>Nationalistic dictatorships may just be our chance to save our ways and societie
Democracy is obsolete for the west
>Western conservatives are all rich cucks
Stopped reading already.
Democracy isn't a people power thing already. Its selective power. It doesn't give us any governing power, it gives them power (ruling parties) since they have the money to get all the shit they need to be able to run for presidency/parliament. Money the average at the bottom doesn't have.
Starship troopers got it right that we're burning our societies by having the vote given to all.
Not asking for Milosevic 2
Name a western conservative party thats massively making improvements to it's nation.
There need to be set examples to follow of whats ok and what isn't in society, Religion did just this for the longest time till it was thrown out the door in places like Canada.
Not wrong lol
what we call democracy is a perversion of what it originally was
Leave it to the leaf of Satan to miss something so obvious that we had literally figured it out thousands of years ago.
Before there even was a modern western world, Socrates was killed by democracy.
religion is important not because of the god part but because belief is an unavoidable thought pattern through our brain's no question left unanswered nature.
So if it's not belief in a structure around community and morality, then what are you believing in? ipads?
>Socrates was killed by democracy.
Jesus as well.