What if the holocaust actually happened?

Imagine walking through a Nazi death camp. Above you is a bunch of Jews screaming on a roller coaster that leads into ovens. To your right you see a cage with a bear and a eagle in it. They throw a Jew into the cage. The bear kills him/her and the eagle picks the Jews bones clean. You keep walking and come across the masturbation room. You walk in out of curiosity. You see a line of masturbation machines with Jews strapped in them. They're all being jacked off to death. You move on. Out of nowhere you hear screams as Nazis are throwing newborn babies in the air and shooting them with machine guns for target practice. They're skeet shooting but with Jew babies. You come across the electrocution room. Jews are crammed in. The floor lowers into a pool of water and electrocutes them. The floor rises again and they're electrocuted until there's nothing left of them but ashes. Finally you come across the shower room. Naked Jews go in through the wooden door. You watch them through the windows as they find out the shower heads are fake. Instead of water a pesticide for typhus called zyklon B comes out in a gas form and this somehow kills them. You go home knowing the Nazis are the most evil people to ever live.

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Other urls found in this thread:


after my grandpa was tired from the MASTURBATION MACHINES they placed him on the coaster that dumped them in the INCINERATOR

Sounds pretty metal desu, that would be fucking sweet

Delete this goy

I don't care if it happened or not
It's irrelevant and shouldn't affect current political decitions

It happened shitlord

You could tell by the color of the smoke that the burning body’s were Jews.

Tell that to your local kike lobbyists.

Uh... "good" try shlomo

ok but don't forget the soccer field where the evil nazis were using jew babbys heads to play soccer.

If it was all true, all of it, if their hearts coal and pitch, if they were each the weaponized incarnation of the Marquis de Sade, then they would have not have lost the war.

One day you and your decendents will be in a sea of suffering over your internet history of hate crimes
Pic realted. A white women reaction when she sees you naked

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If the jews were systematically destroyed, we would have colonized mars 50 years ago rather than fighting the plague of international jewry

It's not my fault your story's fucking stupid.

>The SS camp commander stood close to the whipping post throughout the flogging and watched the penalty being exacted with something more than mere interest. His eyes lit up with every stroke; after the first few, his whole face was already red with lascivious excitement. His hands were plunged deep in his trouser pockets, and it was quite clear that he was masturbating throughout, apparently unembarrassed by the watching crowd. Having "finished himself off" and reached satisfaction, he turned on his heel and disappeared; perverse swine that he was, he lost interest at this point in the further development of the proceedings.

>On more than thirty occasions, I myself have witnessed SS camp commanders masturbating during floggings at the whipping post.

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jews are a disease that has to be cured.
Death to israel I would gladly convert and bow to Allah just if it meant wiping out every single jew in this galaxy

Of the two of you I’d say the OP made a rational statement without saying anything that a good person can criticise and you used Orwellian lingo backed up with racist sexual offensive taunts because you can’t get your own way.
That’s why you’ll lose.

You fucking disgusting anti-semite. You didn't even mention the lamps made of Jewish skin. My grandfather survived four skinnings before he escaped Auschwitz, and after the war he managed to get HIS lamps back (and sold them at a good profit to a Holocaust museum in Germany too). So don't you ever fucking forget you filthy goy.

in a time of war, precision is impossible.
so you're going to tell me EXACTLY six
trillion fake jew kike amalekites died.

not 5,999,999,999,999

you pink niggers truly are liars.

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>Not going to the room of knives or the drowning pool or the lampshade factory

I also forgot to mention the soap in the fake shower gas chamber was made out of dead Jews.


The figure of six million comes from researching censuses. There were six million fewer Jews in Europe in the 50’s and 60’s out of the Jews that were registered in the 1930’s.

>They loaded the children onto special train cars that had carbon monoxide pumped into them. The children would scream and wail while the SS Officers masturbated, laughed, and watched through a window. Then on the train journey to the coast; they all fall asleep and expire from monoxide poisoning. Upon arriving at the coast, each rail car tips its load onto a conveyor belt. The deceased are carried into a woodchipper like machine, then the liquified remains and crushed bone fragments are pumped directly into a cement vat.

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>It's irrelevant and shouldn't affect current political decitions

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Sounds like Disneyland

You mean they put him in the industrial-sized Jew-Skinner and made lampshades out of him before turning him over to the Jew-Soap-Maker and made soap out of him, then into the incinerator which dumped what was left into the V2 rocket that shot him directly into the sun


at least everything would have been worth it

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>Retelling the jews' own stories is a hate crime


My grandfather was sent to the masturbation machines line to be killed, but he jacked off in the line and fell asleep, so they sent him to the hospital to recover.
This happened at three camps, cause they kept sending him to different camps to be killed but luckily he kept jacking off and falling asleep in line.

