe. Most Natives here in the states are heavily mixed with whites. They have the highest interracial marriage and birth rate here and it’s always with whites.

>cause eu to collapse
>instigate and encourage open warfare between muslims and euros
>aid muslims covertly
>cede europe to sandniggers in return for europoors to be sent to america
America is now 90%+ Euro, all filled with rage as to what happened in Europe. Resources of North America, + American military would be enough to retake and cleanse Europe, glass the middle east, and make Euros permanently aware, never to relax

I don't think most Europeans want to move here.

What do you expect from poor farmers? They need workers

This is the next step of Trump's masterplan

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>Brazil essentially has a sort of caste system.
Every latin american country

Not really, it would just be most slavic. There is a reason we have a decent illegal slavic population.

European cites are more convenient and have better public transportation. European education and social services are also better. They also would not want to deal with the religiosity of Americans and they themselves do not want to lose their culture to the American Anglo-mishmash

I'd happily welcome white Australians and South Africans instead.

SA is too risky because everyone sucks commie Nelson Mandelas dick

Indians are objectively worse than spics once they reach a critical mass. If the population is saturated enough that you see lots of them on the street you can guarantee that if your sister/gf/cousin gets on the bus with enough of them she's getting bangbanged by 20 4.5" peckers. At least with Jose its just the one guy doing the raping.

Europeans will get used to cheap gas and cars quick

In the year 2050
>Europeans flee 80% white continent
>Americans flee 30% white continent

Which makes more sense?

Europe and Siberia together are still over 90% white
Europe alone is slightly whiter

I agree, how do we get Italians and Irish out of America? They've been nothing but trouble. Just look at the most famous Italian Americans, they're fucking mobsters

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With out Eastern Europe, Europe would be a caliphate where no one could pass the paper bag test.

Not going to happen. It’s harder to move people to 25 different places then move people to one place. Plus Europes democracy crap is shit compared to our republic. We would of lost our government to minorities already if we had their mob rule way of doing things.

Asians don't rape your women and destroy your neighborhoods
we have our differences sure but I'd so much rather have Asian neighbors than black ones

Me too. I want to move to europe soon. Maybe racial nationalist should flood europe in massive numbers. Europe is our homeland, our holy land and should not be lost

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We need to pass the RAISE act. Fuck spics and fuck negroes.

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you can't have both a white population boom in Europe and have all those people leave and go to the United States. You can't have both.

Why would we want Europeans?

Whites want to live near other Whites. Asians want to live near other asians. That's not true of any other race in existence. Hispanics will drowned their children in the Rio Grand to get away from their own kind. Blacks and Arabs will drowned their children in the seas. All other races will do anything, risk anything, not to have to be near their own kind. Asians: Chinatown. Blacks: It's racist to make us live near other blacks (aka high crime areas), the gov't needs to set diversity quotas on where people can live based on skin color.

I’m not letting this country become a spic hellhole. I rather have the lowest of Europeans than filthy Mexicans.

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sweet vision user

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>Why would we want Europeans?
They’re easily preferable to cuckfederates who worship nonwhites.

You aren't European, you're American.

If I had to choose between Europeans OR Latin Americans, I'd choose the former. But why take in either? This land should be for those native-born here, not for any foreigner.

Because Eastern European women are still healthy enough to produce healthy babies. Meanwhile, American women in West Virginia weigh 600 lbs and need $800USD in diabetes medicine a month just to keep them alive.

This. Purge the browns out of Europe by filling Europe with racist whites.

Only 7% US immigration year after year is from Europe and that isn't counting illegal immigration.

Because they’re right wingers most of the time. Not to mention they would save our demographics. If you want to be an anti-white nigger lover that’s fine by me. Things won’t be going in your direction. The majority of white americans love Euros.

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>hating the cultural shift importation of foreigners causes makes me anti-white

The confederates were the biggest negro lovers in history. They make democrats look like right wing nationalists.

end 65' 68' and birthright citizenship.

It's literally only because nonwhites make you look good in comparison. I live in a heavily russified neighborhood in Philadelphia and the only reason the russkies are even a bit tolerable is because the alternative is niggers and spics. Yeah slavic immigrants are better than niggers but "better than nigs" is such a low standard it's basically worthless.

If all nonwhites were removed from the US tomorrow there would be a resurgence of ethnic strife between various white groups. The nativists were right and we will pay dearly for not listening to them.

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