That bleaching does not work! All you do is create other blacks it only takes 2 gens of blacks to create black and 5-6gens of whites to create white

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Top left is jew/black
She's blewish.

Korean black is really cute desu

At least they aren't as ugly.

black females are like 99% likely to become single moms and are better off having a mulatto kid.

She starts off a fat chick like Oprah but can end up with a daughter that looks like Stacey Dash by taking the White meat.

Black/asian features are too dominant. White features like blue eyes and blonde hair are recessive.

But go ahead faggot, just dont cry like a little bitch when your son looks nothing like you.

really all i see is a giant flat nose

Yeah need another generation of gookening.

Most blacks in the U.S. are about 30% white or so from bleaching. That's why their IQs are in the low 90s as opposed to their African-Black counterparts in the low 70s.

If someone's doomed to single motherhood anyway, at least they can end up with a reasonably stupid kid as opposed to a brick-stupid kid.

>it only takes 2 gens of blacks to create black and 5-6gens of whites to create white

B-But I thought you were genetically superior! So, why are you getting replace so easily?

Lame excuses in 3...2...1

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