How do I get a sane gf who just wants a good relationship...

How do I get a sane gf who just wants a good relationship? Im a 19 year old collegeboy and I've only had short relationships with either total prudes who wanted to commit right away (despite us essentially just being friends due to no sex) and whores who didnt want any kind of commitment at all and were fine to just do stuff and randomly ghost you. Its like girls these days just listen to so many ideas about female empowerment that they forget that the goal of life is to be happy and appreciated. What do?

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>Man, why are all these girls whores?
>Man, I don't want to wait for these "prudes" who haven't even put out yet!
Seems like it's your problem.


Game of odds and trial and error. They'll fall in your lap now and then.
.but at 19 it's much harder.

That get more common as you age.

>i dont want sluts
>i dont want "prudes" neither
Honestly focus on school or simply have casual sex with sluts. You are too young for marriage anyway, so what is the big deal? Remember to use condoms unless you want to become daddy.

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>using mildly rude language on anonymous forum when upset is the problem
>"prude" even counts as a bad thing to say
Seriously kill yourself

Is it really such a foreign concept to you people that a man would want a healthy, monogamous sexual relationship without instantly putting the ring on the finger and virtue signalling about being in love in the first 5 minutes?

If op wants "real relationship", the prudes are his ideal potentional partners. Problem is that op wants cake and eat it too at the same time.

And what you call virtue signalling some people simply call dating and flirting.

Unfortunately that concept has run its course. Women don't trust men to be monogamous in the age of the internet so once they get a taste for D they'll take any they can get whenever they want (and despite what you may believe, they still feel happy and appreciated all the same). Meanwhile the girls who do believe in the old ways want to see some proof, aka constant love declarations and a ring to back them up.

No youre a fucking moron, girls that have had a few sex partners and fuck after a reasonable period of time are much better. Whores generally can't commit, prudes have ridiculous expectations (typically based on the fact that they dont know much about how men think) and don't give much back. There absolutely is a middle ground: women who enjoy monogamous sex and understand that relationships are a mutual exchange.

And yes trying to say I love you in the first week is virtue signalling, its ridiculous and just adds this big moral pressure to the relationship by invoking these kind of chivalrous fantasy ideas, like the relationship isnt just two people enjoying being together and fucking and instead is something holy.

I think youll find that most girls who sleep around that much and never have real boyfriends are very emotionally unstable and generally unhappy. There definitely is a group between them and 12th century farmers daughters but it has gotten smaller and I'm not sure how to get at it.

>don't want a slut
>don't want a prude
>its like these girls are just listening to ideas about female empowerment
Seems like you're the one with a problem bro. You're only 19 so just date casually, figure out you're dating preferences and don't rush anything.

Wishful thinking in most cases. A chick I've known from highschool and who was basically the trial-fuck for any almost-grownup guy within 50 miles has led a happy life living the party life before eventually settling for guy #385379 and living the family life with kids and white picket fence. And that's how it goes for most whores as long as they don't get accumulate 5 children on the way.

And yes, there's a middle ground, but these are unicorns. Good luck.

I've legitimately tried though, I'm pretty good looking and funny (obviously kind of a sperg as I'm here but I have lots of people who like me) and I've talked to a lot of different girls but even the ones who seemed into me didnt want to start anything and just clammed up.

Bud I was 19 11 years ago before she liberalism swept the nation and before Facebook made everyone form echo Chambers. When the internet was a thing exclusively for nerds and shut ins.

It hasn't changed.

Some girls want to have fun when they're young and not be tied down, some girls want something permanent.

There has been no change in how many want what. All that's changed is how many of the extreme living the exact opposite lifestyle you want get shoved in your face on Facebook so you get all rage and like share and participate. That's it.

Also you're in college. The women there are thinking about their careers and futures, and kind of put off by the whole baby thing, and the perceived expectation that men want them to stay at home, which again, true for some men, not true for others, and most have dated or had friends date men who are totally like that.

They aren't looking for a relationship, and they're still humans that enjoy sex. Guess what they're gonna do?

I realize all that, all I want is a casual relationship with a mildly interesting qt who will hangout with me and fuck in my dorm a few days a week.

That's essentially a girlfriend..

And you don't have control over your feelings. That shits chemical, and forms over bonding mutual experience and sexual contact.

I think the girls you're propositioning are more aware of that than you are. It's not as simple as just deciding you aren't going to catch feels.

Well yeah I'm saying a want a girlfriend, I just dont want to be a big possessive faggot about it or vice versa.
>And you don't have control over your feelings. That shits chemical, and forms over bonding mutual experience and sexual contact.
Yeah I know that, its a numbers game and Im just discouraged that I havent gotten results after so much playing
>I think the girls you're propositioning are more aware of that than you are. It's not as simple as just deciding you aren't going to catch feels.
Not entirely sure what you mean by that

Maybe look outside of college...? If you can't then either be patient and wait for the right girl or fucking stop whining and accept the fact you may not find a girl right for you in college. You're acting like its a shock they don't want to fuck/aren't fucking you. People have different goals at different stages in their life, you're still young and have your whole life ahead so don't feel panicked if you can't find the type of relationship you want right now..

You don't know what I mean because I have misinterpreted you. I am sorry. Anyways, I'll refer you to my post hereIt's an odds game. The stars have to align.

The good news about odds is even a low chance is certain if you keep rolling the dice.

The trick is exposure. Activities. Social groups.

Also pro-tip: women with actual active lives and hobbies and interests tend to be less needy of sexual affirmation that comes with the promiscuous life.

They're more likely to be into a partner in crime.

>accept the fact that you arent getting laid in the best and final opportunity to do it if you dont learn soon
>some of the girls dont want to fuck so therefore none of them do
you really shouldnt be giving advice, is there anything that qualifies you to tell other people how to get what they want in life you defeatist faggot?

That's pretty much the advice I hear but my uni doesnt have many good clubs, we basically have some weird resume-packers that tryhards go to and some ethnic clubs, things like board game clubs or whatever arent really present

Oh and I'll add. This is life man. We could have this conversation about your dream job.

You can't want it and have it pop out of thin air. And when you finally get it it might suck and you'll find more happiness is something you never dreamed.

What I'm getting at is don't rage about this. It's nice to know what you want but it never just works out without time and patience.

Chill, keep on what you can control (ie you and your feelings and never the desires of others), be your best and carry on.

>take a couple words out of context
>"errr you defeatist fuuuuugut"
It must suck real bad to have a life so boring that you gotta fish for fights on the internet. Do you need a hug user?

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It's ridiculous and unhelpful to post "youre not going to find a girl in a sexually active environment with 50,000 people, stop whining and give up" on an advice forum. Am I really the one who is looking for a fight here?

I told him to look outside college as well. But I know you have to try and cherry pick your argument so go ahead since you can't comprehend he might not find the relationship he's looking for in fucking college of all places but do carry on. And while you're at it go back to whatever slimy dark board you crawled out of my dude. They might bite more. Have a good day user.

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