Why don't you listen to your parents about politics?

It's legit disturbing how people see characters in sitcoms and in their mind they view the character as a real person they personally know.

Sitcoms are fascinating to me as someone who doesnt watch a lot of tv. All the characters are just an exaggerated amalgamation of stereotypes but not in an "offensive" way. Like, at face value every sitcom is just a group of complete pieces of shit doing bad things to each other and spouting one liners but its presented in a way that makes them seem endearing.

I feel like the sterotyping makes the characters relatable enough to seem real, while a lot of the finer details are complete fantasy asspull and that's where the brainwashing comes in.

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mother is an extreme liberal that has come to the conclusion she is miserable in the last year. father is hardcore conservative and we get along pretty well.

Because they're Zio-cucks who got brainwashed by a Charlton Heston movie.