Be honest Jow Forums

Does it bother you that within your lifetime (30-50 years or sooner for certain countries) the average person in Europe and everywhere else in the west will look like the baby in pic related?

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Other urls found in this thread:

i dont really care what happens to white people desu. asians are superior in every conceivable way.

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Are you Asian? If not that sounds like cuck mentality tbqh.
Why and do you have any children?

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Also do you think if Asians were subjected to the same relentless indoctrination over the course of decades that Europeans have been, that they would come out ontop? Genuinely curious.

Me on the right.

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>muh victim complex


jesus thats the gayest facial hair ive ever seen

All of which have have gotten their skin whitened and facial reconstruction surgery to look more Caucasian.

>every conceivable way
except at having souls or any shred of creativity hence why they are wearing European traditional clothing.

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goodbye blue eyes

Full beard now and 3 beautiful children later.

I met alot of haters but her and I survived them all.

My mom even ended up marrying her dad.
I wish alot more people were open to real love

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Blue eyes are a meme.

It’s a wigger neckbeard

That black woman has very dark skin, but her face structure looks white or even asian. Is she mixed?

No. Mixed blacks are infinitely better than pure blacks.

Attached: mahomes.jpg (1200x934, 146K)

She could be a Somali, or some other East African.

>hetero couple

Attached: 9387571fefa44bf9fe00179bf29c5cc1--gay-couples-cute-gay-black-couples.jpg (736x736, 82K)

>both parents are attractive
>offspring looks like shit
Race-mixing not even once

Depends. It's hard to tell how a baby will turn out.

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Problem is not the race-mixing , which is rare, problem is the fact that shitskins are outbreeding you. Average person in 30-50 years will look like a middle eastern , because whites are not making enough children in Europe.

Sure, but the alternative is that some people will call me a racist and I can't deal with that.

Finally some feet.

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You mean not sterilizing enough Africans and Arabs.

The guy looks more like a cuck than a chad.

Not you again.

Ty new bb

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>Implying there hasn't been a concerted effort to indoctrinate Europeans with a kind of pathological altruism
It's sad that you can't even answer a simple question. Please go, Rabbi.

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With all honesty
two attractive parents but
a really ugly kid

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Who cares, the end result is the exact same: Demographic replacement of the native population. Stop pretending to be retarded please.

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Seems good to me. The less whites we get the less whining we get.

The new face of Europe soon

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We don't have many blacks here, and the mudslimes don't mix with us (luckily) as the religion too big a barrier.

We're fine.

No worries Björn

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That's what struck me. Even attractive black women can't produce a non-mongrel baby.

Jet black pussy is simply disgusting. It’s like dark gray and blood red inside.

Last time I was in france 9 months ago it was all this. The only whites left were working at coffee shops or cleaning up trash.

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>Goes on to show gloriously colorful nippon shopping street and beautiful script.

Excellent argument... Your strip malls are way more creative.

It will look like that only in Canaan (former Israel).
Now fuck off, jew.

>muh joos

even sadder

"Please fucking fetishize Asian males and Hapa males."
-Tenda Spencer EurasianTiger, r/hapas


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>The current face of the UK and France*

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sadely but the problem for the jewigarchy is that our niggs are uneployed.
So Who is going to pay taxes for Mr Nosenberg after the racemixing tragedy ?

Jews are dumb

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>Brown eyes

not anymore. I cant change peoples minds, but I can be the change I wanna see

Even sadder that your memes are stale.

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>that shnortzl
>that neanderthal chin
Congratulation. You are a jew who married a negress.

> Last time I was in france
* in Paris
Big cities are multicutural but that's not the case for many towns.

We should flee to africa seriously there is more niggs in paris subburbs than in africa

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Jesus jewanon. You are looking like a judenmeme. Right into my neanderthal hybrids folder you go.

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>Asian women are for losers
I've never seen anyone who projects more than Tenda.

>implying jews race-mix

You can tell it's his because of how it looks like neither of them.

It makes me so angry that I often want to commit suicide.

yuick nigger!
you didnt found something better than old russian alcoholic? with that lovely monkey nose?
try harder next time

Keep NPCing

I'm not even joking. When I think about what has been done to Europe I become incensed. It is a travesty. I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and help Hitler.

You look like an ftm

Nah Bong, we're good over here in the east.

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I got you, user.

