Demographics of Algeria

>spent shit ton of money to build roads
>newborn death divided by 4
>social help

>Get independence
>become everything done buy the French tax payer for Algeria goes to shit
>Algerians invade France blaming the French for racism and the state of their country

algeria gets whiter every year when the garbage moves to europe

Attached: averageberber.jpg (845x403, 102K)

I can come to France whenever the fuck I want with my French passport, my father's a French convert and I'm born in France.

I just live in Algeria as an exile cause fuck France, it's full of faggots and niggers!!

(((Diversity))) is cancer and all Muslims should stay in Muslim countries and Converts shall Exile.


Add no atmosphere and algeria sounds as appealing as dying on the moon.

We're going to be one of the last White nations on Earth once the White Genocide and (((Diversity))) will turn Europe into a black country!!

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are you kabyle?

Can I move to Algieria?

THE C U C K frenchmen can't take the heat fucking scrawny bitch bois

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Only a few Algerians are white, stop lying !

Bring proof of what you say. Why would a white French go live in Algeria ?