THE EXODUS - build a new home

My idea is that a small group could be set up, and one day when theres enough people to start we can move and set up a village, which over time can attract more people once it looks nice

come with us, live peacfully away from the nightmare. one day we will be strong, and we can begin the great crusade to retake europe

Wasn't this pretty much South Africa up until the whites lost their resolve & ended apartheid?

Realize that the Americas were colonize-able in the first place because the indigenous population was wiped out by natural germ warfare (smallpox etc. Granted its not as if the diseases were 100% deadly but the indigenous populations were living so close to subsistence that they were not able to maintain themselves in the face of a significant disease challenge)

The only plausible exodus to unspoiled lands would be off the goddamned planet. I don't find that feasible.

The reality is securing the existing borders, deporting en-masse, and eugenics practices curtailing the size of populations on the generational timescale is the only practical means of achieving an ethnostate.

Such things are so far out of public discourse I just don't see it coming out of grass roots. It seems only society burning could create favorable conditions.

i guess youre kinda right, but my idea is to create a semi-autonomous community in another country, then go from there.

request to be left to our own devices so long as we provide tribute

>The only plausible exodus to unspoiled lands would be off the goddamned planet. I don't find that feasible.
This is why we need to redpill musk asap. He's been posting about memes recently and he's clearly not an NPC. We just need to get him exposed to something like the culture of critique for normies or some shit. Get him thinking and he should come to the right conclusions.
I propose gay ops

>inb4 we come back as helghast

>whites leave earth en masse for white ethnoplanet
>niggers, spics, dunecoons fall into chaos, chinks become world leaders
>aryans become more prosperous, terraform mars
>come back in a few generations and cleanse the earth, take rightful place in europe
this is the shit i dream about tbqh

request & tribute directly implies you're at the behest of your surrounding populations.

Geographically, agriculturally, & geologically - yeah, the African continent is vast with tremendous potential. It's also the home of, well, Africans. Africans of numerous nations none of which being, shall we say, "Have their shit together" even by the standards of employable humanities doctorates looking for tenure in "Political Science & Afrocentrism."

Maybe it'd work for a generation but do you expect to encounter lesser problems in your splinter-colony surrounded by unstable rapidly multiplying African populations?

I'd sooner try to create a religion in the US, gain & leverage tax exempt status to build my breakaway community wherever fertile lands are cheapest.

You're already moving to unpopulated Patagonia in Argentina and setting military bases over there. Just rich yanks and brits, not white trash. Nazis came here too back in the day, it's a beautiful place. Maybe nobody told you cause you're poor af and we don't want rednecks here.


kek, cant take the fact youre just a spic can you?

a good idea would be to bait you into attacking falklands again, then just invade argentina and exterminate population. then colonise

You are not alone in this idea. I ended up realising (not saying I will stop trying to change things) that it is indeed true continental Europe has absolutely no future,it's a result of entropy in a pure form. So forming a European Ethnic State Outside European borders is likely something that could infact end up saving us in the end.