I’ve been a libertarian for a while, and I think it’s great, I’m not to the extreme end where I think all government intervention is always bad, but whenever I see any political compass memes, libertarians are always the butt of the joke, and most media in general seems anti-libertarian. Am I the only one who sees this, thoughts on why this happens?
Why does everyone hate libertarians?
Jow Forums started hating them during the immigration debates and started strawmanning 'em hardcore.
because "the habbening" never happened. They lied to everyone
No one gives a fuck about economics, only social issues and race.
>inb4 1 post by this ID
We can pretend to be friends for a day in order to shoot non white invaders at the border without fascism.
Because shills pretend libertarianism is bad.
Ya I kind of see this a lot, I personally believe immigration should be mostly for student and work visas and though I do believe we should provide asylum I believe we need to check what cases truly constitute asylum
Collapse of the centre as a result of heightened social and political instability within the west.
That and memes
They're civcucks who would gladly brown every white country for an extra shekel.
Muh sacred GDP needs open borders, if we allow unlimited brown peasants to move here they will all become productive conservatives and surely not vote for Gibs
Lolbertarians are more comical neocons on the only issues that matter (immigration and immigration)
Because the great libertarian experiment failed, dummy. Look around you, you're living in its rubble. At this point you guys are no different from the Marxists; fools who just cant bring themselves to admit their wonderful utopia failed horribly.
They're weaklings. They were raised Conservative but want to be their own person who is special and unique and fits in with Liberals so they promote weed. They are total disappointment.
Because no gibs. Since most of pol and reddit are neets, you make the math.
they deserved that, though.
Every Libertarian I've ever talked to pretends that monopolies won't buttfuck is into the dark ages.
during the bush presidencies the libertarian party pissed off moderate-left-leaning and crypto-socialists in the republican party, known as neoconservatives, for splitting the vote. they didn't join the GOP to make it lose and the dems win, they joined to win as republicans, i.e. under a false flag. they believed republican voters would be easily manipulated into globalism. so far they've been proven right; so-called conservatives care more about blacks aborting their criminal spawn than government finance bringing the entire economy to a grinding halt, destroying their families. a few memes about gold and the gen-x and millenial GOP has done a 180 away from almost all of the historical american conservative positions dating back to the revolutionary war, if not earlier.
Most sensible libertarians don’t want to live in a society where there is completely no government control, most libertarians aren’t trying to get money out of every last thing, and most libertarians aren’t going “TAXATION IS THEFT”, all we want is less government control, and less taxes (and to deal with the fucking national debt cause that’s out of control), we don’t envision a utopia, we’re not trying to legalize literally everything, isn’t this just stuff most sensible people want?
see what i mean? they literally don't know the first thing about economics, and will never begin to care, because of snake memes.
The point of legalization of marijuana has nothing to do with fitting in with liberals, personally I fucking hate weed, but it should be legalized, it’s not dangerous if used at the proper age and the reason it was outlawed in the first place was stupid, also this has barely anything to do with what we stand for
Libertarians became literal pro state pro big government socialist moron. I went to the libertarian subreddit and they were advocating for the expansion of government
Not to mention libertarians are deluded into thinking all humans beings are equal regardless of race, IQ, culture and have NO way of dealing with socialists and authoritarians.
Their open border policy was also practiced on their subreddit and eventually statist migrated to their board and now the anti gov libs are a minority on their own board....
If they cannot protect their board how can they protect a nation? Answer.. they can’t
This is actually a good point, and I as a libertarian think about this a lot, and I do believe there’s a need for anti trust laws, because without this it can ruin the competition within the free market, and I do know some libertarians who are anti-anti-trust laws because they believe it’s a government restriction on the free market, but very good point
Because libertarianism is a shitty fucking patch, that's why.
It is so easy to exploit that it inherently creates massive power imbalances very quickly where you need a mod to come in and reset shit.
Most other libertarians I know aren’t like this, but yeah the subreddit is pretty shit
sorry I can't make any sense of any of that
Many libertarians aren’t fully educated on economics, and I personally don’t think there can ever be a true free market, but I believe that our economy should have the bare minimum restrictions because of my belief in supply side economics
I know this, and I’m saddened by libertarians who think this way, our borders should be mainly for those with student or work visas, and though I do think the concept of political asylum is noble, it’s abused constantly
then why was trump elected
Didn't you learn anything from 50 years of soviet rule, cesko?
