Basically this.
Atheism is the final red pill
simulation is the final boss, but you are a few years away from that pill.
Missouri synod is where its at brother. They literally left europe for America because the Lutheran Church in Germany was being taken over by the various german states. The taking crosses down for muslims bullshit only happens in europe by state owned Lutheran churches.
Lol, why is Andy Warski in that picture?
The pope is part of the new world order cabal. Of course Catholics close to the Vatican support unchecked human trafficking, I mean immigration.
No, the ethnic religion (syncretised with Neo-Platonism) of your people is the key to our salvation.
>Still falling for the atheism meme
>Hasn't fully embraced agnosticism
In regards to your pic you’re saying without religion it would be exactly the same
I wish some old Norse temples had survived. They looked pretty good. Too bad the Christians were too busy destroying them while giving special privileges to Jews
lol no