What if the holocaust actually happened?

If it was all true, all of it, if their hearts coal and pitch, if they were each the weaponized incarnation of the Marquis de Sade, then they would have not have lost the war.

One day you and your decendents will be in a sea of suffering over your internet history of hate crimes
Pic realted. A white women reaction when she sees you naked

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If the jews were systematically destroyed, we would have colonized mars 50 years ago rather than fighting the plague of international jewry

It's not my fault your story's fucking stupid.

>The SS camp commander stood close to the whipping post throughout the flogging and watched the penalty being exacted with something more than mere interest. His eyes lit up with every stroke; after the first few, his whole face was already red with lascivious excitement. His hands were plunged deep in his trouser pockets, and it was quite clear that he was masturbating throughout, apparently unembarrassed by the watching crowd. Having "finished himself off" and reached satisfaction, he turned on his heel and disappeared; perverse swine that he was, he lost interest at this point in the further development of the proceedings.

>On more than thirty occasions, I myself have witnessed SS camp commanders masturbating during floggings at the whipping post.

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jews are a disease that has to be cured.
Death to israel I would gladly convert and bow to Allah just if it meant wiping out every single jew in this galaxy

Of the two of you I’d say the OP made a rational statement without saying anything that a good person can criticise and you used Orwellian lingo backed up with racist sexual offensive taunts because you can’t get your own way.
That’s why you’ll lose.

You fucking disgusting anti-semite. You didn't even mention the lamps made of Jewish skin. My grandfather survived four skinnings before he escaped Auschwitz, and after the war he managed to get HIS lamps back (and sold them at a good profit to a Holocaust museum in Germany too). So don't you ever fucking forget you filthy goy.

in a time of war, precision is impossible.
so you're going to tell me EXACTLY six
trillion fake jew kike amalekites died.

not 5,999,999,999,999

you pink niggers truly are liars.

Attached: real jews armenia fake jews amalekite rome2.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

>Not going to the room of knives or the drowning pool or the lampshade factory