The only immigration I’m truly for is work and student visas, I don’t think that will ‘brown’ the country
>Jow Forums started hating them during the immigration debates
A libertarians view is if we didn't have social programs and free shit they wouldn't come or they would leave after a while.
>Country becomes Libertarian
>All places are private property
>Presumably, on private property the owner can enforce whatever rules they want
>Over time, those with property gather more and more capital through their business activities
>These people purchase more property, eventually leading to a scenario where a handful of people own most, if not all, of the property and land
>With nowhere else to go, tenants of this property are forced to submit to whatever rules the owners want to enforce, such as the levying of taxes, setting rates of rent, any type of private policing etc
>"Libertarian" country now has all of the negative qualities of an authoritarian state, but with zero accountability
>Freedom achieved
Libertarianism is pro-degeneracy.
It thrives on vice.
No problem.
No problem.
Unregulated gender reassignment surgery?
No problem.
Libertarianism is the foundation of the liberal cult of tolerance.
I'm not a communist. I think the feds should reduce regulation but ultimately they need the authority to exercise anti-trust laws and breakup conglomerates.
Oh, so you were talking about ancaps, not libertarians. Ok
what is the difference then between paleoconservatism and libertarianism?
what even is paleoconservatism
>I’ve been a libertarian for a while
since the beginning of the summer?
Because Ideology.
Compare Ukraine and the USA in the 60s. One has total genetic consistency, 99.99% whites, all Ukranians or close genetic group. Shit place to live.
America, significantly more non-white people. Great place to live.
Why? Because one had an ideology that stunk, and one had an ideology that worked.
The reason libertarians want certain things is because certain things are under governmental control that don’t need to be, I’m not sure why you used the example of porn, that is very widespread and legal, you can find it all over this very site. For most moderate libertarians the drugs debate mostly just comes down to weed as weed does less than the perfectly legal alcohol and nicotine the country has so there’s no reason for it to be illegal. The only people I know advocating for all drugs to be legal are insane extremists. And not exactly sure what you mean by the last one by unregulated, like not having a medical liscence or?
The problem is, people call things monopolies that aren't monopolies.
They call Facebook a monopoly, and people call for regulation on Facebook. I always say, how effective would it have been if we put regulation on Myspace 15 years ago? It would have 0 effect today, because a superior product came into the marketplace and beat it. Facebook can fail. There's no monopoly on facebook, competition is a single click away, and if I don't like a platform I can choose not to engage.
A year isn't a while kiddo. This shit has been going on for a while. I'm not going to phone post a lengthy response. Keep lurking.
Again, most libertarians aren’t trying to live like this, less government control doesn’t mean no government control
Because you are cowards.
You talk big game about personal rights and then crumple in the face of literal facists.
I used to think that as a leftist I would be glad to call libertarians my allies. I thought that at the end of the day no matter how much we disagreed about economics you could be relied on for the things that matter.
>Civil rights.
>Reigning in the worst side of government.
>Not letting people legislate their religious/ cultural dogmas
But you 90% of you are just memers who turned full facist as soon as it became the hip thing to do.
I don't usually agree with the right-wingers, but something something bullet for a traitor.
Okay while it’s been about 6 years before that I just kind of went along with the Republican Party, just because I say a while doesn’t mean it’s a shorter amount of time, in fact it means the opposite
Can you elaborate a little more on this, a little confused on what you’re trying to say?
Libertarianism dosent have an answer to what we care about; the destruction of whites, the destruction of western civ, illegal immigration, radical leftists like ANTIFA.
