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Stop buying from 3rd tier sellers.

I just want Nvidia to fix it's problems with the new 2000 RTX series and make them so they don't turn into $1500 bricks or set my computer on fire.

Ram and GPU prices have dropped significantly so that more than makes up for it. They’re probably talking like a $3-5 increase. Calm the hell down.

buy from secondhand depressed cryptoniggers

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Who the fuck buys Seasonic? Get a Corsair psu

Why the fuck do you need anything above GTX 1070?

There is no game out at that movement that pushes that card to the limit. So anything above is basically overkill. Better to save your money.

this just means manufacturing will be coming back to the USA baby


>with robots, you flyovers still won't get the good jobs

ikr? Corsair is better and cheaper anyway and is basically a standard when it comes to quality computer parts.

Both Nvidia and Intel are money-grubbing shit companies. Did you see the new 9000 series CPUs? Absolute over-priced jokes. No game out today even uses ray-tracing or machine learning, so the RTXs won't even be worth it until a few years from now at the very least. They shot themselves in the feet pushing to release all this hot garbage right before Christmas.

Cosair CPUs are just rebranded Seasonics.

*PSU, my bad.

did trump put tariff on hardware?
thought it was on soys and shit like that

And the cities will continue to crumble into dust. Sad!

A decent PSU will last you like 10+ years. They're one of the cheapest components in your PC and can be carried over to new builds when you upgrade.

>we fix and install the robots

Silly tranny

yes goyim, keep buying your cheap comped intel processors

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Why would you go with anything other than an EVGA power supply?

>needs gpu for vidya
>still plays vidya in 2018
fucking kek retard

>Stop believing the automation bogey man
even if the robot myth is true, we want to build robots in the US not fund the revolution in China.

Seasonic isn't even a "cheap" power supply forsay, they seem to be amazingly reliable according to reviews unlike virtually every other power supply.

The funny thing is that right-fucking-now during black friday/cyber monday deals is probably the only time you'll find decent prices on them due to their lack of popularity and diminishing "last-gen" stocks. They've really railroaded the 20XX series and the price-premium on useless tech with the 10XX series continuing debacle.