Attached: anti_nazism_anti_communism_by_saint_tepes-d6ms7dv.jpg (1250x638, 94K)
Ask a libertarian anything
Daniel Walker
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Aaron Cook
do you hate jews?
Brandon Brown
how's 8th grade going?
Juan Richardson
How does it feel to be a follower of a dead ideology?
Cooper Roberts
Do you think you cucks will ever win?
Josiah Mitchell
No. I think people with jew hysteria are usually just losers looking for a scapegoat. That aside, i will not deny Jews are influential in western society relative to their population. High IQ, hard work, and connections account for their success.
Noah Roberts
How do you reconcile the libertarian stance on borders and the fact that every other country’s immigrants besides like Cubans are going to vote for leftist candidates that favor big government?
Tyler Torres
Grayson Garcia
If libretardians want freedom and make no judgements then they should stay silent all the time
Libretardianism is for illogical pilpul
Eli Reed
>hehe nice try, but I'm a centrist
Mason Long
Hunter Perez
how long until you graduate highschool?
Levi Barnes
how do you think it will feel to be a chinese slave? also
Nathan Hall
are you a hardline constitutionalist or just expressing autistic leanings toward absolute fairness
Isaac Gonzalez
Lol, that's usually what i ask nazis.
Joseph Hall
government worshiping retard alert. these pussies are ALWAYS the first to show up and start bitching.
like, just IMAGINE being such a loser who is totally incapable of individual thought that you need the government to tell you how to think. yikes.
Liam Gonzalez
>high IQ, hard work, and connections account for their success
come on shlomo, we all know that's bullshit
Luke Wright
check out the brains on this guy!
good luck following chinese laws.
Brandon Campbell
I don't think open borders are a good idea at this time. However, i'm very much a fan of meritocratic selection process that vacuums all the greatest and most ambitious minds from around the world. Migrant workers can be issued working permits for the farming season.
Isaiah Green
not an argument, boot licking shitter.
Matthew Martin
Libertarians are unenlightened Constitutionalists.
Nolan Martin
how do you deal with the fact that our leaders are opening the floodgates to foreign races that do not value liberty at all?
Charles Carter
Does forbidding certain ideologies not interfere with libertarianism?
Connor Cox
You're gay? Do you love suck dicks like a Vacuum cleaner?
Nicholas Walker
Shame on you
Luis Nguyen
I'm not going to take seriously any image with the merchant meme on it. It doesn't even have citations.
Cooper Gomez
Xavier James
Go read White Power by Rockwell
Austin Bennett
funny. its the best argument there is. your shitty ideal doesnt work on a cross national level. this is how i can tell that libertarians are small minded children.
Angel Murphy
Charles Kelly
If you as a LIBRETARDIAN are for epistemological relativism disguised as freedumz, then you should just stfu if you used any logic you edgy LIBRETARDIAN
because an ideal for libretardians is a person that has no views at all, which would ensure the biggest possible freedom
Samuel Turner
1488ers are the NPCs on the right, just like how SJWs are the NPCs on the left. Both are braindead as fuck and are super easy to manipulate. Find me a picture of someone on the right who took a photo with a jew and they will lose their shit and actively work against that person. You can easily turn a 1488er or SJW against literally anyone.
Levi Johnson
*sorry this one
But how do you deal with the fact that our leaders are trying to flood our nation with foreign races that dont care about liberty or American values?
Ryan Gray
How does capitalist cock taste? Communists like public tyranny. You like private tyranny. Fuck off.
Easton Cooper
>any form of criticism against the dear leader means you're a shill
I remember when I was 15
Gavin Baker
I live around foreign races in an area that is said to be one of the best in the country. I value high IQ meritocratic immigration. In that way i'm not like standard open border libertarians.
Adrian Myers
LIBRETARDIANISM leads to oligarchy of private associations
Samuel Thomas
>99.9% of you are white
>*cuts to audience*
>in shot are like 6 non-white men
How does someone be such a cuck?
Aiden Roberts
Are you a fun libertarian?
Kayden Cruz
Jackson Ward
Why are you so cucked and good-goy?
Liam Perry
What is the government forcing you to think now?
Xavier Hall
nigger how do you deal with the spic hordes that want to get rid of liberty so that they can have the socialist shithole they fled from here? Minorities and women dont give a fuck about free speech or any other libertarian values. You will never create a libertarian society that isn't lily White and controlled by men.
Jeremiah Scott
Why do you label yourself?
Logan Moore
How do you maintain being a libertarian when all prevailing evidence shows that the white people are going to be eliminated if some kind of ethnonationalism isn't allowed to pervail amongst them like it does for every other race/civilization across the world?
Jaxson Edwards
Opinions on Hans-Hermann Hoppe?
Parker Flores
What if the child consents?
Joshua Garcia
do you like pizza?
Nolan Green
>tfw natsoc is the same ideology as communism
Jace Hill
>How do you maintain being a libertarian when all prevailing evidence shows that libertarianism is going to be eliminated if some kind of ethnonationalism isn't allowed to pervail amongst the Whites who support it like it does for every other race/civilization across the world?
Aaron Jackson
That’s just darling.
Gabriel Harris
Not based on their in group preference, hostility to other groups and manipulation of the press, government, and education. And what exactly cam libertarians do to prevent a manipulation of their own people to deconstruct the libertarian govt like this?
Yeah. Have fun with that Jew ridden libertarianism bud. It's already playing itself out today in your nigger-jew run joke of a country.
Ayden Rogers
I don't care about that. If certain countries don't want immigration, they should vote and support anti immigrant candidates. Most people don't care or support it to some extent, either directly or through apathy. I detest this kind of selective social Darwinian and making a religion out of personal motivations.
Ryder Howard
more triggered boot licking retards spotted.
your hallucinations are not arguments, retard. try harder or concede defeat.
Jaxon Morgan
And you're a boot licker of private associations
Daniel Barnes
How are you posting from 2012?
Juan Kelly
strawman attack. not an argument. try harder or concede defeat, 3rd world retard.
Blake Wood
I'm doing perfectly fine. Many fascists want the government to coddle them in propagandic wool because they cannot keep up with the world today. They would probably serve well as cannon fodder in the case of a war.
>their own people
I don't get this fascination of having an 'own' people. Communist do it to the entire proletariat. Fascist do it for the white race. They're hiding behind numbers to make up for personal inadequacies.
Levi Lopez
What's the libertarian stance on abortion?
Cooper Ortiz
In a private libertarian/ancap society what would stop corporate entities/private individuals/land owners from effectively creating a neo-feudal society much like the japanese Kamakura period with private land owners having de-facto complete control over the country?
Christian Butler
reported for trolling outside of b.
Owen Morris
Haven't really thought about that. I don't care too much about it to be honest.
Sounds good to be a private land owner lmao
Anthony Martinez
The value stolen from you by capitalists is greater than the value stolen by taxes by the government.
Robert Hughes
So you would support de-facto slavery as long as its not the government?
Jaxon Torres
I would support it if i could be in a powerful position. Don't worry, i wouldn't whip anyone too hard.
Kayden Peterson
2nd world*
and yes, you're a boot licker as long as it's a private media not muh gubment
Jonathan Morales
Interesting. You have a source for that.
Austin Young
Oh let me guess.
You are a cuck atheist who see no diference between races, see no problem with gays and is favorable to legalize drugs. Right?
Make a favor to us and kill yourself.
Christopher Taylor