Well Libertarianism would not have the answer it’s an ideology centered mostly on the economy and limited government control, so it’s not intended to answer these questions specifically. And these issues I believe are up to each person to come up with an answer to, personally I believe many of the issues you say here are exaggerated, except for illegal immigration, which I think most of us can agree should be cracked down on
because it boils down to selfishness
Can you explain this point a little more?
libertarian ideals and libertarians are far too different from one another. whole party is a god damn ghost ship occupied by neon haired ghouls and pot smokers who were too edgey to cut it with their faggot sjw commie friends so they found a new host to infest.
yes, tariffs suck. i don't like having a wall built either, but compared to fucking what exactly? america is a giant fucking sugar pile of welfare for the world to pillage and take from, and if you try to remove it overnight the riots could mean the complete collapse of america as a whole. there is no america for me to flee to when my country fails, and the people coming over illegally to steal welfare benefits are going to vote for limited government? i dont think so.
im a voluntarist, but expecting that shit to have above a 0% chance of happening in our lifetimes is a fucking farce. we need to secure a future where someday, someway such a society could exist. it's not going to happen if you piss away our only shot at it on appeasement for failures.
You just dodge the real issues people care about and start mentally masturbating about praxeology or whatever.
Most libertarians are also pro sodomy, drug use, degeneracy/promiscuity, feminism etc. They tend to care more about "free speech" then the health of their children. They naively see the basedboy as a bizarre and funny phenomenon of today's youth; and not the insidious and tyrannical social engineering, done by our ruling class that it really is. They ignore the demagoguery and hostile dialectics put forth into society, via propaganda. All this is ignored because it doesn't cause direct harm and therefore slides by as unnoticed transgressions against the well-being of society as a whole, until it's too late. They ignore the true scope of the modern state because they fail to see how corporations are now the very state that they foolishly think they have limited. (Think Monsanto, Wal Mart, Hollywood/media, Boeing etc.) This means that your precious limited govt., is now the largest and most Leviathan-like govt. ever achieved by man. Libertarians allowed the moral and societal fabric of society to collapse because we thought man would continue to orient himself around the divine, entirely on his own accord, without the proper authority. In reality, man just slides into a state of hedonism. As we can this now see, as even libertarians sell the degeneracy of modernity as "progress" and the inevitable results of "freedom".
The main problem with libertarians is they think freedom is the absence of authority. When freedom is actually the result of virtuous action, which is an objective standard that must be passed down by proper authority; and not to be left up to the subjective and emotional ideas of the individual.
Libertarian economics can work with conservative social policy quite well I think you need to arrive at a minarchist philosophy where government intervention in the economy and welfare is totally gone, but services such as regional police force and national military are still provided in exchange for a very small (2-3%) income tax.
This is like pre-1930s America, many Libertarians forgot that although economically it was very classical liberal, socially they would consider its laws and regulations draconian.
90% of the people who identified as libertarians 5 years ago instantly became war loving psychopaths as soon as it was the edgy thing to do.
I am a left-libertarian paternalist. small l capital P. And back when libertarians were considered "far right" you guys were everywhere. All the "far right" people just followed the Overton window in recent years, and now ur all facists.
Where were the libertarians when the Republican candidate was talking about put a giant government-controlled check-point on the entire lower half of the country?
Where were the libertarians when Republicans were fucking the tax code to fuck over states rights?
Where were you guys when People decided people don't have the right to make any kind of private deal with people from another country with out the government taking its cut?
Thats right. You were cheering.
what about the moral values of a culture?
>muh market
>muh market
>muh market
what about protecting workers from predatory employers and bankers?
>muh market
>muh market
>muh market
what about protecting the environment and planet, which produces raw materials for the market?
>muh market
>muh market
>muh market
it's the same shit with these people. i got in an argument with a buddy about how certain things shouldn't exist in a polite society. i specifically said porn, facebook, and reality television have no place among a civilized people. we both agreed that these three things were vile and degenerate. but rather than adhering to his moral code to implement a solution, he said "i'll be damned if i tell people what they can and can't do." in that one sentence, he made my case for me, and why i find libertarianism a vile force of corruption. libertarianism reduced my best friend's moral code to "muh freedoms."
True but I don't think that society would have stagnated if it had not been for bigger government. Society and culture evolve between individuals on a large scale, it's never dictated by the state. At least not in a democracy.
sub 100 iq nazi larpers don't like that it makes more sense than their costume ideology.
Chaos runs to order my dude.
When a field has run wild, only a natural fire can restore a crowded thicket to beautiful meadow, for this is the nature of all things.
It is Mans domain to control, however it is Gods will to immolate.
