ikr? Corsair is better and cheaper anyway and is basically a standard when it comes to quality computer parts.

Both Nvidia and Intel are money-grubbing shit companies. Did you see the new 9000 series CPUs? Absolute over-priced jokes. No game out today even uses ray-tracing or machine learning, so the RTXs won't even be worth it until a few years from now at the very least. They shot themselves in the feet pushing to release all this hot garbage right before Christmas.

Cosair CPUs are just rebranded Seasonics.

*PSU, my bad.

did trump put tariff on hardware?
thought it was on soys and shit like that

And the cities will continue to crumble into dust. Sad!

A decent PSU will last you like 10+ years. They're one of the cheapest components in your PC and can be carried over to new builds when you upgrade.

>we fix and install the robots

Silly tranny

yes goyim, keep buying your cheap comped intel processors

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Why would you go with anything other than an EVGA power supply?