i've been thinking about this for a while Jow Forums, every time it becomes more serious. at first i thought the idea of a grand exodus of all European ethnic nationalists to a new, sparsely populated place was a retarded idea.
but every day i see the degeneracy, the villainy, corruption and social manipulation and im sick of it. i don't want to save the west. i want to leave and watch it burn, it deserves a blinding wave of hellfire and i'm damn well not raising my children in this cesspit of heresy.
I say we build a new home, im thinking some shitty low popultation african country. we could offer them tribute and help developing their economy in exchange for allowing us to live there semi-autonomously. hopefully one day we could declare independance and write our own laws, have our own king
please tell me im not alone in this idea. im not talking an ethnostate like that faggot spencer, though it would be ethnically only white by principle.
bumping cus i want at least someones opinion, even if its (OP=gae)
Aiden Howard
bumping out of desperation
Jason Scott
Where though? Antarctica once it melts? Conquest of Northwest America? It's a beautiful idea, but the fertile lands has already been taken, it would have to be recovered, there's no place left to go...
Ian Carter
> Grouping all the white nationalists out in the open in a single geographic region. Remember Rhodesia? Remember Libya?? Nazi Germany??? Any time a country goes openly against the globalist order, it gets Zerg rushed by the entire world's NPCs. This is why civilian ownership of nuclear weapons is what the Founding Father's intended (to prevent immoral world powers from oppressing citizens) but only globalist organizations control nukes at this time.
This means the best strategy is to learn from the Jews. Specifically: > Go full converso: identify as a secular Talmudist to the extent you're able to pull it off > Develop a finely honed redpill radar to detect fellow white "o/" people > Meet in secret with fellow "o/" people for nepotism and practicing a religion and lifestyle of being one wrong word away from getting shoah'd > Play to win, knowing non-o/ "people" are the enemy. Like the people in the Matrix, it's good to free normie minds, but it's even better to hurt normies if it means staying alive and helping the underground city of "o/"
Good luck fren. The memes will only get spicier as AI shitposting systems refine into AI psyops systems. Expect full spectrum deployment of psyop AI in 2020.
people have had similar ideas both here and on 8ch the same question I have every time is why the fuck would you go to africa to start a white ethnostate. that's fucking retarded also good luck getting women to join the cause the only remotely similar thing that could work would be to do a benedict option and form a christian intentional community in a rural western area
Dylan Jackson
id say africa, in the shitty areas sparsely populated or under developed. it sounds stupid but somalia is possible. maybe zambia is a good option
Leo Jenkins
also been looking online and angola isnt too bad
Daniel Cooper
Imma be real with you chief, at this point i'm hoping the Nazi UFOs and the Black Sun Society/Last Battalion aren't fake and they'll free us from this living nightmare of a reality.
My idea is that a small group could be set up, and one day when theres enough people to start we can move and set up a village, which over time can attract more people once it looks nice
come with us, live peacfully away from the nightmare. one day we will be strong, and we can begin the great crusade to retake europe
Angel Sanders
Wasn't this pretty much South Africa up until the whites lost their resolve & ended apartheid?
Realize that the Americas were colonize-able in the first place because the indigenous population was wiped out by natural germ warfare (smallpox etc. Granted its not as if the diseases were 100% deadly but the indigenous populations were living so close to subsistence that they were not able to maintain themselves in the face of a significant disease challenge)
The only plausible exodus to unspoiled lands would be off the goddamned planet. I don't find that feasible.
The reality is securing the existing borders, deporting en-masse, and eugenics practices curtailing the size of populations on the generational timescale is the only practical means of achieving an ethnostate.
Such things are so far out of public discourse I just don't see it coming out of grass roots. It seems only society burning could create favorable conditions.
Josiah Gonzalez
i guess youre kinda right, but my idea is to create a semi-autonomous community in another country, then go from there.
request to be left to our own devices so long as we provide tribute
Blake Rodriguez
>The only plausible exodus to unspoiled lands would be off the goddamned planet. I don't find that feasible. This is why we need to redpill musk asap. He's been posting about memes recently and he's clearly not an NPC. We just need to get him exposed to something like the culture of critique for normies or some shit. Get him thinking and he should come to the right conclusions. I propose gay ops
Brandon Robinson
>inb4 we come back as helghast
Gabriel Parker
>whites leave earth en masse for white ethnoplanet >niggers, spics, dunecoons fall into chaos, chinks become world leaders >aryans become more prosperous, terraform mars >come back in a few generations and cleanse the earth, take rightful place in europe this is the shit i dream about tbqh
Wyatt Martin
request & tribute directly implies you're at the behest of your surrounding populations.