That’s a lot of acid. Kek

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Did your grandmother fool the SS into not killing her by doing a 360 and moonwalking away?

Wasn’t everything he said true and documented?

That what if you postulate is what society base their values in.
What if it didn't, is the only valid what if here kike

How many moved to Israel?

>You could tell by the color of the smoke that the burning body’s were Jews.
Yes, because Jews are highly flammable. They burn so well, you can use one jew as fuel to get another burning. Even their bones burn so well that there's no trace remaining.

I am reading this thread
Police kicks my door in

>a pond
nothing better to do with resources than to build acid ponds
you should have seen the burning acid swans circeling the pond, majestic

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That's what you get for not actually doing the holocaust.

Crazy entertainment

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>On April 4th WCHS had a very special guest speaker. Her name is Emmaly Reed and she is a Holocaust survivor who spoke about her horrifying memories and experiences in many different death and concentration camps.
Her and her family were brought into the camps when she was only three years old. Her family was separated, and unfortunately she had to see Hitler personally tie and burn her father at the stake.
>The next 12 years were hard for Emmaly, who witnessed many friends perish. Throughout it all Emmaly maintained her humanity, and would give any food she could to the christians, even after watching them push Jews into the smashing machine. She escaped weighing only 36 pounds.

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>I also forgot to mention the soap in the fake shower gas chamber was made out of dead Jews
So was the soap in the guard barracks. The SS men hated Jews so much that they rubbed rendered jew fat all over their naked bodies every day.


>Out of nowhere you hear screams as Nazis are throwing newborn babies in the air and shooting them with machine guns for target practice.
Lol. How can anybody take this nonsense seriously? It's obvious that this is political propaganda. It's like those rubbish stories from the first world war about german soldiers bayonetting babies in belgium.

> I have personally seen through the observation window of the chamber when a prisoner inside would stand a vacuum until his lungs ruptured and stomach exploded. Some experiments gave men such pressure in their heads that they would go mad and pull out their hair in an effort to relieve the pressure. They would tear their heads and face skin off with their fingers and nails in an attempt to maim themselves in their madness. They would beat the walls with their hands and head and scream in an effort to relieve pressure on their eardrums until their brains exploded from their skull. These cases of extremes of vacuum generally ended in the death of the subject while the Nazi would laugh hysterically and masturbate.

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My grandpa was sent to the gas chamber six times but he survived anyways. I have inherited his traumas each time I see a poorly crafted wooden door I scream in panic

I know where the Holocoaster comes from but what's the source for the bear and eagle cage and electrocution rooms? Are those sources even credible to (((them)))? I've never heard of this overtly ridiculous shit outside of memes so I don't really understand why its all used as a case against the Jude.

>I can never forget the way RASCHER acted. RASCHER used to go for the prisoners personally and would bring them in at pistol point, often with their children. He would casually shoot any who tried to make a break or any who did not move fast enough. Once herded into the room he would sneer and tell them that they had fifteen minutes to live and he would relax the prohibition of no smoking among prisoners and that they could have a smoke. The most disgusting part was that when the prisoners lined up, RASCHER would go along and make what he called a leather inspection. He would grab a man by the buttocks and/or thighs and say “good.” After the group had been killed, the skin from these bodies would be removed from these thighs and buttocks. I was in the office many times when human skin with blood still on it was brought into RASCHER. After the bodies had been carted away, RASCHER would inspect them carefully, holding them up to the light for flaws, and would pass on them before they were tanned. They were always stretched over small wooden frames when they came to RASCHER. I saw the finished leather later made into a handbag that Mrs. RASCHER was carrying. Most of it went for driving gloves for the SS officers of the camp. Often RASCHER would force the family to do the skinning, while SS officers would look on with wide smiles and masturbate.

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Those are well proven facts by documents made after the war by the victorious side

If you put somebody in a vacuum they would suffocate and die in seconds. They wouldn't "go mad" and start hitting their heads against the wall. They'd panic, desperately try to open the door and expire a few seconds later.

I like how he sneaked in some masturbation at the end.

>let me ease your pain

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Nazis spend all their time wanking.
no wonder they lost.

