Be honest Jow Forums

Yes, it bothers me, and no, I'm not a filthy spic. I'm on me 'olidays lads. WAAAAY AYYYYYY BRITS ON TOUR!

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Sorry mate I forgot to specify this question is to white people, AKA Europeans only.

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no they aren't and they try to copy whites but can't. You can't copy tradition and those dresses are related to bavarian, austrian and north italian people. Asians have no connection to that and never will.

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No my point, this sort of advertising would not go down well at all in Eastern Europe, people would have no hesitation to call it out for what it is or mock the white guy for marrying a black person, yet, for some reason in Anglo societies this is seen as a virtue, has the Protestant work ethic turned Anglo’s into a society of souless worker drone’s???

Confirmed. Nigga is tranny. Still, adjust jewdar.

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Asian women are not for losers, they just are for everyone which includes losers.

It was a terrible mistake of me to ever try to find my "Asian side," because my Asian side will always betray me as much as my white side will; because both sides are white supremacists.
-Tenda Spencer eurasiantiger, r/hapas

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I don’t really care about the color of the future French people. I’m frightened by the fact the culture will be replaced by Islam and African bullshit.

> h-h-he m-must be a jooooo REEEE

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