Geographically, agriculturally, & geologically - yeah, the African continent is vast with tremendous potential. It's also the home of, well, Africans. Africans of numerous nations none of which being, shall we say, "Have their shit together" even by the standards of employable humanities doctorates looking for tenure in "Political Science & Afrocentrism."
Maybe it'd work for a generation but do you expect to encounter lesser problems in your splinter-colony surrounded by unstable rapidly multiplying African populations?
I'd sooner try to create a religion in the US, gain & leverage tax exempt status to build my breakaway community wherever fertile lands are cheapest.
Nathan Powell
You're already moving to unpopulated Patagonia in Argentina and setting military bases over there. Just rich yanks and brits, not white trash. Nazis came here too back in the day, it's a beautiful place. Maybe nobody told you cause you're poor af and we don't want rednecks here.
Wyatt Green
kek, cant take the fact youre just a spic can you?
a good idea would be to bait you into attacking falklands again, then just invade argentina and exterminate population. then colonise
Jason Baker
You are not alone in this idea. I ended up realising (not saying I will stop trying to change things) that it is indeed true continental Europe has absolutely no future,it's a result of entropy in a pure form. So forming a European Ethnic State Outside European borders is likely something that could infact end up saving us in the end.
Kayden Sanchez
My ancestors bled for this country and I'm gonna die here.
Landon Lopez
the thing is though op, in the US, something like this could work because the founders were forward thinking. The key is to keep changing culture. Right wing populism needs a separate political party, and from there the plans for relocation can start. But things need to be done in order. fuck going to Africa
Aiden Hughes
I have found somewhere promising. its in north angola, next to a river. i dont see why not
we could de-forest the local area and build a new community. eventually we could expand. but it would be peaceful
Kayden Parker
We should totally start out-jewing the Jews. Let’s start making Jews hate us so much that a Jewish politician arises that tries to put white people in camps and banned out of the West.
We’ll fund other world governments to destroy Israel and their Kike-Hitler. Then post-war we’ll create our own holocaust story and claim right to our own home land.
This is the only feasible solution. We have to beat the kikes at their own game
Adrian Rivera
That is exactly what you're doing right now. And you didn't bait an attack, you just ordered the attack, our army receives orders from your jewish masons since 1800. You brits are jewish slaves, get your masons under control, go spank a rothschild, they're the ones fucking up everything. And kiss my white irish-german ass. You got that solomon's lion Jewish piss all over your nation and you tell me I'm not white? Being a jew doesn't count as white you brit, shut up. Kudos for the American citizens, Mexicans suck.
Landon Parker
based and redpilled
William Gonzalez
This. Lets do it.
Who's taking down phone numbers?
Landon Morales
We were the nazi's plan b, and I've read Israel's plans to make a 2nd Israel here. The land is beautiful and it was pretty much nigger-free up until the 70's, when the British Jewish masons forced us into neoliberalism through a military cue and started filling the country with peruvians, bolivians, etc. Europe it's going to collapse when it runs out of water. You yanks should go to Canada, Mexicans can't stand the cold and there's plenty of water there.
Landon James
Are you me? IMO Elon is basically one of the only people left we have on our side. Like you said, he doesn't seem to get caught up in the usual NPC bullshit, and has hinted previously at being a 'socialist' just not that sort. Even if he isn't NatSoc, there's still a chance he cares about the white race. What you're saying also kinda reminds me of the Turner Diaries after they take S.Cal. Through the removal of the whites, and not the straight up exodus of the blacks, they end up removing themselves and become such a burden that eventually the system fails them anyway. I'm with you, fellow Ausanon.
Just move to Norfolk Island near Australia. Most islanders are of either European-only (mostly British) or combined European-Tahitian ancestry, being descendants of the Bounty mutineers as well as more recent arrivals from Australia and New Zealand. Its like 90%+ white, temperate weather, and far enough away from any major war zones to ever be much of a strategic asset in the event of war/nuclear disaster. Housing isn't too expensive due to the declining population. Its a white utopia as far as I can tell.
