This was voted on in Australian senate

>It's literally not okay to be white in the penal colony

I put all my faith in friendlyjordies even if they are left leaning union loving cunts. At least they're funny.

>fuck off we're fu--

Attached: 1528703305965.png (720x760, 235K)

I like him too.

The problem is our two biggest cities, Sydney and Melbourne contain at least 1/3 of the population and they are both pozzed shitholes. The latte sippers around the country are outraged that this got so many votes. According to the literati, it is a white supremecist alt-right thing to say that whites are OK.

This country is fucked.

Attached: iLoveBeingWhite.jpg (500x335, 66K)

All our green parts are pretty much full, if you want to go live in the desert I have no problem with it.

why the fuck hasn't anyone posted the names of the senators that voted against this yet?

They are literal race traitors

Australians are caring a lot fucking more lately, this is just fuel to the fire

Bullshit you're not allowed to go and live in the desert it's 100% privately owned or owned by Chinese

It wouldn't matter if there names were posted, hardly anyone would be outraged.