Tasks: Make memes and propaganda for Germany Spread and share said propaganda and memes on social media Always believe and have trust in Germany and the German people Beware of defeatist and leftist trolls
>nobody used coal/wood for heating anymore in the late 70s. IIRC they did (coal), especially in the less affluent boroughs. They started to change that in the 1980s.
No, she's an untalented, unqualified affirmative action pony from Palestine that's now a champagne socialist in Berlin.
Zachary Evans
>They started to change that in the 1980s. Really? I know that my grandparents used torf and coal till the late 60s / early 70s and then got gas. And they lived rural, I assumed that the city folks got gas even sooner.
Coal and wood is common in my area moreso wood than coal, I remember students in school walking by me smelled like their wood stoves in winter. Good smell!
Brayden Gonzalez
In Berlin they started to change it in the 1980s in the West, in the 1990s in the East (after reunification). In some poorer boroughs you smelt the coal heating during winter, it was all over the place.
LEL. Jetzt holen die schon die Eichel aus der Versenkung zurück.
Blake Turner
>In case of power outage press here >We'll hear you then
Blake Torres
>Die gesellschaftlichen Grundwerte, welche nach der Katastrophe des Kriegs die Soziale Marktwirtschaft in Deutschland entstehen liessen, sind heute verblasst. Die Rückbesinnung auf Werte wie Freiheit, Wettbewerb und Wohlstand für alle könnte zur Quelle neuen Vertrauens und neuer Zuversicht werden. nzz.ch/meinung/kopie-von-zurueck-zum-wirtschaftswunder-ld.1428150
Chase Perez
I want a German Friend!
>Oh user Ya it's true that my grandfather fought in das wars against the Bolshevik Jews,he was in the SS >Let's eat bread, saushages,beer then go workout in my basement listening to Deutschland uber alles >Oh user it's okay you aren't blonde like me ya,I still love you my moor friend. Haha just kidding >Let's beat up Jews together user >user I love you,I'm glad you are here to support me in my time of need has my grandfather is dying of cancer >Let me tell you about German music >Let's go to Oktoberfest >Feel my pecs user,wow yours are huge has well. Absolutely Ubermensch >Germanic 4 Reich when? >Hey user I bought you this books to help you learn German,lol no big deal im loaded €€€€. No user it's okay! Accept them has your B-Gift >Let's watch ww2 documentaries together >What da fuck? Oh wait that's a joke.ok then Ha...
>Germanic 4 Reich when? damn what do you think is the EU ...
Aaron Mitchell
Typical German response,funny and witty but self deprecating which shows humility and self awareness. There is truly nothing better than having a German Friend,all I want is a German Friend to workout together with and share a bond! Just to think you live in Germany full of cool cute(I'm not gay) German boys makes me so jealous,if I had a German Friend I bet he would take me out fishing in his summer old grandma's house,then have a picnic together laying on the grass eating sandwiches.
>Let's kill ourselves user >Let's hold hands and swallow cyanide together user >I wouldn't want to die together with anyone else user
If I wanted to kill myself I could hardly think of a better person than to die with than a German Friend. Even if it was just you killing yourself he would most certainly support you,make you feel comfortable or even do an artsy movie about it before you died(think like Schramm but real and with suicide instead of murder). Shit I can just imagine him staring at my grave looking down while puffin on a cigarette then quietly saying "life ist hell ya"
If I was going to be lead to kill myself by anyone it would be a cute German Friend.
and then they voted commies into office and flooded germany with millions of africans and muslims to ruin the future forever so that no german child will ever have a normal future again.
Colton Ortiz
my grand grandpa hunted down jews in the western austrian alps that tried to reach switzerland sütterliiiiiin y so mad again
an old fella just spoke to me on the bus and was ranting how his tv broke, so he couldn't watch as usual. i guess he was kinda lonley so he had to talk to someone. i hope it's fixed now.
Why do you ask us to say something nice just to shit on them then?
Julian Kelly
because i expected people to say that there isn't anything nice to say. and lmao at people who praise the nazis. without the nazis our country would be in MUUUUUCH better shape right now. they fucked up and because of them we lost a lot of territories.
Hudson Watson
Just finished my street drawing for a art project I'm fucking done
No, fuck tagger faggots It's a hand drawn view of a street
Isaiah Roberts
good then
Blake Sullivan
just think about how much reperations we had to pay, just think about how eastern germany was literally put behind a wall for half a century under totalitarian commie rule, just think about how everything that's making germans controllable today can be backtraced to our nazi past. hitler did everything wrong. and with his wars he successfully wiped out almost all arians, because he send them to die in wars.
east germany wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be and seeing todays balance of germanys finance, i still doubt it. the only thing hitler did wrong is not actually killing them all and letting the rich ones buy their asses out of the oven.
Dylan Roberts
>east germany wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be lol keep being in denial commie faggot
James Rogers
without the national socialists the country would have gone extinct after Weimar collapsed Hitler rebuild Germany in eight fucking years which scared the kikes shitless you dense fucking nigger
Jack Scott
as long as you aren't only tagging your district for props that's cool with me post your work someday t. retired graffito
Christopher Thompson
go wear your nazi npc uniform and go die in a war for nothing
Eli King
At least something good from Sweden (sorry for the source):
>Earlier this week, it was reported that an inmate in HM Prison New Hall, a women’s prison, had been charged with sexually assaulting four female inmates. According to the Sun, the inmate is transgender. Born male and still possessing male anatomy including male genitals, she now identifies as female. Because of that “identification”, the inmate was housed in the female prison estate; in broad terms, the Ministry of Justice says that transgender prisoners should be housed in the part of the prison system that corresponds to their gender identity. blogs.spectator.co.uk/2018/07/are-female-prisoners-at-risk-from-transgender-inmates/
perfect visualization whats fucking wrong in the western world there this passes even remotely as "female"
the polish mod never sleeps
Dylan Stewart
Still has his John Thomas and everything else also seems to be unmodified. The mere self-identification is sufficient to "pass." But dare you for making "transphobic" jokes.