> Another experiment conducted with these half-frozen, unconscious people was to take a man and throw him into boiling water of varying temperatures and take readings on his physical reactions from extreme cold to extreme heat while the families watched and vomited. The victims came out looking like lobsters. Some lived but most of them died. Scientifically, I cannot understand how they lived. Still another method was to revive a half-frozen man by the warmth of another body. For this test healthy, normal women were brought from Ravensbruck and two women would be undressed and the half-frozen body of a prisoner placed between the two warm, nude bodies of the women. The three bodies were kept this way until the warmth of the women’s bodies revived a man.

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>Later, Mr. Hubert was sent to Buchenwald. ''In the camp there was a cage with a bear and an eagle,'' he said. ''Every day, they would throw a Jew in there. The bear would tear him apart and the eagle would pick at his bones.'' ''But that's unbelievable,'' whispered a visitor. ''It is unbelievable,'' said Mr. Hubert, ''but it happened.''
>but it happened


It's still on the NewYork Times website.

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>Difficult to validate

>what about the ones who emigrated to Israel
Or died of other causes or fled Europe. I know.
6,000,000 is not a number based on any WW2 documents from any camps or trials, or what Eichmann said or any other source that NPCs sometimes pretend to be knowledgeable about it’s from censuses, if anyone cares to just use google they’ll find that it’s stated clearly in Jewish websites as well as gentile ones. I’d suggest screen capping it just in case anything ‘accidentally’ started happening to that telling little historical fact. As you can see from captin Israel’s reply above it’s a hate crime to repeat what they say without glazed eyes and complete belief.

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Top kek. It's clearly jew made look at how they put sex perversions in their tales

What the fuck. And what about the baby jew skeet shooting?

what if your hairbrush was the moon
what kind of a fucking oblivious retard are you?

More skeets coming right up, Reinhard.

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>an old nazi song

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Or the swimming pool where they would toss Jews in and not let them get out, so they tread water till they died of exhaustion; like in the Sims.

He and his party – less one called Mayer, who was Jewish and disposed of separately – spent fifteen months in Sachsenhausen, officer and men together, living on turnip gruel and a little bread, marching sixty miles a day, seven days a week round a closed cobbled track to test boots for the German army. Their spirits remained unquenchably high. They cracked jokes with each other, despised their gloomy guards, knew their own side was going to win the war, and did not brood about their own fate. Once there was a scuffle, at which point Godwin drew the commander’s pistol from his belt and shot him dead. He summoned his family to watch as Mayer was thrown into a vat of boiling oil, while the camp officer celebrated while masturbating.

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He said gas the kike not boots on traps.

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In the novel 'Night' by Elie Wiesel (required reading in a lot of schools)
>"Babies were thrown into the air and the machine gunners used them as targets. This was in the forest of Galicia, near Kolomaye"
Page 4 i think


>Goldstein then showed me the patch of land that still brings up haunting memories. Here the prisoners were forced to spend their entire day, walking along the shoe-testing tracks, testing shoes for local shoe manufactures. The tracks were built by a research institute with nine types of surfaces.

>Each day guards forced prisoners to wear new shoes and march about 80 kilometres over a track of cement, cinders, broken stones, broken glass, gravel and sand. In 1944 the SS devised a special torture – they made prisoners walk in shoes one or two sizes too small while carrying sacks filled with 20 kilograms of sand. When one would fall from exhaustion, the officer would place a single bullet into their head while his comrades masturbated, then throw their carcass into the leather factory to be made into new boots.

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Electric water plate room thing

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>>"Babies were thrown into the air and the machine gunners used them as targets. This was in the forest of Galicia, near Kolomaye"
that reminds me of this


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Every single one of these made up stories has masturbating Nazis. Jews really are obsessed with perverted sex.

>What if the holocaust actually happened?
if only, user. if only.................. thee story that is provided to us, is an exciting tale, but its a meme. which is sad, because we were brainwashed to believe it. From my early age of learning about WW2, i always believed this shit, and defended jews. always. then i looked into it on my own with the invention of the internet, and it being mainstream. now, i know the stories are bullshit. some may be true, no doubt, but the overall narration of what happened is dogshit.

So lucky, soviets finds many without water, just a plane electric floor.

>internet history of hate crimes

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is pic related, OP?