Greenland is the place to go. Its huge and if the earth warms up it will become very pleasant to live.
Tyler Russell
the idea is our own state, with some actual prospect for global trade one day. not some tiny island in the middle of nowhere
Hudson Parker
There's nowhere to run. All the places are owned by jews. You're their subject and you have to play by their rules. This was why white immigrants liberated the new world, because old world was all shitted up by jews. You need new frontier to run away further from niggers, wait for Elon Musk, our lord and savior, to colonize space.
Christian Sanchez
Norfolk Island is very, very small. While it would be good, short term- long term it's very unsuitable. We would eventually be taken over by the mainland anyway if we started spouting pro white rhetoric. It would be a good place to start, however.
Asher Sanchez
Musk already has plans for constructing a small, long term settlement on mars sometime in the 2020s. If someone can get him to take the redpill, assuming he isn't a crypto now which he might be, we have in the vicinity of a 3% chance (source: my ass) of getting our ethnoplanet. Biggest risk right now isn't jews infiltrating his colonisation, it's the fucking chinks. Right now they're already making plans to colonise mars first. If they do it's game over because they have the resources to populate it heavily and very quickly. If musk can get on there soon AND go full fash on mars we might get to defend fucking mars from chinks. This might sound pretty gay but I like thinking about shit like this.
Kevin Thomas
What's better? Spending your money to renovate a skyrise condo you already own with a jacuzzi, wet bar, plush leather furniture, and the finest decor or purchasing an empty plot of land from the local warlord in Angola and trying to build a castle? The answer should be pretty fucking obvious.
Thomas Bell
Namibia and Botswana have low populations with large land area, what about them.
Matthew Clark
> "im not talking an ethnostate like that faggot spencer, though it would be ethnically only white by principle"
What are you even talking about.
Easton Ortiz
Don't worry, so do I. The jews will probably come after we have established a colony their, and try to subvert it in the same ways they did here. I guess we will have to ensure strict policies and immigration laws to prevent that sort of thing. And yes, I also worry about the Chinese. Their landing on Mars will not only ensure them victory in space, but further cement their position here on earth as a world super power. I'm assuming if that happens, we will have some new, slinty eyed chinese overlords waiting to greet us. How would we go about redpilling him though? Is there a way?
They will never let musk leave with a 100% white crew in the first place. Never.
Blake Sullivan
Notice that throughout history, all progress happened through expansion to new territories. Without option to expand infinitely, you get to straining point of capitalism where majority of resources and land is owned by very few and civilization stagnates as the underclass is now completely demotivated to perpetuate such status quo.
This is technically not related to the joos (though they do end to end up at the top) - it's economic inevitability. The only way a market can function properly is if there's no way for any one player to corner the market.
Mars on it's own will end up like the US in 200 years, and you'd have to start all over again, with the whole solar system this time.
Kayden Foster
could do, anywhere we can get a good area
see the link i put above, we could have an area the size of london, with other areas nearby too
Jaxon Adams
I don't think you realise the extent of my blackpilling. I expect 90%+ of the white western world to be uninhabitable within the next 50 years. Small islands such as Norfolk Island will become havens for the rich after the economy collapses. Better to move now before SHTF and WW3 starts with China. Even if the Chinese successfully take over the mainland of Europe/USA, it will take a long time before they start colonising islands such as this as its too small and inconsequential.Its a safe zone for the foreseeable future. I'm looking to minimize risks as much as possible.
Cameron Parker
But once we get to Mars, could they really stop unfortunate accidents from happening to them? I guess we would be invaded also, and that would mean a space race war, lel.
Juan Butler
You all fought a war for the Jews and now you complain... We had a Nazi president we still like, and British (jew) flagged ships bombed him out. The fucking rats are in your territory controlling our army, grow some balls and fight your jew masons, they're already invading here.
Cameron Powell
Fair point if we are going from that angle. But what would stop us from being taken over then anyway? They have already started buying off land here in Australia, and honestly, it wouldn't take much to overthrow a tiny island. Hell, they could bomb it out of existence if they wanted too. But I guess till that point, it would be relatively safe. But it couldn't really ever be permanent unless things froze now as they are. At least I'm nice and handy to where it is, lel. Maybe I'll see you there one day, britbong.
