Demographics of Algeria

Every year 1 million Algerians are born and of course since they are unable to develop they want to come to France. How to prevent them from coming to France ? In 20 years hordes of Algerians will come by boat in France. France is fucking dead.

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Even in France (67 million inhabitants) only 700k baby are born while in Algeria they are 40 million for 1 million birth

The op is based, all my family from Algeria wants to come to France so it's shit out there.

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You are nigger. You have never had a civilization. Your only occupation is to go to the others to claim social assistance.

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I hope we will attend other scenes of the genre.

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Algayrians are literally the worst parasite niggers

Tunisia > Morocco >>>>>>>>>> Algayniggeria

Kys faggot, At least we're living away of all the huge mess the world is living in!!

In Algeria there's:

>No kikes
>No Homos
>No niggers
>No feminists
>No Riots
>No holohoax education and denying it is permitted

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Do you have niggeralgerians in Canada ? I am sad for you...

You remain an nigger. Stay in your country and do not come to France.

>spent shit ton of money to build roads
>newborn death divided by 4
>social help

>Get independence
>become everything done buy the French tax payer for Algeria goes to shit
>Algerians invade France blaming the French for racism and the state of their country

algeria gets whiter every year when the garbage moves to europe

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I can come to France whenever the fuck I want with my French passport, my father's a French convert and I'm born in France.

I just live in Algeria as an exile cause fuck France, it's full of faggots and niggers!!

(((Diversity))) is cancer and all Muslims should stay in Muslim countries and Converts shall Exile.


Add no atmosphere and algeria sounds as appealing as dying on the moon.

We're going to be one of the last White nations on Earth once the White Genocide and (((Diversity))) will turn Europe into a black country!!

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are you kabyle?

Can I move to Algieria?

THE C U C K frenchmen can't take the heat fucking scrawny bitch bois

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Only a few Algerians are white, stop lying !

Bring proof of what you say. Why would a white French go live in Algeria ?

Take away all kind of technology we gave them (cars, electricity, medicine) and they will return to their natural state of beduins


As I said I'm french, my father is originated from San severo (Italy), My mother is Korgholi (Half Berber Half Turkic race!!)

Fuck off, we're full!!

Islamic Exile (Hijra)

this algerian cutie works at my job and she is mean to me :(

>Only a few Algerians are white
most of soummam valley and tizi ouzou is

>1 post by this ID
>videogame forum sticker
Fuck off

Make them not want to come to France. If they come from countries that violates their "human rights", all you have to so is make their life worse here, so decapitation is an option. You can either hang them, or decapitate them, that way you show them they're not welcome and they may think before coming to France. You should do that to Macron too.

In my city there are some Kabyles, they are literally white negroes.

Will settle in Constantine

That's a Bosnian meme nigger. They are aryan muslims. You're not.

Why did they fucking fight for independence if they were just gonna immigrate to France later?

So...fucking...stupid. Why not still become a colony of France instead? They could have just fought the war and negotiated for equal treatment as the pied noirs. That would have been the best solution for BOTH sides.

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That's unfortunately happening everywhere.
Compare Russia and Turkey for example, there are more newborns in Turkey than in Russia, and 30 years ago Ukraine used to be more populous than Turkey.
We are fucked they're outnumbering us everywhere

>and all Muslims should stay in Muslim countries and Converts shall Exile
Good, take all your shitskins back, and tell your Tunisians, Moroccans and Turkish brothers to do the same thing

>No kikes
>No Homos
>No niggers
>No feminists
>No Riots

Because they are stupid.

Europe is ethnically dead.

I'm blackpilled

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Do not speak with him, he is sure that his country is better than France because there are no riots. Typical attitude of Algerians who are proud of their country while they bring nothing to the world.

as you should be
now you either become a hedonist or get into politics

You're Algero-Italian aka 100% Moor, you wewuzzer

The white French is already starting to regroup in the white neighborhoods, this is just the beginning...

This is now a based French Army thread.

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>Black Nationalist Flag
>We Wuz Romans, Israelites, Moors, Greeks, Germans N Shieeet!!

Don't call people we wuzzers when your race are the Most We Wuzzing people of all time!!

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They are not white. These are your brothers.

OP sure is seething
maybe he got raped by an algenigger and is trying to vent of in Jow Forums

Algerians are cowards, never one of them attack me.

They probably bullied you as a child and stole your lunch money, and now you're on Jow Forums playing strong.
Go on the streets and fight one of them if you can faggot!! lel

>tu quoque
Sorry, user, but Jacques Vergès was right. You fuck with Algeria and eventually they'll fuck with you.

yep definitely sound like a victim
probably got abused when you were a child

I personally did not do anything to Algerians. Why do they want me ? I am innocent.

That's true but we live in a cruel world and these people might not share your view.

this is from

The South African farmers did nothing and you see what's happening to them...

>I dindu nuffin 2 Dem, y dey h8 me so much :((((

Ask the 1.5M dead Algerians, You just shouldn't have invaded us and we wouldn't have done anything to you!!

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>16 civilains

they're doing worse

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You're shitting on Algerian, but you definitely haven't heard about Comorians who was once France but decided to leave. Just look how shitty it is now.

The French made peace with the Germans. But the Algerians refuse to make peace with us. These dirty dogs remind us of colonization every day while they live with us.


Imagine being retarded enough to actually belive that.

the casualities of the Algerian war for the FLN are 150,000 (frenche estimate) to 152,863 (Algerian estimate) vs 25,600 french killed + 65,000 wounded and 80-150,000 harkis killed.
It's roughly 1:1 ratio.