>anti-trust laws
Sell a product too cheap and they will call it "dumping".
Sell a product for too much and they will call it "price gorging"
Sell a product for the same price as everyone else and they will call it price fixing.
Anti-trust laws are completely arbitrary and depend solely on the amount of government lobbying. This is why Google doesn't get hit with them in the US whilst Microsoft did.
The reality is that the government takes a very short term outlook and thus feels the need to "intervene".
Case in point was when Microsoft was charged with anti-trust by bundling IE with Windows.
So much this. Libertarianism is dangerous and destructive.
also, not all libertarians are anti-nationalism or border security. "Libertarians" who are are actually just ancaps who don't want to admit it
Beware the labels you wear, for neither you nor the label were meant to last.
The alternative is death
Right. So to cure bad behaviour, lack of discipline, shitty family values etc you want the government to ban the things? You're an idiot for not realising there's other ways to solve these issues which actually work, like abolishing the welfare state to prioritise nuclear families and get kids raised right.
That's the problem with everyone that critiques libertarianism so lazily like you do. You don't take the time to think about other solutions because you can't imagine a world where problems are solved by people instead of government.
How will the free market gas the jews?
Case in point this fuck face.
>I believe in freedom as much as the next guy, but let us be realistic, If I don't lick masters boots he won't let me sleep in my comfy cage at night
Complete pussy.
Came to post this
Pragmatism defeats idealism. Especially when anyone on the left tries to bullshit their way into thinking that demographics mean little when trying to build a mutually respectful society that is cohesive. The fact is that any and every enlightenment supporter gives little thought to the makeup of the nation besides ideology, as if that is the strongest identity in ALL individuals of a society, which it clearly is not. Not to mention the silly notion mist lefties have of allowing the perks of citizenship to be handed out without forcing them to undergo the duties needed to give the perks any weight.
Because some libertarians have retarded beliefs that are not even good ideas in theory.
Because pol is smart enough to realize that any ideology that isn’t the logical slippery slope endpoint isn’t worth discussing. Libertarians want things both ways. But life is too messy for that.
what makes up a government?
people, dipshit.
in what world are garden variety taxpayers going to rise and reestablish the supremacy of the nuclear family? they don't need to. that was the crux of my argument with my friend. unbridled liberty leads to unsustainable prosperity, which leads to complacency and indifference.
It would have declined even more during the depression, and may have likely led to a break up of the nation. The market crashes hard, and independently of the state of the nation. Men who worked all day canning beans couldnt afford to buy the damn bean to feed their families, infrastructure dried up and blew away too. It was gonna be pretty bad anyway, but an interesting take on that.
You can be conservative and libertarian at the same time.
You authoritatian cucks want the government to step in and ban degeneracy through policy when you can't even realise that government intervention is the whole reason culture has gone down the fucking toilet in the first place. Mass migration. Equity hiring laws. Welfare state incentivising single mothers. Free healthcare so you don't have to take care of yourself. Free discreet abortions so you don't have to worry about unprotected sex and hedonism.
And you think the answer to this is more government? You're out of your mind. Libertarians solve these issues through proper incentivising as a result of no government assistance. This produces stable families. Children raised right. Racial groups taking their proper place in the heirarchy. That's how you solve these cultural problems - from their cause.
Read a book. Learn about economics.
As a libertarian would you be okay with sending back first and second generation immigrants, while simultaneously making abortions illegal and fund artificial womb research? Other libertarians I have asked tend to be okay with this.
>I’m not to the extreme end where I think all government intervention is always bad
Most do not. Some believe in things like the unlimited right to pollute the environment, assuming they'll always be upstream or upwind of the polluters.
Mature libertarians are few and far between. Thank you for not being a shithead.
Libertarian who supports anti-trust here, regulatory capture is anti-free market.
Libertarian doesn't mean ancap, even if there's a lot of edgy kids who think it does
The only one of those criticisms that is valid is protecting the environment as I don't really see a way you can privatise the oceans or atmosphere.
But the rest of those things:
>muh culture.
If your culture isn't accepted by other people then why should it exist?
>muh predatory employer.
