Atheism is the final red pill.
Atheism is the final red pill
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>Pope Francis "catholics"
They were never one of us.
Also, atheism is a joke.
Orthodoxy is the final final red pill
Such a strawman. Atheism actually gives stuff similar to the left side, while most of the stuff from the left is supported by the modern religion.
No the Catholic church has been corrupted from within.
Traditional Lutheran is the redpill. Not this lol we gotta take down the crosses in order to appease the Muslims shit.
Atheists are gay. Just don't belong to a church. Any organization is going to be corrupt.
Literally what Jesus said. The church should be made up of the local community, not an international institution.
All of them, or just this one that looks suspiciously jewy
Imagine being a papist in 2018.
Basically this.
simulation is the final boss, but you are a few years away from that pill.
Missouri synod is where its at brother. They literally left europe for America because the Lutheran Church in Germany was being taken over by the various german states. The taking crosses down for muslims bullshit only happens in europe by state owned Lutheran churches.
Lol, why is Andy Warski in that picture?
The pope is part of the new world order cabal. Of course Catholics close to the Vatican support unchecked human trafficking, I mean immigration.
No, the ethnic religion (syncretised with Neo-Platonism) of your people is the key to our salvation.
>Still falling for the atheism meme
>Hasn't fully embraced agnosticism
In regards to your pic you’re saying without religion it would be exactly the same
I wish some old Norse temples had survived. They looked pretty good. Too bad the Christians were too busy destroying them while giving special privileges to Jews
lol no
Why aren't they asking their god's chosen people to accept those illegal immigrants?
One can be agnostic and atheist
This. Its highly likely this is "something" it just most likely is either some system based entity or doesn't give a shit about people specific or both. Of course retards will have shit weakened belief systems when in this day and age you try to tell them a angry passive aggressive man lives in the sky.
Mate the fact most of them were made of wood means hardly would have survived anyway. Also I don’t know about the rest of Europe but here we had a more acres grove kinda thing going on rather than temples, at least before the Romans arrived that is.
Catholics are just atheists pretending to be religious
Cmon man you can't be that deceiving. The most important reason why Italy doesn't accept immigrants is because they're more christian and traditionalists than those cucked and godless european nations...
wrong,the religious istitutions protect those niggers and they want more
Christcucks and their kike worshiping are just as much a cancer as the kikes themselves.
The smarter option but we're full of cunts
I'm pretty sure there were stone ones too.
But you're probably right, most were made of wood. Which is odd, because when I hear "temple" I think of stone structures
>immigrants from muslim majority countries are more christian than Iralians
The church has little to do with the political opinions of the population.
Let's watch how they bullshit around your pic.
When we were dealing with our refugees, we had to fight of every single christcuck denomination, including Husite church, in the country as they sabotaged our efforts us every step of the way.
just don't mention that the American christcucks are the biggest contributors to population explosion in Afrika, and that without christcuck charity the continent would cease to exist within a year.
no one cares about religion in this period,people say blasphemous things daily
Is that in the middle a man? Looks like a middle aged dyke
holy fuck, it is.
i fucking hate everyone who defends christ, they are under jewish control
"acts of resistance" = traitors.
We live in a society
>We live in a society
and me without my suit
>Atheism is le red pill, guys!
Atheism is literally the antithesis of redpilled.
Odinism, Buddhism or Hinduism are the real redpills.
Christianity is a semitic religion and everything good about it was the influence of Roman politics and paganism on it. For real fuck Christianity.
Unfortunately 90% of modern pagans are fucking stupid as well, and LARPers, but I'd still take them over Christians and atheists.
>Atheist depression and substance-abuse rates
Really cool and tough people that can totally handle reality we've got here.
Atheism is realism.
Religion is reality denial.
Many tragedies occur in the name of helping your fellow men. God has nothing to do with it.
>Catholics - literal migrant feet kissers and pedos
>Protestants - full blown fagotry with female priests and gay weddings
Western Christianity sucks.
As an atheist the only Christians I can respect are Eastern Orthodox.
When did Christianity in the west become so gay? It's fucking disgusting.
too bad natoshenko+natostantinople are trying to break it. they won't succeed of course.
it began with frankish intervention in the church at rome, eventually manifesting in the heresy at papal infallibility. protestantism emerges later because it's the logical conclusion of papism.
Just become Orthodox user, everything is true and reinforced with transcendental philosophy