What dooes Jow Forums think of the new Far Cry expansion?
Surely two negresses shooting a FUCKING WHITE MALE! is accidental hmmmm?
What dooes Jow Forums think of the new Far Cry expansion?
Surely two negresses shooting a FUCKING WHITE MALE! is accidental hmmmm?
Other urls found in this thread:
The original boxart for comparison
Apparently, the two sheboons are the bad guys in the game ("The Twins", as confirmed by Amazon.com). So you get to kill niggers in this game. I'm in.
It's still progressive feminism at work, muuh stronk POC womyn showing the white male what's up
Now THAT is some fire bantz. They will 100% succeed in pissing off a bunch of whiny MGTOW fags and getting tons of publicity. First smart move by a AAA game developer in like 4 years.
They're not doing themselves any favors regardless.
Violence against men being glorified when the opposite can get people fired and more is an issue a lot of men aren't happy with and they don't say so out loud.
Talking with your wallet is the name of the game and I can seeing this not getting many sells then Ubisoft changing the cover and images.
Doesn't this game take place in montana?
Isn't that literally the state with the least amount of niggers per capita?
Imagine if this was 2 white males shooting the black man, the anger from SJWs and nigs... That's why we shouldn't lower ourselves to their level and get triggered from harmless thing like a box art.
Montanan here, can confirm. The only black women I've ever seen are from the local air force base and there's like three of them and they all like white men
>Surely two negresses shooting a FUCKING WHITE MALE! is accidental hmmmm?
They're the villains. They're Mad Max style raiders out to take everything from everyone. If they can't take it, they'll destroy it and kill everyone in the process.
NIggers being niggers, but it's unrealistic they could never organize and keep a functioning hierarchy.
Sooooo..realistic representation...
If anything them both being gender studies sheboons is entirely believable then.
Farcry was Kike PsyOps from the start
Portraying christians & right as radical terrorists etc
anyone that gave them money is a cuck
>alienating customer base = sales
herp derp
confirmed- those girls are the bad guys.
Imagine if it was a game where you're a traditionalist fighting a war against SJW's
that'd be the best game ever
>Imagine if it was a game where you're a traditionalist fighting a war against SJW's
Main antagonist from FC5 is back as a supporting character.
They aren't Christians though.
>inb4 "muh no true Scotsman"
No, they literally never reference Jesus or Christianity except for a few out of context Bible quotes. Conservative, right wing Christians have more representation among the good guys than among the cultists.
I did not know this was a thing. OP made a thread after being triggered by the thing. I am now aware of this thing, think it's funny and will probably show this thing to other people.
They may have alienated their customer base but this blatant "fuck you" will likely get a few radical feminists to try it out. They are simply switching their target audience.
>after bombs dropped
>no visible difference besides some overgrown buildings
>black people
how fucking boring of a trailer. seems like an excuse to shit out a $60 game that uses old assets.
devs lazy as fuck
you do realize the bad guys are always on the cover right?
I hope you realize that they always put villains on Far Cry cover art (excluding 1 and 2).
Which means...
How the fuck did this series end up being produced by Ubisoft and not insanely left wing
>3 has a rich white kid gunning down South Pacific pirates
>4 basically says that a CIA placed ruler is actually better than the inhabitants trying to take it back through terrorism
>5 basically says that proud rural American citizens should stand together to fight evil religious nuts trying to force them into their religion
>New Dawn just straight up makes black women the antagonists
The black chicks are the villains.
>In this new world order, the vicious Highwaymen, led by twin sisters Mickey and Lou, travel from place to place bleeding people dry of all available resources. As the Survivors try to defend their lands against the Highwaymen’s relentless onslaught, it’s up to you to come to their aid and lead the fight.
>you do realize the bad guys are always on the cover right?
>black empowered women are bad guys
Haha yeah right, they would never attempt that
Wait really? I can kill the black women in this game?
No they are the bad guys, literally kill el goblina the expansion pack
absolutely disgusting sheeiiit-boons
farcry games put the villains on the boxart post 2
To be fair, in three I was rooting for the crazed natives because the protagonist of 3 is a spoiled Left Coast hillfag and those are unironically a cancer that need to be exterminated.
is it autistic that when playing GS games these days i get pretty bummed out and turned off because i hate inter European wars as they just makes me depressed
omfg this is real and not a meme?
>(excluding 1 and 2)
>and primal
>and blood dragon
Farcry 5 white, conservative right wing villains
>WTF SJW shit, making us look like evil cunts fuck this game
Farcry: New dawn, 2 niggers being niggers and acting like chimps on the white race
???? cmon I know the j00s almost always have a shitty agenda but this are two opposite villains in the same game and you still whine about SJWs, shut your piehole.
>Didn't play far cry 5
Far cry 5 was actually based. Not only up front but also very subtly. Lots of dog whistles in there if you have the sense for it.
I will get it so I can kill the nigger baddies.
Fresh oc
>>Farcry: New dawn, 2 niggers being niggers and acting like chimps on the white race
I like how in the trailer they made sure to show the black guy on the rooftop front and center.
>no no no it's not a race thing
TBF, black people are almost never the villains in media. Demolition Man is about the only movie I can think of.
ok, THIS is epic
nice touches, Ive made a simple more palatable one for normies
Yeah they are the villains
I'm definitely OK with them killing whitey and acting like obnoxious cunts if they are the villains, and not oppressed powerfull womyn trying to be cool
>>sees great work
>>compares it to their absolute shit work
way to live up to your flag, you dumb, uncultured, talentless nigger.
Im white, stay mad, mutt
You speak when requested to, boy.