Increasing white immigration

What are you going on about? Slavs fit in perfectly in America as long as it is not a super liberal area because we aren’t completely pussified like Western Europe is.

The Poles are smart and good people, of course next to the Germans and northern Italians are garbage

You guys need to stop with the track suits, tho. It's fuckin gay as shit.


They are pushing blacks and hispanics out of places so they are good allies

To import more white Euros...the 1965 Hart/Cellar Immigration Act has to be done away, with.

Italians were better back before the 90’s. They became real pricks afterwards.

Asians, along with Whites, are the only two races that can actually want to live near each other. All the rest would risk their lives, even their childrens' lives, just to get away from their own kind. A "china town" 20 miles away is the kind of diversity I like. The culture killing mixing is what I hate. The idea of an are being "too white" or "not diverse enough". Asians are fine by me... especially if they're not south asians.

Most Hispanics are mixed to all hell at this point. If you want to find more pure ones either look in Europe or rich areas in general. I know Brazil essentially has a sort of caste system.

Attached: brazil-rich-and-poor.jpg (1200x802, 432K)

Only the northern Italians are true Italians