Penises are illegal now

>How do you ask a girl out without being called a creep, pervert, or harasser in 2018?
You do it by not giving a shit what you're called, pussy

Approach her with armfuls of right-wing biographies and ask her if she's read Mean Kampf.

if you ask a girl out and she likes you it's not harassment if she doesn't like you, you risk jail time and being labled a sex offender / being put on a list and registry

Be more attractive.

Hello that looks an interesting book cover?

>bothering with women

Just let the ruins themselves. Stick to hookers.

you don't
you go MGTOW

That's only an issue if you're not attractive dumb ass.

Low test male or annoying cunt spotted
Just say hi you faggot

Just say "ayyy gurl... what dat mouf do." It's 2018.

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