>have invaded us
>my father is originated from San severo
We invaded nothing, you're father did tho.

>We invaded nothing

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Algerians have a war in their history and they refuse to forget it.

>>My father's from San Severo

My mother's still North African tho

If you can give the kikes Holohoax reparation money when you weren't even Nazis why don't you give us money too?!

My Grandparents were survivors of the Algerian war and they saw a lot of Horrors, where's my reparation money?!


who do you think you are you ugly piece of shit frog
fuck your country , if you have not invaded North africa you would not have as many immigrants
you fuck face i am an arab and i am better looking than your whole family you piece of shit
fuck you fuck france , stop fucking helping israel and gtfo out of my face

>Algerians never did shit
Well, you seem to forget the brutality of the Barbary States who throughout their history has enslaved and killed millions of Europeans living on the shores of the Med.
Algerians and every other shitskin for that matter, deserve to be driven back to their countries.

What about you give us some reparations for all the Europeans your pirates enslaved?

Ottoman turkish and European renegades pirats of the barbary states =/= algerian.

The arab/berber population of Algeria was actually the first victim of the barbary states.

You're confusing the master and the slave.

>your pirates
The extreme majority of barbary pirats were Europeans (balkan and western european) or Turks.

Algerians were second class citizen and under the harsh turkish rule. Or independant in their own chiefdom and such, at war with the Ottoman vassal state.

First things first, as long as you don't guillotine a few politicians, nothing will happen.

Nuke Algeria, let the fallout also solve the rest of NA.

Algerians are whiter than the Fr*nch nowadays faggot

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>How to prevent them from coming to France ?
how about you do something about the kikes in your government who are responsible for the open boarders policy you fucking french cuck

This. The roaches were the real enemy

day after day french getting blacked with the nigger and shitskin immigrants it won't take too much for Algeria to be whiter han your shithole

Well you have algerians, we are receiving blacks and brazilians mongrels.
we are done too, at least if nothing changes

>Nuke Algeria
stupid Burger if this happens millions of north Africans will take refugee in Europe

Like 20% of the portuguese population live in France, it's more than the algerian population, and Portugal doesn't even have the excuse of being an ex-french territory.

Portugueses also massivly leeche here.

The Portuguese are more civilized than the Algerians. LMAO, do not compare the Portuguese with Algerian savages.

>Like 20% of the portuguese population live in France

lmao lie, and non-.sense.

> it's more than the algerian population

Not true again, go check your numbers achmed.

>Portugueses also massivly leeche here.

sure sure, it's because our IQ is usually higher than your's so we leeche for the lulz

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oh shut the fuck up u piece of shit
every group of immigrants takes few generations to assimilate , and of course it will be easier for Europeans who are also christians .
gtfo u kike , you are not convincing anyone
and tell me why arabs from other countries dont migrate to your precious country , you are reaping invading to Algeria
man up about it and stop being a pussy , i know algerians scares you on the bus because they are manly and you are a filthy kike pussy

i dont care about france , i really dont ,if you could be tomorrow the best country in the history of mankind and i wont give a shit , all i want from you now is to stop fucking helping kikes
trust me arabs loves their countries same way you love yours , so stop fucking with us and you wont see us , same way as south american countries dont feel us

They have oil and gaz and their country is still pure shit.
France would have been #1 superpower with all of that.


>stop fucking helping kikes
he can't even get a job or a girlfriend because of the Algerian Chads competitors in France so why you think he can stand up against the kikes

You faggots killed Gaddafi
enjoy niggers now

dumb kike
and no you wont
you will surrender like the faggots you always has been
stop trying to act manly frog

>France would have been #1 superpower with all of that
but you don't, and you will always be our faithful bitch paying us money to provide you with gas and oil

actually we do have oil and gas industry


Paying you money? top kek Algerians dont see the money. Boutelfika put it in his swiss bank accounts and thats it.No investment, no infrastructures, no social benefits. No energy transition plan.Nothing.
And you re happy with that. ok. You re the ones playing strong and getting fucked by the establishment and doing nothing about that
You could have been the United Emirates (dubaï etc) of North africa but you re still a shit tier country. I am not a racist i m just talking politics. You shouldnt be proud of your country, they re robbing you. You should 1789 their asses idiot.

you could replace bouteflika with any other french prez name and you have the same for france

when will you understand , that you cant have strong leaders in the ME
the kikes and saudi kikes wont allow it
the day the saudi kings are killed is the day that most of the ME problems will disappear like a domino

>And you re happy with that
if it means seeing frogs paying money to a handicap faggot politician then yes am happy with this
>You shouldn't be proud of your country
am proud of it's history and for being an Algerian and that's i fucking hate our current state and our shitty (((government))) but at least we aren't in the same level of your degeneracy (gays,trans,kikes,pre-marriage sex culture,drinking everyday....)

Sounds unironically based and red pilled

>"The people of Islam will always be closer to us than, say, France"
Womp, Womp

You're racially mongrelized. We can fix our societies, you can't fix your genepool.

Frog deserve what they have coming to them. Maybe you shouldn't have voted to be ethnically replaced you retards.

Looks like France is the most mongrelized Nation in Europe now, too, senpai

Come see the Algerians of France. They are all criminals and rapists. And in addition they are proud.

Of course. They are diaspora scum. Here, too. It's not difficult to figure out what North Africa is doing: they are Dumping their human trash on us. Because our politicians take them. Would you take them back, if rapists, thieves, terrorists and murderers left your nation in droves…?

>Come see the Algerians of France. They are all criminals and rapists. And in addition they are proud.



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