Florida early voting thus far

Got any more recent results? Media is not reporting on early voting much

The Republican advtanage is shirking quite a bit. Yesterday they were almost 100,000 ahead in early votes. Today they’re only about 50,000

The fact that we have the lead at all is surprising. Democrats took early voting in 2016

make that another straight red vote by me this morning.

Screw the waves, just win.

I voted all Republican.

I known I saw Nevada was only like a 2% spread (that pic shows 7%) but that was last Friday.

True but I am still worried. Numbers mean nothing. Democrats thought they’d win when they say the number. Who’s to say this isn’t the same issue with the roles reversed? We’re living through times that are immeasurable by any standard metric from previous eras. Just vote R and hope for the best

I'm laughing pretty hard that you think that slight lead for Republicans in early voting with the huge number of independent voters portends well for MIGA Desantis or Red Tide Rick
I dependent voters will break hard for Dems

Bring it home Florida!

Also Desantis is a total cuck I actually felt bad for him in the last debate.

Attached: IMG_20181023_210530.jpg (569x825, 90K)

That should tell you everything you need to know about who is winning.

I'm an unaffiliated Floridian because the Reps where insane in the early 2000's, the Dems are insane in the 2010's and the plethora of "independent" parties are one issue parties.