The entire Fox entity can go fuck itself on a rusty spike.

>no wall while controlling all branches and both houses
>i will now finally get things done!

Tax cuts will be buried with additional content like last time. Not looking forward to the dem house "revisions".

Stop watching Fox news

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This, but unironically.

Based and redpilled.
How is your country doing, Swedeanon?

Yeah I'm not listening to them anymore
They legit influenced the election with that shit

Who knows? Maybe dems will cave this time for a trade: daca for the wall

Politics is hard.
This couldn't have been a much worse night for the GOP or Trump

The only way really was if
>TX flipped (!!!)
>no Green Meme, AZ flipped

>Dems win the house
>Trump forced to go full king nigger with executive orders
>he stacked the court already

I kinda like this feel

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