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If it did happen it was a good thing

>Imagine walking through a Nazi death camp. Above you is a bunch of Jews screaming on a roller coaster that leads into ovens. To your right you see a cage with a bear and a eagle in it. They throw a Jew into the cage. The bear kills him/her and the eagle picks the Jews bones clean. You keep walking and come across the masturbation room. You walk in out of curiosity. You see a line of masturbation machines with Jews strapped in them. They're all being jacked off to death. You move on. Out of nowhere you hear screams as Nazis are throwing newborn babies in the air and shooting them with machine guns for target practice. They're skeet shooting but with Jew babies. You come across the electrocution room. Jews are crammed in. The floor lowers into a pool of water and electrocutes them. The floor rises again and they're electrocuted until there's nothing left of them but ashes. Finally you come across the shower room. Naked Jews go in through the wooden door. You watch them through the windows as they find out the shower heads are fake. Instead of water a pesticide for typhus called zyklon B comes out in a gas form and this somehow kills them. You go home knowing the Nazis are the most evil people to ever live.
to think that is the official story, so neatly compiled in a concise manner, and when put like this, makes you laugh out loud at how ridiculous it is

this is the first result from a google search. It says that somebody said Eichmann had said six million had been exterminated so that’s only heresy evidence - somebody said it isn’t much of any kind of evidence and wouldn’t be allowed in a British court - but I was probably wrong to say it doesn’t originate from there. But look they prove it by looking at censuses. That’s the basis for them asserting it as fact.

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>One day you and your decendents will be in a sea of suffering over your internet history of hate crimes
doubt it will hurt as much as watching in real time what you are doing to our countries IRL

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Nah, they will never budge from the six gorillian number. It's got too much judaic gobbledy gook and numbers worship wound up in it for them, and it validates there reestablishment of Israel minus a Jewish messiah.

Only way they will roll back the number is if they where to actually lose Israel, otherwise it is the hill they will die on.

So they just made it up

kek I remember this story about a jew being sent to the gas chamber but as he was walking there he suddenly stopped and turned around (180º) and started slowly walking towards the exit while facing the guards and voila he cheated le evil nazis

>As an 11 year-old boy held captive at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during World War II, Moshe Peer was sent to the gas chamber at least six times. Each time he survived, watching with horrors as many of the women and children gassed with him collapsed and died. To this day, Peer doesn’t know how he was able to survive. “Maybe children resist better, I don’t know,” he said in an interview last week. Moshe was given 200,000 Deutsche Marks in 1978 for his tribulations.

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>one of the earliest researchers ...1961
I’m like, no fucking way. But I cross referenced it on Jewish websites and this is what they harp on about. These census checks are supposed to be the powerful evidences. Shocking isn’t it.

There weren't 6 gorillion jews in all of occupied europe.

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so you're telling me, they took a census
of every soul and anyone who is a fake
jew amalekite said "Sure i'm a kike" after
all the fucking sob stories about having
to hide who they are so the goy don't
dance on them(pogroms) what a tangled

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god I wish that were me.

>He recalls seeing camp physician Josef Mengele - known for performing medical experiments on prisoners - forcing a dwarf, suffering from quadriplegia, to have sex with a Roma woman. Mengele would watch with intent while masturbating

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>acht! Ze little Jewish boy survived the gassing Hans what shall we do?
>just shoot him, since we hate Jews so much
>nah, just throw him in 11 more times

And so was the most efficiant mass killers of our time

Oy vey!

Just go to Canada it’s legal there now. Have fun.

>Turgel, an elegant woman with more than a hint of mischief in her blue eyes, survived not one or two, but three Nazi concentration camps. In the most notorious of all, Auschwitz-Birkeanau, she was herded naked into a gas chamber with hundreds of others. Yet Turgel, who was 21 at the time, walked out alive. She had no idea the Nazis had tried to kill her until a woman she knew said, “Don’t you know what has just happened to you? You were in the gas chamber!”

>Turgel still looks amazed to have cheated death. "I completely lost my voice," she said. "I just never realized I was in the gas chamber ... it must not have worked." “I wear a lot of perfume,” she whispers. "The stench of the camps and gas was blocked out”

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How credible is Elie Weisel though? Didn't he also claim to have witnessed a geyser of blood erupt from a mass grave or something?

>made it up
Well we did exactly that in WW1 going on about occupied Belgium and the genocides the Germans were allegedly committing there. It’s precisely the same MO with exactly the same over the top bloodthirsty babies on bayonets type stories. We admit now that this was propaganda, or at least historians say that it was propaganda, there’s no official confirmation that I know of. If it’s made up then that would be completely normal practice.

Understand what really happened

Nothing is more important in understanding what is happening to the West