>Surely two negresses shooting a FUCKING WHITE MALE! is accidental hmmmm?
They're the villains. They're Mad Max style raiders out to take everything from everyone. If they can't take it, they'll destroy it and kill everyone in the process.
Far Cry: New Dawn
NIggers being niggers, but it's unrealistic they could never organize and keep a functioning hierarchy.
Sooooo..realistic representation...
If anything them both being gender studies sheboons is entirely believable then.
Farcry was Kike PsyOps from the start
Portraying christians & right as radical terrorists etc
anyone that gave them money is a cuck
>alienating customer base = sales
herp derp
confirmed- those girls are the bad guys.
Imagine if it was a game where you're a traditionalist fighting a war against SJW's
that'd be the best game ever
>Imagine if it was a game where you're a traditionalist fighting a war against SJW's
Main antagonist from FC5 is back as a supporting character.
They aren't Christians though.
>inb4 "muh no true Scotsman"
No, they literally never reference Jesus or Christianity except for a few out of context Bible quotes. Conservative, right wing Christians have more representation among the good guys than among the cultists.