Alrighty boys. Let me lay out the situation

Alrighty boys. Let me lay out the situation.
>Be me
>In College
>Have crush on a girl I've been around since kindergarten
>Never really spoken
>She's a bit heavy, and she's incredibly shy
>She rarely talks among her group of friends
>Her "friends" are total bitches who keep her and a less-than-good-looking girl around to make themselves feel better about the fact that they'd be 8s or 9s were it not for incredibly minor things they can't help
>She's rarely without her group though
>I think she's afraid of her "friends" ditching her
>If I, a 6'3" 290lb. brute, was to walk up and try to start a conversation like it's a thing to do, her friends would push me away and she wouldn't stop them for fear of them ditching her
>I can't find her on social media

What do I do?

Pic is me.

Attached: received_1979680642061703.jpg (720x405, 50K)

Wait, you've never really talked to this girl, and you're just assuming all of this about her and her friends? Why do I get the feeling you want to believe you're in a movie?

I've been sitting at desks near her for literally 13 years. Don't blame me if I can overhear a conversation or two and look at who talks.

It occurred to me there is one saving grace. Every now and again I'll look up from what I'm doing to find her looking at me from across the room. We both look away immediately after.
That happens two or three times per class period.

Oh, so when you say college you mean high school.

Nah. That was last year. Wish it was though.

>What do I do?
Loose weight you fat cunt.

>In College
>Have crush on a girl since kindergarten
>Never really spoken
Makes sense

I never said I've had a crush on her since then. I only started thinking about her last year. I only said that we've gone to the same schools for all of our student lives.

>Wasting your ideal male height with 100lbs of excess fat

Smdh man.

To be fair, I've been steadily trying to lose weight, but dieting is really fucking hard.

Get a fucking haircut.

>Ideal height
Give it two more years. He'll be under he manlet cutoff point by then.
6'5" master race is secure for AT LEAST 4 more years/

Regardless of my weight, I look like a downie with short hair. Same goes for my brother, who is actually a fucking model. Pic related.

Attached: received_10213838791461303.jpg (720x720, 69K)

>who is actually a fucking model
In the same way every second basic bitch with an Instagram account is a model, sure.

No, I mean like, pic related is actually an ad for that shirt. Three months and God knows how much money in some modeling school, and he's been doing that ever since.


Don't fuck with diets or calorie counting yet. Shift to an 80% healthy diet first and then try time restricted eating and start seeing your night time hunger as a sign things are working.

Make sure you lift nonstop whilst you try to readjust to eating healthy as you want as much muscle as possible before you start burning off that fat.

I lost 60lbs over 8 months and my love life is the best its ever been. Though I had to bulk up a little and cut the fat again cause I was basically just skinny fat. Also, make some female friends, never talking to a girl you knew since kindergarten suggests a discomfort with the concept of talking to girls your own age. I had it too.

Good luck though, OP. If you're in shape at 6'3, dressed decent and comfortable with talking to girls, you'll be making threads asking us for help convincing a 5'1 bombshell to let you stick it in her ass.

>pic related is actually an ad for that shirt

I hope not, because they should take their photographer out the back and put him down if it is.

PS you don't need to be a good looking guy to model men's clothing because men can't really judge the attractiveness of each other

Look at my trips
80% healthy diet?

That wasn't the point. Also your brother isn't attractive, if that was the point you were trying to make by posting a photo of him

Neither were the point. The point was that he looks fucking stupid with short hair, much like myself. I was just arguing the point that he is infact a clothing model and commercial actor because one user decided to beg to differ.

You will need to calorie count even when you do time restricted eating, its just a way that helps people maintain a calorie deficit whilst having some other good health benefits.

80% healthy food, 20% junk.

No one cares that your brother is supposedly a clothing model and now he's a commercial actor. What does he have to do with your pathetic crush on a girl you can't even talk to?

The point was that I look fucking dumb with short hair, which is why me cutting my hair is a bad idea. In case you couldn't tell, looking even more stupid than I do now doesn't exactly increase my chances. A few people said that if I lost weight (which I'm still trying to do) I wouldn't look as autistic with short hair. My brother and I have identical face shapes and he's significantly skinnier than me, and he'd look just as challenged with short hair.

In short, I'm not gonna cut my hair as several people suggested.

With your height, your weight and your poorly-maintained long hair, you look like a caveman. Cutting it shorter will only be an improvement.

lose some weight and do something about your hair and you'll be a 9/10

That picture of me was taken after a day without brushing it. You honestly think I'd keep my hair this long without properly maintaining it? I'm not some wigger trying to spin dreads.

Bullshit. Your hair is dry. If it's that obvious in a photo taken with a potato, I'd hate to see what it's like in real life. And if your hair had the texture that it does, you wouldn't day without brushing it.

You may not be a 'wigger trying to spin dreads' but your hair is in terrible condition, and it's not doing you any favours. You're already a hamplanet, you can't afford to have shitty hair too.

Damn straight it's dry. I've been trying damn near every moisturizer I can find, but to little avail. Until I find something that works I've been using a blend of Argan oil shampoos and mint/tea leaf oil conditioners.

Hence it is poorly maintained. And you're a moron for thinking that you can magically 'rejuvenate' it. Your hair is dead, it's not going to get any better. Get it cut, it looks terrible.


Yeah, no I actually didn't notice that either. What?

Stop using shampoo and conditioner. Buy a board hair brush from Kent. Coconut oil, leave it in all day, use the smallest bit of shampoo to wash it out. When you're in the shower, put some coconut oil on the ends and brush the tangles out from the bottom up with a wide tooth comb. Don't wash your hair more than thrice a month. Use boars brush every day to brush multiple times a day from tip to tAil. Report back in six months when mane is beautiful. Also trim ends.

I'll look into this. Assuming this is actual advice, thank you for the advice.

Meh. You look dumb with your current hair. Need to unfuck it.

You look like an angry fat chick.

Then explain your shitty hair? You do realize that being as big as you are with that hair, you look like a huge fucking creeper to girls right? Cut that hair