Mason Thomas
you guys could move into my shed if you like
Carter Harris
Based realistically Blackpilled British citizen.
Jaxon Williams
The entire world would collapse, including china and Israel, the Jews and Chinese would be fucked as well. Islands are probably the safest places, or remote regions of Africa, South America Australia etc. don't think world war 3 would turn out in a win for the Chinese, their economy would go to the shithouse and that's not even taking into consideration the possibility of nuclear warfare.
Oliver Ross
Looks like a good area, actually getting there and setting up a community would be the biggest issue though. Plus we need to take into consideration the governments of Africa, how do we know they wouldn't just waltz in and deport and or genocide us
Robert Collins
Islands will be under the sea within the next 50 years. Greenland and Canada look like a safe bet. Maybe Antarctica, but it's too far away for commerce.
Owen Cook
Gay ops is the only way. A group of people spamming every tweet he makes with red pills, sending him mail to his companies, emailing him constantly, holding signs when he appears in public, etc. Eventually he'd have to get the message. Even the channels that don't lead directly to him, email mail etc, might lead to someone bringing it to his attention. I'm not a musk fanboy, I've only seen bits of his rogan interview and what people on here say about him, so I don't know how he would react to redpills, but what I have seen leads me to believe he's the type that would at least look into it. Also we have to consider the big chance that he's a crypto. He's from south africa so he probably keeps up to date with the major events there and probably knows about the white genocide happening there. There's also the time it seemed like he might've named the jew on twitter with the (((media))) comments. If I were betting I'd put my money on crypto, but we can't be sure. >not related to the jews Yes it is. We could be living in ethnostates with constant populations and self-sufficiency right now if it weren't for the fucking jews. They are the ones who led the intellectual and political movements that caused non europeans to be allowed to immigrate to the west and force constant growth. Step one is secure an ethnostate by any means necessary, step two is to root out every rat kike we can and gas gas gas. We can still save australia bro. Lots of underground radical right groups are active here, lots more than you'd think with a fucking tonne of members. Especially among the youth you would be surprised about the amount of people who are crypto. If Australia goes fascist and kicks out the mussies and chinks, china wouldn't be likely to invade because as it stands america would step in.
All in all someone needs to bite the bullet and chemically castrate as many chinks as possible. Get in the water supply. IN MINECRAFT, this is a minecraft plan.
Oliver Hall
Peron was based, but ultimately schemes like that (or Hitler, for that matter) was workable in the age of mercantilism. Nowaday it's pure crazy talk (ask NK or Venezuela). Society as complex as ours has supply chains so long that nationalism has only nominal bargaining power now.
Everything is slaved to the global trade. It's still possible to maintain identity in such a market, as long it's too costly for global economy to reach in there. Pretty much amounts to living in the sticks. Only issue is that no such place on earth exists anymore.
Nathan Williams
No! It has been done before and it always ends the same. You build something and when the world notice they will demand it for themself. The first generations will guard it and not let anyone in. But all it takes is one pacified generation that has been living in it's comfortable bubble to open the gates. You can't outrun the third worlders you have to fight them! You have to fight them on your own lands right here right now. Start with your children, start with your community, change the mentality of your own people and cast the invaders from your land.
Andrew Myers
>we have to leave our homeland just to continue to exist as a people There really is no hope.
Jackson Foster
It worked for Jonestown
Chase Sullivan
>Yes it is. We could be living in ethnostates with constant populations and self-sufficiency right now if it weren't for the fucking jews. They are the ones who led the intellectual and political movements that caused non europeans to be allowed to immigrate to the west and force constant growth. Step one is secure an ethnostate by any means necessary, step two is to root out every rat kike we can and gas gas gas.
If you gas jews, there will be kikes or nips doing the same. Rock and hard place. I highly suggest to look at the market drivers - there is *always* a parasitic class in the end, eventually hoarding all the resources and using their economic power to dissolve strong identity (racial or otherwise) in order to maximize their reach. Simply put, sure you can make fourth reich. Prepare for your ass to be liberated like, say, Quaddafi. That's markets in geopolitics for you.
Ian Baker
i think the idea of free economic development would be interesting enough for them, plus we could try to establish a certain status, perhaps offering something in exchange.
an autonomous region is the goal
Ethan Bennett
you 'avin a laff?
