did comey just say ' get woke' in the whitest way possible
Jaxon Jenkins
Just woke up did Heller win?
Isaiah Wilson
>3% margin win in Texas Wew I just saw that, how the hell did it happen and how do you expect it to stay red without drastic legislation against immigration?
>Balance has been restored >Appoints 111 Federal court seats left conservative and another one when Ginsberg croaks. >Our (((democracy))) is under attack. Aristotle would hate it!
Cameron Reed
It’s time for Donald Trump to declare monarchy and assert his divine right to rule.
Aiden Phillips
>North Carolina liberals already butthurt about the Voter ID law passing.
Under the measure, a person who left a firearm in a place where a prohibited person (someone who is prohibited from firearm possession under state or federal law) could potentially gain access to the firearm would be guilty of community endangerment, a class C felony, if a prohibited person gained access to the firearm.
You are now a criminal in Washington if a criminal steals your guns fucking retarded.
Colton Adams
Robert received $100 million for his campaign and had the full backing of the media. Bunch of normies got suckered in by the fake spic that rode a skateboard once.
Thomas Hernandez
>declare >monarchy Salary fags.
Lucas Brown
>I did not lose, I won Sad as always
Christian Lopez
not where it counts :)
Gavin Young
>It's good that we are allowing criminals to vote for the left going forward. There is a lack of self awareness and a Freudian slip.
Joshua Bailey
except now the legislative branch is in gridlock.
Bentley Gonzalez
Don't those people realise that California didn't have any Republicans running for Senate?
David Evans
Hope this is fake
Charles Collins
>So what are the current house seats? Dems have a slim majority of (I think) 10 seats on the House. Reps won on the Senate and picked up 3 seats.
>Bazed blue dawg seats? Yeah. Most of the new Dem seats in the House are moderate Dems and blue dawgs.All the Socialists lost (with the exception of the Ocasia chick). The RINOs are out (and that is a good thing).
Politics is cyclical and everyone knew the Democrats would eventually regain control of the house. The wall was literally the only consequential act Trump could've done as president with Republican majorities in both houses. Tough immigration laws can be repealed but at least a wall would've been permanent. Yet instead of spending all his energy and political capital on the most important part of his election plank he decides to pass a tax cut bill, move an embassy in Israel, shill for gun confiscation and amnesty for DACA shits?
>We can't do it right now, it's not the right time. >This budget deal was too tough to get the wall through >Oops not this one, we had to focus on funding the military Ahh damn, can't do it anymore, the dems won! Hey folks, don't blame me… it's Paul Ryan's fault! Vote for the wall in 2020. MAGA.
>no wall >no lock her up >shitty little 'muslim ban' >israel is our greatest ally >no mass deportations >no drain the swamp >obamacare 2.0 >cabinet full of globalists and billionaires (drain the swamp fail)
McMaster was a cuck! Awoo! >McMaster was a cuck! Awoo! McMaster was a cuck! Awoo! >McMaster was a cuck! Awoo!
What's really fucked is by restoring voting rights to 1.4 million felons, Florida is damned to the fate of California after Reagan's amnesty. The GOP is never winning another presidential election in our lifetimes. Trump was the last gasp of white America.
Even with control of the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches, the GOP was unable to govern. The faggot refused to use DOD funding. He never entertained the idea while running for office. Hope he burns in hell.
Trump campaigned for the Senate, that is the important thing, too bad about he house & governors but maybe they should get ppl who can be elected next time.
Cooper Morales
Imagine being so much of a rural or suburban retard that you didn't vote. Imagine being so much of a rural or suburban retard that you split ticket. Imagine being so much of a rural or suburban retard that you voted Trump, but Dem this year.
Losing the house does not seem like a big deal. Even when Trump had the house did they actually did anything with it? At least the Senate delivered with the Supreme Court
Jordan Lee
Jeremiah White
Like, you don't know what they are? Or what it means with their differing political affiliations?
Based radical centrists making sure we become zimbabwe with guns.
Adrian Thomas
nobody even comes close to acting as an alternative
Caleb Moore
>Even when Trump had the house did they actually did anything with it? The House obstructed every single fucking thing, from tax cuts to the wall funding. The RINOs fucked everything up.
Joshua Jones
Puesto just stop
Evan Gray
>That split ticket
Wish a Massachusettsfag would explain their results to me. Who the fuck do you overwhelmingly vote red for governor but blue for Congress?
I don't know what the outcome means for Trump (on a Jow Forums level)
Adrian Price
House of Representatives are the people within the district the house rep represents in the house. House of reps depends on the size of the population on the census. This is why you see states like California have a shit ton of House votes while you see a small place have 3 house representatives. House makes bills and legislation, Senate can do the same as well.
Senate handles the nominations of Federal court appointments, amendments added to the bills sent from the house. And of course SCOTUS.
Each bill must go through the Senate and House twice before it reaches the president.
Noah Reed
Boys, don't forget that EVERY SINGLE House of Representatives seat is up for reelection in 2020. We need to start looking at contested seats for high energy meme potential.
Robert Rodriguez
good on him.
Carter James
Even left wing Swedish newspapers are reporting this as a win for Trump Shills are seething lmao