Democracy is obsolete for the west

Being in a nation that prides itself on being "the most democratic" I can safely say, this political model destroys societies and doesn't build them up. It doesn't unify and only causes deep divides and makes perfect room for outside manipulation.

Western "conservatives" are all rich cucks who are in it only for themselves yet advertise as if they are looking out for us. Democracy is fraud and based around selling lies to people for a couple years in power. Its too chaotic for societies to thrive, just look how fast the trans thing has showed up and how fast Christianity (in Canada at least) has been mopped off the scene into just small communities here n there.

Nationalistic dictatorships may just be our chance to save our ways and societies, since (((conservatives))) show no interest in doing the job. Its either that, or we make it harder to vote say: Couple of years military service or work in a public job like hospitals before you get voting rights.

We either seriously reform this thing or can it, because its destroying us faster from the inside than anything else is atm.

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You're not wrong. Democracy seems to be this automatic given but I don't many good results, especially when the people that make it up are emotional and easily manipulated.

Constitutional Monarchy would be best.

A just dictator is the highest form of government, which is a re-creation of God's role with man

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We're putting our eggs in one basket with this system, time to reset.

We need a god emperor of the internet

What value does the vote have when it's dished out to everybody? We don't let kid's drive cars till they've passed tests and earned a license to do so. Why can't regulate who gets voting rights?

Would make it so that only proven citizens can, no criminal record, and would encourage some form of public service, hospitals, military, etc.

Don't see many good results*

It’s because we have an immoral peope demoralized by Marxism and multitudes if subhuman 3rd worlders with out the European ethos and culture to maintain a democracy

Just as Rome collapsed after enfranchisement non-romans and plebs, America And the West has done the same.

Popular democracy always decends to tyranny, it’s inevitable

Absolutely only exemplary people should ahve the right to vote. Maybe democracy would work if our culture valued excellence like before but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

The only environment that forces a culture to value excellency is sadly one that is barebones and desperate, like surviving in the wilderness (in a tundra or out in space) or in times of war.

It’s a flaw in the modern humanist ethic every life has value and thus we assume every life must have a say but that is obviously insane

I really wouldn’t mind a system like the starship troopers book, meritocratic, if you wish to vote or hold public office you must prove devotion to the greater good of the state and it’s people, if not, that’s fine you still have rights and protections under the law, you simply cannot excersise political power.

The founders were right, a steady aristocracy with stakes in the society are most apt to make major decisions for said society, this mob rule overtaking the west will end us

>Nationalistic dictatorships may just be our chance to save our ways and societie

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>Western conservatives are all rich cucks
Stopped reading already.

Democracy isn't a people power thing already. Its selective power. It doesn't give us any governing power, it gives them power (ruling parties) since they have the money to get all the shit they need to be able to run for presidency/parliament. Money the average at the bottom doesn't have.

Starship troopers got it right that we're burning our societies by having the vote given to all.

Not asking for Milosevic 2

Name a western conservative party thats massively making improvements to it's nation.


There need to be set examples to follow of whats ok and what isn't in society, Religion did just this for the longest time till it was thrown out the door in places like Canada.

Not wrong lol
what we call democracy is a perversion of what it originally was

Leave it to the leaf of Satan to miss something so obvious that we had literally figured it out thousands of years ago.
Before there even was a modern western world, Socrates was killed by democracy.

religion is important not because of the god part but because belief is an unavoidable thought pattern through our brain's no question left unanswered nature.

So if it's not belief in a structure around community and morality, then what are you believing in? ipads?

>Socrates was killed by democracy.
Jesus as well.

what comes after?

People in mass droves are still being buying into the whole "oh this guy is based he'll save us lets vote for them" thing in Canada. It'd be near impossible to bring about authoritarianism up here and even if it was achieved, the society is so doped up on actual shit and weed I dunno if it could be saved.

You yanks have a better chance of pulling this and making it work than Canada does.

Hardened version of the system (make people work to gain voting rights) the result is better parties getting up there and more responsible voters.
Its either that or we go to authoritarianism to some capacity. One party state possibly and hold elections within that.

