Hello, please listen to this

Lol. What's your opinion on what happened today at that synagogue? Do you believe we really should kill Jews wholesale, or should we judge people as individuals? That's what you would want for yourself, yes? Although it's EASY to eliminate the problem through genocide, it's not the RIGHT way to go about it, I think. Take this from someone who is most definitely not a bleeding heart; I just come to this conclusion when I put thought into it.

I'm in love with a girl and she has rejected me entirely. I don't know what to do anymore... She was everything for over a decade. My saving angel. Whenever I was troubled, I thought of her. That ending my life would hurt her. She saved me from existential despair a thousand times. And yet she rejects me now. I am at a loss. Why carry on? For this girl that seems to care less? I don't know what to do.

what fucking faggot sage and report

dat bitch iffy uh

Do you really place that much into a girl whom you have no romantic relationship with? My friend, my brother in life, understand that there are SO MANY amazing and beautiful things in this God-Given universe of ours; relegating your existence to the whim of a single girl is downright foolish. Do you know how beautiful and spectacular the sight of a single rock glistening with morning dew is? Have you looked that closely at something seemingly unimportant before? Do that, then come back and tell me how you feel. Really study it though, don't just glance. Take this from someone in a committed relationship of 3 years now, one that has gone through many trials and tribulations.

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Why would you even post something like that? What was the reasoning in your mind that lay your muscles in pre-determined motions just to type something to silly?

You'll soon find something or someone that will give you the strength to carry on. And talk about it with someone irl, is there anyone else who can give you some support?.

Stay strong, tough times shape worthy people.

Individuals. The Jew problem isn't genetic, it's a cultural plague. Just like any other problem, it arises from association to bad crowds & cliques. That's not to say people aren't inclined to think a certain way because of genetics—the brain isn't beyond evolution's stranglehold after all. We mustn't use violence unless it's the last resort (civil war-scale) or self defense. Flippant, pointless violence is for animals no matter the species committing it.

A peaceful world is a good world.

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You're a good person buddy.

Good post, I can see you area person who thinks. We always call for war and death, and it seems to fashionable, but when we are the ones who have to go and leave behind everything we have ever built and striven for, the stakes become much, much higher. I used to think peace was just some joke, but now I'm really starting to realize that being able to sip tea and orange juice in the morning while watching the sun rise is a blessing of a far higher order than what it previously seemed to be.