Ask a libertarian anything

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how long until you graduate highschool?

how do you think it will feel to be a chinese slave? also

are you a hardline constitutionalist or just expressing autistic leanings toward absolute fairness

Lol, that's usually what i ask nazis.

government worshiping retard alert. these pussies are ALWAYS the first to show up and start bitching.

like, just IMAGINE being such a loser who is totally incapable of individual thought that you need the government to tell you how to think. yikes.

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>high IQ, hard work, and connections account for their success
come on shlomo, we all know that's bullshit

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check out the brains on this guy!
good luck following chinese laws.

I don't think open borders are a good idea at this time. However, i'm very much a fan of meritocratic selection process that vacuums all the greatest and most ambitious minds from around the world. Migrant workers can be issued working permits for the farming season.

not an argument, boot licking shitter.