Sad part is I don't see how people will snap out of the lies that democracy is best for us.

The problem with democracy is that all of our countries let anyone who's of voting age to fucking vote. It's goddamn ridiculous. I gurantee you that if the only people allowed to vote could be tax payers and people at the age of 25 and above, we wouldn't be having these problems. It's scientifically proven that people even at age 21 aren't fully matured yet, so why are they being allowed to vote at 18? This isn't driving or drinking beer we're talking about, this is voting to irreparably change how the country is going. That's a VERY big decision there.

>Tfw Canada is considering lowering voting age to 16

Well, Satan, democracy is a farce.
The majority is rarely correct, so how putting them in charge could help, I fail to see. Republican governments mitigate that to some extent when they work (unlike our current one).

Luckily, Jesus will return for us soon and the nonbelieving masses can try Satanic dictatorship. won't work.

Then, the King of kings will wipe this slate clean and show everyone how it should be done.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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You are right of course but this seems like a sort of babbys first redpill.

The true redpill is that democracy is a flawed system period. The majority of Homo Sapien's evolutionary history occured during pre society tribes, the governance of these tribes would be closest to a dictatorship with a single chieftain ruling over his tribe of people. Therefore the human population split into follower thinkers and leader thinkers, with the majority being within the classification of "follower thinkers" giving the average man, who does only that which he is commanded to do by his boss, or his pastor, or (((reputable news organizations))) a say over something as complex as a whole civilization was a fucked system from the beginning.

We need something kind of like an Ethno "meritocratic" ogliarchy interbred with national socialistic fascism. At least from how I see things

Hello satan
As i like to say : Democracy is the tyranny of the 51% upon the 49%

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Democracy had a time and a place, I'd say post ww2 for awhile. But at this stage as of rn its never been more clear this system is in fact massively toxic to the west rather than positive.

It also just falsely leads people to feel as if they're in control when they're not. And never will be.

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People also just seem to be confused that Democracy covers freedom of speech as well when thats not a guarantee of Democracy, the whole 'hate speech' craze is proof of that lol.

Thats an important quote
thx kiwi

You do realize that the events following the second world war are directly responsible for the absolute state of modern western civilization no? Forgetting the 1960s perhaps?

How could I forget the nineteen-sexties.
Toxic degenerate decade. My apologies

Take for example this:
Idiot Cheif of the EU Commission goes: "Those who pull out of the UN immigration deal are idiots"
They are basically using their democratic right to disagree, and those who think they are in power looses in a democracy.
>What, are we accountable to the people and our member nations?
Is how they react bloody retards.

I like how the EU parades on about democracy yet in itself is not.

We need exclusive democracy, not dictatorships. The republic system needs to fuck off too. If we are to be led rather than lead, we need the strongest and the brightest, not the most popular. But opening the door to dictatorships isn't always inviting the strongest and brightest at times, but rather the most ruthless in many cases. I don't want to settle one fight and welcome another.

We need an exclusive democracy where we the (worthy) people actually vote on issues, not some representatives who may end up not perfectly representing us because they changed their mind or got paid off.

Serious renovations on who can vote would be the way to go.

fuckoff other had the change and they blew it up anyway

You'd have to do away with non-exclusive gun rights though too. You're putting a lot of people in modern society in the place of second class citizens. People will flip out initially, and probably for some time to come. Women of course wouldn't rebel for losing some rights, they aren't naturally fighters and only got their voting rights by complaining a lot. But niggers and other shitskins are going to shit bricks if we take their gibs. It's either disarm them, deport them, or de-life them.

Of course in a homogenous white society we can probably just let every man vote and keep it as simple as that. Initially this is how voting worked anyway, no democratic nation let women or savages vote.

>which is a re-creation of God's role with man

If I had the power, gun rights would be allowed for sure. Though people would need to be checked before gaining access to arms.
Gun free zones would be shut down federally though states could allow them should they chose to do so.

Having to have citizenship to vote would make it easy to spot illegals.