Brandon Stewart
Did you heard about that russian oligarch that wanted to built a micronation on an artifial island on some african shore to larp about the russian empire and shit ? We should contact him.
Evan Davis
I wonder if its worth a try, trying to get him hooked on something and them introducing him to the redpill. And yeah, like you said, he has named the Jew before, and made anti socialist comments so he's at least a bit there. I used to talk to a few right wing groups through social media, but most of them seemed like meme groups, and hardly any of them actually practiced what they preached. I don't really have any social media anymore to make 'link ups' with people anymore. However, I do worry a lot about the Asian invasion. Right now they seem to be the biggest threat to our country. I don't know how close we are to really kicking them out though- as it stands we get to much money off them for our pollies to consider it I think. And I love roleplaying on Minecraft. Those damn Creepers, eh? This will be such an interesting rpg!!
oh look now your whole Utopian fantasy is fighting against each other
Bentley Jones
>this kindergarted libertarian never heard about the micronation meme
It's called sovereignity, and the only is getting at least half of earth capital to recognize it's beneficial to them for you to be sovereign. Ask catalonia how well is that working out for em.
Easton Lewis
>define white If they can define "Indians" and give them their own territory, rights and privileges then we can do the same. See >en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Act
Ian Hernandez
White is everything of european heritage only.
No we are not, regrow your foreskin or fuck off
Henry Carter
Our government bends over backwards to the Asians because they make a fuckload off of bringing them to the universities, I'm too uninformed to know the details but all I know is that our government and economy currently relies on Chinese dick sucking
Gavin Edwards
>I say we build a new home who is gonna do the building? half of the people here are lard asses and the rest arent even white
Ryder Long
I've got the kool-aid ready
Jason Brooks
Wasn't expecting that, good answer user. The region here is obscenely rich in natural resources, we could try a self sustainable economy if we had the technology, but there's always a joo brit trying to undermine every effort we make towards civilazation. There's also a risk of going back to the feudal ages as a consequence of isolation. Nevermind, the juice has already taken over Patagonia, so it'll be British Israel no matter what we do.
Gabriel Watson
You guys still anally devasted over the falklands i see
Justin Baker
The fact that Al Gore (who's swimming pool uses more electricity than 20 average American homes) is head of the climate "science" movement should tell you everything you need to know about the validity of global warming. Its just a distraction from the real global agenda. Here's a clue: Sustainability is a codeword for "we need fewer humans". Its the same with mass immigration. "Diversity" is just another word for "we need fewer strong organised white people". Its judeo-communism 101
Bentley Allen
>If you gas jews, there will be kikes or nips doing the same. Wait isn't kike just the nigger word but for jews? Have I been Jow Forumsing wrong this whole time? And no you fuckwit, the only people that are always a parasitic class is the fucking jews. No one is going to replace the jews and jew us if we get rid of the jews. They are the only group that has evolved a subversive group preference. Read culture of critique brah No current party will kick them out, they're all just puppets and want the money. The only way we get rid of them is by kicking them off of our minecraft server by fighting them in our minecraft server and deporting them to a different island in our minecraft server. And for the right wing groups in our minecraft server, you won't find them on minebook because they're too extreme. This is a bait but in response to the belief, which is very real, I've only ever seen arguments about what is white among people who appose white nationalism.
Isaiah Foster
Most of us just don't give a fuck about the falklands. I do agree you were there first, populated that land, and it's yours. It's just a pain in the ass to hear a thousand times over that we made and lost a war that you made with yourselves. That general in command was part of operation condor, receiving orders from the CIA, you ordered him to invade, we didn't even remember that those islands existed by that time. And when I say that you are invading here I don't mean the falklands, you are already in continental land. Buying the local aristocracy that's allowing you to build bases all over the patagonia. And not only brit, there are yank and Israeli military here too as I heard.
ok. but if you start a war you cant finish us commies have the right to enslave your soldiers for our socialist state? stalin did a big no no when he let you guys survive the firs time.
I agree with you but would like to expand on it by saying it isn't exclusive for whites. The rest of us also have to defend zerg rushes when we carve out a home for our own people. Hindus and Buddhists have had to deal with plenty of invasions. Todays right wing youth in India is ostracized becase muh muslims.