Wonderful, imagine when employees are so well protected that they damage economic growth and cause mass unemployment because of their lack of productivity. That is the situation in South Africa right now.
Most authoritarians here are wannabe dads but because they're millennials they have no money so they blame contemporary degeneracy for everything. Faggots are more likely to settle down these days than your average authoritarian on Jow Forums, which greatly fills them with righteous anger
I don't know too much about the depression, but I think we can agree that the 2008 collapse was handled awfully by the state. The banks should have been left to fail, like the free market would have dictated.
>abolition of pornography
>is the same as open borders, affirmative action, and gives
Hyper individualism has led to the unrestrained, hedonistic, consumerist lif that is destroting our support systems, planet, and potential. A certain level of paternalism is less damaging, and far more sustainable long term, the individual must have his share of limits. No man is an island, and must be held accountable to his society as much, if not more than he holds his society accountable.
That 'government intervention' was funded and led by jews for jewish interests and to further their agenda though. My form of government would be different.
Banks in general tend to be fucking gsrbage, so youll have no opposition from me there.
It is because modern libertarians are not true libertarians. They hate whites and openly pander to non-whites a most unlibertarian fashion. They also seem to forget that libertarianism was created at a time when mass media was the town crier or a local print and most couldn’t read.
Libertarianism must change or die. It is not changing yet
Slightly true, but problem is lack of opportunity, not money. I make a respectable wage but every decent woman I've dated has moved away from it to pursue grad school or career opportunities.
I don't begrudge them, it's just that the gutter trash is so degenerate and disgusting that I spend my disposable income on guns and motorcycles instead of locking some down for a family.
why should i care if my culture is accepted by other cultures?
>implying employee protection makes people lazy
how stupid are you, exactly?
unfortunately correct, liberty can only be asserted among the virtuous
>making abortions illegal
Libertarians don't want to make things illegal just because they are bad. That's not how you solve the vast majority of cultural issues. Libertarians employ darwinistic social policies, for the most part. If the government didn't give out welfare and free shit to all the social rejects then they wouldn't breed at the rate that they do currently. And as society progresses, people become better because the ones reproducing are the ones that are smart enough to have a family and raise children to prosper.
tl:dr society improves itself, fuck off statist
You fuckers are the ones who will get our nations overrun with 3rd worlders because you either 1. won't fight to protect your lands because "who needs goverment and shit?" AND/OR 2. want to import as many 3rd world slaves as you can to make more profits off of because you hate your own race and won't pay their price. People like you are the reason liberals got so much power in the first place with your autistic hissy fit when Obabo got elected and you decided you didn't want your country instead of fighting for it.
>free market will self correct
No, not at all. It requires strong men. Otherwise the society will die no matter the economics. Strong men are created by struggle, if libertarianism creates wealth without death and struggle, actual physical struggle between men via war, then society will fall.
Libertarianism must have an agrarian basis (we live in the age of cities) or a basis in industrialized warfare (we live in an age of relative peace).
There is no way to breed strong men.
Also companies are basically communism except with money as a representation of labor as opposed to a social communal representation of labor.
The alternative is being less dramatic. If you believe that picture you are so far removed from reality you might as well be living on a different turtle.
Societal cohesion is a nothing waved around by nationalists to explain why we would be better off if we kicked everyone who disagreed with them out of the country.
Define it for me. Give me some stats. Show me how it improves quality of life in any measurable way.
also, the amazon rainforest is slowly being privatized.
nice, try.
>muh jews
Fuck off. You believe in a mass jewish conspiracy because jews are overwhelmingly represented at the top of heirarchies, yet you can't point to median IQ differences as a cause of this although you have no problem doing that with niggers. You're a moron
Because the free market doesn't fix it.
And because even the idea that an economic model will solve ethical or societal problems is absolutely fucking retarded.
ah, the libertarian reveals his final form.
Jewish higher average IQ doesn't account for the over representation alone. Nepotism and corruption do, though.
Oh do I love seeing this retarded argument from lolberts
>good regulations shouldn't exist
>because bad regulations exist
Better idea: Use good regulations, don't use bad ones. Holy shit.
>And you think the answer to this is more government?
No, the answer is good government, rather than corrupt or malevolent government, but certainly not no government.