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Never been to Paris.

I visited family in a few small towns, even the winery I visited growing up was all African workers.

Why the denial?

it only bothers me that the world will be populated by niggers only in 500yrs and then we have to start all over again

They do. How else they become mongrels?

Damn triple trans senpai. Guy is a girl, niggirl is a man, and they flip flopped the babbers. Sick shit

I get your point but why do people always post shit like this like it is the only demographic we should be concerned with? Nevermind the hordes of niggers and other mystery meat swarming into western Europe.

Of course it doesn't bother me. That's why I'm here celebrating multiculturalism with you guys instead of spreading xenophobia and hate on reddit or other antisemitic and toxic far-right sites.

The OP is a nigglet or a race traitor
shoot it down

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Nah. They may take over Europe, but that will only make white people more rare and therefore more valuable.
They won't run shit, because they can't. They couldn't lift their shithole countries out of the shit and they will fuck up Europe in the same fashion.

>be half german half black
>my German mother couldnt possibly be more of a regressive NPC if she tried
>the last time I saw my father (6 years ago) we had a nigga moment and I fractured his skull

Just another mutt, cruising through the USA

Really though women need beaten down and leashed.

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So no more wesely snipes or charlie murphies?


whatever i wouldnt even care if you would kys

Race doesn't matter user
• ᠌ ᠌ •

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I mean, how dare they? How fucking dare they? European culture has endured though millennia. Its people are special, unique, and because of that they have helped shape the world. This continent might as well be the entire planet, for all the influence it has had upon it.

Thousands of years of history, and what are they going to do with it?
It'll be gone - fucked beyond repair. In less than a century the very best of us will be washed away like a sandcastle at high-tide, to be replaced with mud and very little else.

It makes me sick. Physically sick. I hate this timeline.

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Weird, very weird.
Also, guy is a jew.
Nobody mentioned that. Adjust your fucking jewdars Anons.

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>half a millions yrs ago
>everyone was black
>some left, some stayed
>those that left left their race and mated with other speices
>they soon considered themselves the superior race even tho their new skin came with diseases and cancer
>now, in the year of our lord, 2050 and beyond, the white race is coming back to the black race
>the human race will be pure again

no. it doesnt bother me at all.

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I don't have pics for niggers Richard.

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Does it bother you that within a decade, if you keep up this degeneracy the average Pharisee like yourself will look like pic related?

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Sometimes African Americans look African with light skin or look (somewhat) European with dark skin

I saw you in the newspaper

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How about real theory, nigger (jew).
Homo Sapiens evolved in Euroasia. During Ice age, they were pushed south. Entered Africa and fucked bonobo like Homo Erectus. First nigger was born.
Now fuck off, yid.

What bothers me is that this shit is being promoted and Anglo’s being the eternal NPC’s they are, will blindly follow what the talmudvision and the ads on faceberg feed tell them to do, this sort of social programming is impossible in the slavic countries of Eastern Europe, why are you Anglo’s such souless NPC’s, is it because you have forsaken God and become Protestants???

No. Why would I care? I'm not racist.

>user needs affirmation
Priorities, user, priorities

OP is satirical or blind. Guy on the pic is jew.

Yes, it bothers me, and no, I'm not a filthy spic. I'm on me 'olidays lads. WAAAAY AYYYYYY BRITS ON TOUR!

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Sorry mate I forgot to specify this question is to white people, AKA Europeans only.

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no they aren't and they try to copy whites but can't. You can't copy tradition and those dresses are related to bavarian, austrian and north italian people. Asians have no connection to that and never will.

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No my point, this sort of advertising would not go down well at all in Eastern Europe, people would have no hesitation to call it out for what it is or mock the white guy for marrying a black person, yet, for some reason in Anglo societies this is seen as a virtue, has the Protestant work ethic turned Anglo’s into a society of souless worker drone’s???

Confirmed. Nigga is tranny. Still, adjust jewdar.

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Asian women are not for losers, they just are for everyone which includes losers.

It was a terrible mistake of me to ever try to find my "Asian side," because my Asian side will always betray me as much as my white side will; because both sides are white supremacists.
-Tenda Spencer eurasiantiger, r/hapas

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I don’t really care about the color of the future French people. I’m frightened by the fact the culture will be replaced by Islam and African bullshit.

> h-h-he m-must be a jooooo REEEE

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