This was voted on in Australian senate

>this was voted on in Australian senate

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Other urls found in this thread:;query=Id:"chamber/journals/138bdd01-2bdf-4766-93e7-03b5b104e5c8/0042"

did you just wake up from a bender bogan? Been posted a billion times already

>It isn't okay to be white in Australia

Attached: aussie score.jpg (567x354, 67K)

>Imagine the shitstorm if you replaced white with jew

>It's officially NOT ok to be white in Australia

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Australia in a serious attempt to take the puckered butt hole title from Canada.

On to phase two then:
-Identify which senators voted no
-Hammer them over this endlessly, hold protests outside their offices (even just one person with a sign will attract counter protesters and attention)
-see them voted out
Anyone know what party lines it went down on? I'm expecting Liberals voted in favor and everyone else voted no?

Just Pauline trying to gain some attention so she doesn't become irrelevant.

fucking this, who are the filthy kike pets?

>-Identify which senators voted no
>-Hammer them over this endlessly, hold protests outside their offices (even just one person with a sign will attract counter protesters and attention)
>-see them voted out

>Australians actually doing something like this

Laughable, we are extremely apathetic when it comes to politics, the majority of people really couldn't give a shit about this, the only people who get worked up are sjw's and nationalists.

>It's literally not okay to be white in the penal colony

I put all my faith in friendlyjordies even if they are left leaning union loving cunts. At least they're funny.

>fuck off we're fu--

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I like him too.

The problem is our two biggest cities, Sydney and Melbourne contain at least 1/3 of the population and they are both pozzed shitholes. The latte sippers around the country are outraged that this got so many votes. According to the literati, it is a white supremecist alt-right thing to say that whites are OK.

This country is fucked.

Attached: iLoveBeingWhite.jpg (500x335, 66K)

All our green parts are pretty much full, if you want to go live in the desert I have no problem with it.

why the fuck hasn't anyone posted the names of the senators that voted against this yet?

They are literal race traitors

Australians are caring a lot fucking more lately, this is just fuel to the fire

Bullshit you're not allowed to go and live in the desert it's 100% privately owned or owned by Chinese

It wouldn't matter if there names were posted, hardly anyone would be outraged.

Blatant racism. We will no longer tolerate intolerance by anti-white bigots

they rejected the rise of anti-white racism and attacks on western civilisation, they didn't know "it's okay to be white" is a meme. fucking idiots.

Can do the same thing with the great plains in the US lad.

Probably because of the recent coup, and them caring is probably not in your favor or any nationalist leanings.

Are you ready for Bill?

I'll get a list soon, but basically greens and ALP

pretty based that the Liberals etc voted for it

Well tbf, they are probably kikes so they're not race traitors.... we have too many kikes in parliament considering we have only a few hundred thousand Jews here

damn.. guess it's not ok to be white

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Derryn Hinch
Tim Storer
Stirling Griff
Rex Patrick

These are the independents that effectively blocked it. The Greens voted no (what a surprise), as did the Union movement. Two of those independents would have pushed it over the line.

Let this be a lesson to all AUS anons. Next federal election, get behind the Australian Conservatives and vote for their candidates in the Senate. If they get a block of 5 or 6 senators, they can keep the commies in check and ensure none of this shit will continue.

IM outraged. I don't care if you're too limp-dicked to give a shit.

Whoever voted for this crap needs to be voted out of office, and any australian I meet or talk to is going to get a mouthful about this.

How the FUCK can a white politician stand up and tell the WHITE PEOPLE HE REPRESENTS that there's something wrong with their skin color. How the FUCK? How can you ever vote for someone like that. He is expressly saying "fuck you, you don't matter, fuck off".

This vote just identified every traitor in your fucking senate and you DONT CARE?

>Australian Conservatives

You've got to be joking.

fucking this. I'd love to live out there and start new, it's not even that much desert, half of it looks like Utah

Pic related
>West MacDonnell Range, Australia

Attached: images-237.jpg (858x357, 34K)

By the way Australia your Senate Website is NOT intuitive at all. Get your shit together.;query=Id:"chamber/journals/138bdd01-2bdf-4766-93e7-03b5b104e5c8/0042"

Screencap attached, too many lines for a post apparently.

Attached: These senators think it's NOT okay to be right.png (1061x906, 60K)


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I really just don't care.

>who even is Bob Katter

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lol scooped

Bob is an absolute madman.

Why - what's your alternative?

Bernardi is a based as they come, and they're running candidates in every state. Would you prefer to see more Greens?

Listen to Cory's podcast. He's a bro.

