Penises are illegal now

How do you ask a girl out without being called a creep, pervert, or harasser in 2018?

If I were to see a girl in a bookstore, how do I approach?

Is being male now just politically incorrect?

- white guy in los angeles with privilege

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Other urls found in this thread:

>a girl in a bookstore
Girls in bookstores are always lesbians

You sound like a creep...

just tell them that you will lick their ass and let them fit you with a chastity device.

dude, you're asking autists in Ohio how to approach girls in roastie mecca. It's LA, if she's checking out your dick, make a move.

the first step is to stop looking at porn

>How do you ask a girl out without being called a creep, pervert, or harasser in 2018?

By being attractive male, it's just ugly, short, awkward etc. males that women want to ban from interacting with them.

Offer her LSD or cocaine or 5-MeO-MiPT.

you think the brap memes are a joke?
you tell that bitch you want to see her put down an egg omelette sometime, if she passes that, the next is you want to see if that bitch can boil,scramble,sunny side up, eggs.
if she passes that,
next stap is hardboiled eggs, and the brapper.
also she has to have giant milkies.

all u have to do is be direct about it.
it is really that easy.

Mate just ask her out wtf

>How do you ask a girl out without being called a creep, pervert, or harasser in 2018?
You do it by not giving a shit what you're called, pussy

Approach her with armfuls of right-wing biographies and ask her if she's read Mean Kampf.

if you ask a girl out and she likes you it's not harassment if she doesn't like you, you risk jail time and being labled a sex offender / being put on a list and registry

Be more attractive.

Hello that looks an interesting book cover?

>bothering with women

Just let the ruins themselves. Stick to hookers.

you don't
you go MGTOW

That's only an issue if you're not attractive dumb ass.

Low test male or annoying cunt spotted
Just say hi you faggot

Just say "ayyy gurl... what dat mouf do." It's 2018.

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I'm too autistic to notice if she's checking me out
But I think women usually don't do that to me

does this also apply to coworkers in different departments?

but I kinda give a shit, it's not fun

I'm thinking this too m8

i'm not a sexual degenerate

>How do you ask a girl out without being called a creep, pervert, or harasser in 2018?
By being good looking and rich
>If I were to see a girl in a bookstore, how do I approach?
It's not worth it
>Is being male now just politically incorrect?


OP, you need to stop looking at porn. I bet you rub one out every day for your daily (satanic) ritual. This has to stop and everything will come naturally to you.

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Stop being a fucking Aspergers wannabe? Just go talk normally to her you faggot.

step 1: be good looking
step 2: be good looking
step 3: be good looking

There you go OP, hope this helps.

i didnt realize not looking at porn made you immune to life changing accusations

>How do you ask a girl out without being called a creep, pervert, or harasser in 2018?
Don't be ugly.

Shape your hair neatly and wear nice clothes. Talk to her and be interested in what she says. Try to act natural- What am even I doing fuck it

What kind of stupid whore takes a picture like this

>white guy in Los Angeles
You need to go back Juan

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dont use any lines, just be straight foward

Taking pictures like that gives women most validation and positive attention from men.

We lack a homogenous culture. There are no rules anymore. Everything is a mess. Good luck and have fun!

tl;dr eww OP is unattractive, whatever he says is creepy

Pretty sure it’s fine to ask a girl if they want to eat or whatever else.

Post time stamp and face so we can judge wether you have a creepy face or not

Your passive-aggressive statement says more about you defending pornography than it does about me pointing out the dangers of it. Think about it.

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>I'm too autistic to notice if she's checking me out
>But I think women usually don't do that to me
It doesn’t matter. No man has ever been able to catch a women checking him out. They conceal it too well.
You may see some women checking other men out, but they aren’t trying to conceal it from you in that case.
They also don’t give a fuck how you look, anyway. Caring about how you look to women is fucking gay, and jewish. You need to open and talk to her a little to get her even remotely interested in you.

>does this also apply to coworkers in different departments?
Don’t cross that line. Just go talk to women out in the public space.

>but I kinda give a shit, it's not fun
Before you open a woman, spend a few seconds imagining the worst possible scenario in your head. Then convince yourself it will mean literally nothing an hour from now and then make your approach.

>I'm thinking this too m8
Things that will never happen.

>i'm not a sexual degenerate
You also don’t want to get clamydia.


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