That bleaching does not work! All you do is create other blacks it only takes 2 gens of blacks to create black and 5-6gens of whites to create white

Attached: ZomboMeme 18112018011047.jpg (540x540, 74K)

Top left is jew/black
She's blewish.

Korean black is really cute desu

At least they aren't as ugly.

black females are like 99% likely to become single moms and are better off having a mulatto kid.

She starts off a fat chick like Oprah but can end up with a daughter that looks like Stacey Dash by taking the White meat.

Black/asian features are too dominant. White features like blue eyes and blonde hair are recessive.

But go ahead faggot, just dont cry like a little bitch when your son looks nothing like you.

really all i see is a giant flat nose

Yeah need another generation of gookening.

Most blacks in the U.S. are about 30% white or so from bleaching. That's why their IQs are in the low 90s as opposed to their African-Black counterparts in the low 70s.

If someone's doomed to single motherhood anyway, at least they can end up with a reasonably stupid kid as opposed to a brick-stupid kid.

>it only takes 2 gens of blacks to create black and 5-6gens of whites to create white

B-But I thought you were genetically superior! So, why are you getting replace so easily?

Lame excuses in 3...2...1

Attached: DD.jpg (413x395, 17K)

people with recessive genes deserve to die out. weak trash.

>Most blacks in the U.S. are about 30% white or so from bleaching. That's why their IQs are in the low 90s as opposed to their African-Black counterparts in the low 70s.

1st world country vs. 3rd world shithole country. What do you expect? Highest illiteracy rates in Africa. How the fuck do you expect them to even take an IQ test if nobody even taught them how to read properly.

>Implying Iq tests involve reading

It's all pattern recognition. Red blue green red what comes next

Not all IQ tests. Intelligence is primed by your environment. Sure, there is a genetic component.

In a 3rd world shithole country, most people are too busy starving to foster any sort of intellectual pursuit. While I got to play with legos, African kids get to play with dirt and piles of shit.

Aka whites

Attached: m1WVw1Ol.jpg (630x616, 102K)

Its closer to 20%, and they are Sub Saharan stock who are largely the dumbest in Africa save a few small groups.

Take the Chinese for example. Kids in Shanghai or Beijing perform leagues ahead of their peers in smaller rural cities. These top performing students come from the best ranked schools in the nation.

You can find similar trends in your own country/race. I argue the environmental component is far more influential on someone's intelligence especially during their early years than genetics.

Israel will burn you filthy jew rat

>they are Sub Saharan stock
Are there blacks that arent sub saharan?

Except that whites from shithole countries (eastern Europe during the Soviet occupation) and asians from shithole countries (Vietnam, Mongolia) score as highly as their western white counterparts. Conversely, in even the most developed African countries like South Africa, IQs don't rise anywhere close to normative levels.

It also doesn't explain why African Americans have, on average, lower IQs than Central American immigrants despite a near-universal advantage in terms of education, healthcare and opportunity.

And, of course, black children from wealthier families in the U.S. were still found to have 2-4 points lower IQs than white children from poor families.

Sorry champ. It's genetics.

Whatever. I'm not even going to bother asking you for links or studies that back your arguments. It's a waste of time.

The average white IQ can be 5000, but if you spend all your time in yours moms basement, then that IQ amounts to shit. So Newton was white, does that suddenly make you a brilliant scientist?

You can have supreme Nordic powerlifting genes, but until you haul your ass into a gym, those weightlifting genetics amount to shit.