A man with nigger lips
Also the worse liar ever
Yellow vests
It had more originally. Money out of politics. It was a simple aim. It turned into a load of SJWs crying. The same as will happen to this. Infiltrated by Jews and lefty's.
In fact this is already a lefty faggot movement
I really don't understand what the French are protesting to be honest with you.
Macron promised he'd spit in your faces and be a gigantic nigger lover.
You voted for him and are now upset he's following through?
This. The French deserve this. Paris is literally Africa at this point
Yeah, I wonder if it's on purpose to taunt us at this point.
based lads.
europe 4 europeans, keep the flame alive
Literally Le 56%
Less than 20% of the French people voted for him.
While stuffing his face with cake.
> Saljewni
Non merci.