Why don't you listen to your parents about politics?

Why don't you listen to your parents about politics?

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These faggots are the ones who got us into this.

They got us into this and we someone learned more than they ever did in their 60 years of being alive

fucking skeleton devil fingerd jewish rock n roll music and coke rotted their minds


>not having your parents listen to you on jewpolitics

They don’t acknowledge that the Jews are the problem and unironically believe in the holocaust

forgot to mention hollywood brainwashing as well
fucking boomers watch TV and Movies more than anyone I know

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This, they can't be redpilled on it.

women and politics is a huge mistake.
they lie lie lie lie lie.

Theyre liberals who won't invite Uncle Phil to Thanksgiving dinner when he got out of prison this year

Because I want to play Fortnite instead faggot.

Because I don't have to.

I already agree with all their "racist" views.

protip: they're right.

My parents go from crazy leftist to full 4th Reich mode depending on the day/news

they are basically a copy paste of cnn

Yes I'm sure it's your parents that are the problem here, not their mentally ill conspiracy theorist offspring that they're reluctant to mention in conversation with their friends.


My parents is alt right. Because we are traditionalist brazilians

iktf bro
they will completely contradict what they've said not even a week ago.
>It's such a shame all these immigrants are taking jobs from your generation
>*sees news*
>we've got to do something about all those poor Syrians

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I should give more explanation to this.

Basically my parents are easily affected by news, so if there's a terrorist attack, they go full "REEE FUCKING MUSLIMS GET RID OF EM ALL, ISLAM IS BAD"

But then they'll watch some leftist program on ABC and they will have some representative from the Muslim community on there talking and being defended by leftist and then my parents suddenly don't mind Muslims/Islam again.

I guess that makes my parents NPCs

Their mind is completely hijacked by the (((MSM)))

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yep. the other big one is
>REEEEEE Why are we burning coal muh global warming
>REEEEEE Electricity bill is too high build more power plants
>Did you just say 'nuclear power'? LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT CHERNOBYL SON

because my mother tried to push her 148 iq daughter into an abortion because "children ruin women's lives"....all 5 times she announced pregnancies with her husband....sister is a stay at home mother, btw, and the only one of us 4 who isn't divorced....and she's considered the shame of the family for leaving college to become a stay at home mother
pretty fucking eye-opening as you're being divorce-raped and your other (much older) sister is a divorced single mom living with mom and dad who hasn't worked in over a decade
let's just say that I'm learning shit the hard way


I listen to my father and agre on most things. My mother is a woman so her oppinion dosen't matter.

My mom thinks Social Democrats are far right

My mom is a registered communist, though she doesn't realize stuff like seize the means of production and instead thinks they're only really just for the working people.

Because they worship the Jews

My parents are wh*toids and I hate them for making me white as well. Fuck these bigots, may mighty black immigrant dick flood mother earth with fertile negro seeds so that wh*teoid abominations like myself can never be born again.

My mom is a NPC who only gets her opinions from local news and late night talk shows.

My dad is a libertarian/Cruz missile who probably unironically believes it's okay for companies to censor because muh free market.

they have good instincts but like so many other people, they fall in line with the narrative and tend not to question it or pick it apart.

It's legit disturbing how people see characters in sitcoms and in their mind they view the character as a real person they personally know.

Sitcoms are fascinating to me as someone who doesnt watch a lot of tv. All the characters are just an exaggerated amalgamation of stereotypes but not in an "offensive" way. Like, at face value every sitcom is just a group of complete pieces of shit doing bad things to each other and spouting one liners but its presented in a way that makes them seem endearing.

I feel like the sterotyping makes the characters relatable enough to seem real, while a lot of the finer details are complete fantasy asspull and that's where the brainwashing comes in.

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mother is an extreme liberal that has come to the conclusion she is miserable in the last year. father is hardcore conservative and we get along pretty well.

Because they're Zio-cucks who got brainwashed by a Charlton Heston movie.