Ban the Burka - check
Halve immigration - check
Stop 451 Visa abuse - check
Stand up to China - proposed Royal Commission into the commies - check
Throw out migrants that cheat welfare - check
Put Australians first - check

What's not to like?

Attached: bigCory.jpg (620x399, 23K)

> Gooks
> Living in the desert.

How would this even work?

I vote Labor.

thanks burger, truly are our greatest ally

How do Australian Senate elections work? I see that each state gets a dozen senators and some other territories get two each: Does all of each state get to vote on all 12 senators, or is it districted even further? I'm thinking of buying targetted facebook ads.

Bob is OK for Lebo, but he's basically an agrarian socialist. I was involved in the KAP for the QLD state elections when they first started. It was a disaster. Bob is charismatic, but has no fucking idea how to run a party or a political campaign.

>Halve immigration - check
Why not drop it to zero unless it's whites from anglo nations? Fuck letting in more non-whites.

Chinese colonist detected

He's gonna put all those city slickers into gulags.

Is that like "I barrack for team X"?
Hopefully you actually consider the issues, the candidates and the policies they support prior to submitting your vote, and do not emulate the herds here in Australia who vote for a political party because their Mum and Dad did.

>the motion was defeated

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You never cease to destroy my sides aussies, jesus christ

Nah just your run of the mill anglo-celt, nothing exotic.

As a worthless NEET who does not fit into society I am going to vote for whoever will support my comfy NEET lifestyle, so naturally Labor and the Greens are my top pick.

No, you fucking idiot. You just shoot them and rape and kill their families.

Okay maybe not the rape part if you don't want to get caught.

>not a single white person

Game was rigged from the started

>tfw your Senate also shitposts

Better image with corrected filename and link included for better sharing. SPREAD THIS.

Attached: These australian senators think it's NOT okay to be white.png (1061x906, 79K)

You pretty much hit the nail on the head, it's nothing more than Pauline shitposting.

Why haven't australians tried to terraform their dessert by digging rivers fed by the ocean?

You have THAT MANY non-white senators? What the fuck Oz, even the one (1) black senator voted in favor.

I dunno, our government doesn't like to do much, back in the 70s there was a push to get more people to move inland and build cities, one town was Albury-Wodonga which is now quite large, but the government ended up pulling the plug on the idea.

I swear every boomer who's anti white will be gassed and forever remembered in history as the worst generation to exist in humanity.

that empty area is basically an unsurvivable wasteland.

There is no phase two.

Whenever we have Federal elections (roughly every 3 years), we also vote for half the Senate positions. Doesn't matter where you live in your state, you vote for the "pool" of people nominating to run for Senate positions in the state. Senators are elected for 6 years - Representatives for 3 years.

Right now, neither major party has a majority in the Senate. The biggets 3rd party bloc are the Greens with 9 votes. There are another 9 "independents" with varying views.

Greens almost always vote with Labor (left wing), but those two together aren't enough for a majority. They rely on other independents - as do the government - to get anything passed.

Getting 5 or 6 Conservatives in at the next election would place an awesome sanity check there to temper the left and keep the right, right.

My opinion of course...but fuck the commies.

Fax them IOTBW papers on Halloween.

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If you're thinking of targeted facebook ads, wait for someone to do up an infographic with names and faces, then just spread that by ads.

Name the fucking traitors

>These 31 senators agreed that "it is NOT okay to be white" in Australia
then just post a portrait with name, party, district and "it is not okay to be white" for every senator

Then do this at the bottom
>These 3 senators refused to comment
That's right, centrists get the gas too

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In Australia it's legally not ok to be white

It's not ok to be in Australia in the first place.

>literally not ok to be white in Australia

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So it's like a disability or something?

whomever thought up the motion is a shitposting god

false, it is privately owned by foreign countries

see here, it's not all desert wasteland >everything outside the city is wasteland goy, just stay here and don't mind everyone buying up "worthless sand" in the country

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We also have a the racial discrimination act of 1975 thats supposed to prevent people from discriminating a race in public. Senators that voted no are criminals.

>Senatorial shitposting

>it is not okay to be white in australia
Holy fucking shit the chinks got ya good huh Bruce

>because there is vacant land we must import millions of violent rapists with no skills

What's privileges do they have now that they own that land? Are they building factories there or what?

Get a job you worthless bum

Mines and shit.


Oh boy even the PM thinks it's bad that some of his senators backed the motion

3rd spill when?

Ever seen the mad mad movies? They are set in the deserts of australia. Nobody lives there because it is just like the movies. A fucking wasteland.

You can add
>These senators are criminals in violation of the Racial Discrimination Act of 1975

I'll do it myself tonight after I get home from work, if no one does it before then

The Aborigines burnt it all down user
It was a paradise and now its a wasteland

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