>like 2ft of snow outside
>power is out
>starting to get cold inside
>all I can do is use data plan and extra usb battery chargers to browse pol while wrapped in blankets
Any other Missouri anons dealing with this shit?
When the fuck will the power come back on?
Guys it's getting cold
You should probably save your phone for an emergency ya dumbass.
Light some candles, read a book. Enjoy the blessing of being free from modernity for a bit.
Stay warm.
fpbp get cozy OP winter chan has returned
>pampered city slickers can't cope with living primitive
Use this as a learning experience in preparedness.
>he doesn't have wood to burn for the winter
goodnight user
You can marry and fuck horses in Missouri. I saw a documentary once.
MOfag here.
It's fucking Northern Westeros out here wtf.
Had to call in to work.
Grab as many pdfs as you can while you still have data so when it gets worse you can just sit around reading redpills
Turn off your phone and find a way to get heat, or find a way to get somewhere with heat, dumbass.
I like the cold, makes my house even more comfy
If your heat is down don’t let your pipes freeze
Modern houses can't be heated with wood. Their fireplaces just let all the heat out the chimney without something like an insert or a convection grate. What I wouldn't give to have an actual wood stove in my house, though....
let the snow come!
How, all I got is candles.
I got two battery usb chargers, so I'm fine. If I use up one, then I'll stop using my phone
>get some aluminum roof flashing
>put it at the back of the fireplace so heat reflects into room
my fave
-13c° right now, but its pretty good
Periodically get some hot water running in your pipes
a rocket mass heater would also be very effective and you can basically make it from stuff from home depot
I'm moving in prepare the guest room
>It will happen when the weather cools.
I also have this giant tree wich is nice
If your car is in your garage and you have enough gas just start it up and let it idle for the heat and charging your phone, don't do it too long carbon monoxide poisoning is not noticeable until its too late
So just turn on hot water on my faucets and shower?
>live near leaf border
>used to the cold, everyone else is too
>have full fuel oil tank and a fireplace for backup
>car full of gas on brand new snow tires
>was supposed to get a foot of snow yesterday
>got nothing
seriously though, rocket mass heaters are super comfy and economical.
Unfortunately I live in an apartment complex, my car is in a lot outside under 2ft of snow. I'm in Kansas City
There isn't fucking shit going on in Minnesota. Fucking warm as hell here and no snow. This winter sucks.
You can come whenever you want user
I heard that Missouri allows open containers and for passengers to drink
It's about to get a lot colder.
How into internet when power is out?
I dont understand how you get "stranded" on an interstate.
I swear.....
Literally only 3 inches of snow outside bro. You’ll be fine.
I'm on my phone via my data plan
SC here. It was in the 70s last week now the 40s. We arent going to get anything.
So internet comes from not in the surrounding area?
Probably a cell tower that still has power
Oh shit, I looked outside and you're right.
Fucking niggers why is my power out then, they can't do anything right
MO doesn't really get winter storms like these too often, and when they hit the state isn't prepared/lacks the resources to deal with it. So they make a bad call and instead of cancelling work or school they force everybody to continue as normal dispite the population being shit at driving on ice.
>start slipping sliding while driving
>forgets to gently pump breaks
Turn your water on...just a drip. How old are you?
Minnesotafag here and initially i really want to laugh at you, but I also travel for work, and I was on I-75 in georgia in 2014 for their epic once in a lifetime blizzard and all jokes aside it looked like the walking dead. I feel for It's only a couple feet of snow but your infrastructure isnt set up for it and your neighbors are downright dangerous in this situation. Stay comfy.
That looks really cozy and comfy user
>not having a solar/crank usb charger
And I'm in Washington state. 50f today and noticed some young buds on plants....I like snow. Sadface.jpp
I'm 26
All the faucets are running hot water now
Do you have a gas water heater? If not you are just going to have cold water, either way turn ALL faucets on just a bit. Not full blast. get some ear plugs lol.
Don't spam your schizophrenic shit thread you dumb boomer
Are they contagious?
Yeah it's gas, the water is getting hot
Knock on the door of your hottest single neighbor. Preferably female you fag, and try and make some babies. Bring wine.
26? How do you not know to turn water on during cold snaps?
Even if you have power you still need to do it, while opening all the cabinets (where pipes are) You just want running water so it doesn't have the chance to freeze.
>its 2019
>gypsies have it better than me
>All the faucets are running hot water now
That's stupid. Don't run the hot water, that will just waste what hot water you have in the hot water tank and raise ur gas bill significantly and it doesn't go deep enough into the pipe to protect it any differently. You should use that for a hot shower while you can. The whole point of letting a faucet drip is that moving water freezes at a lower temperature than stationary water and the moving water makes it so even if the water does create some ice as long as it flows, the pressure doesn't get so great that the pipe bursts. This has nothing to do with the temperature of the water.
>Live on Washington state coast
>not one(1) micro unit of snow
>Global warming is real guys!
Yeah, ok.
Go under a blanket fag.
A few years ago in CT we had a massive snowstorm in october. All the trees were soaked from rain and this caused them to fall on power lines all over the state. The entire state was out of power for a WEEK. Wait for plows to come then leave ASAP.
I have carefully optimized the water flow such that it is a drip now
Gather wood at first light while you are fed and relatively warm. Do not put it off, it will only be a worse and worse time to stock up the longer you wait.
You're going to have to figure out a hearth if the power stays out long enough, the garage floor will work fine if it's cement, you can open the door and still keep it relatively warm inside the building.
Fire is your lifeline in the cold, if you have to travel you need to plan out moving from fire to fire.
Stuff (dry, obviously) dead grass in your jacket while walking long distances, you will need it when your lighter/matches run out.
Lacey user here. I literally saw young buds this afternoon.
Warm and humid here.
Hail our Romanian kings!
It's climate change, Global Warming is a by-product, the phrase "Global Warming" was adopted by conservative politicians who did not understand what they were talking about, like you.
This is America leaf, not your syrup siberia. He can just go get a kerosene heater.
This. Just a drip so they don't freeze. And since you're in an apartment complex walk to the cute girl's room and get to cuddling.
One trick I used when we lost power and heat for two days in the freezing cold was to pitch my backpacking tent inside. I would zip all the vents up most of the way and it would get nice and toasty inside, shorts weather. It makes it kind of fun.
If you’re not the outdoorsy type or a preppier you’ll die unprepared in the first extended power outage so take this as a warning.
earths magnetic fields are flipping a new ice age is here.
Yes meditate inwardly in comfy blankets. Have coffee and cocoa and stroopwaffels
I’m going to go burn some garbage now, enjoy your butthurt
Yeah but I got power still.
It's never coming back.
Things are going to naturally spiral out of control all over the country now and we'll be in a full on civil war by this time next year.
Welcome to the most bipolar state in the US. It looks absolutely magical outside in missouri!
Seriously, what is the deal? It's not like a blizzard hit San Francisco or Miami. You guys deal with snow EVERY FUCKING YEAR. Why can't you cope?? Buy some fucking snow tires! Check the weather report now and then! Get a friend with a fireplace if you don't have one.
I used to live up in the Sierra Nevadas and nobody, repeat nobody, had the difficulties with snow you people do. It's mystifying.
Also, I bet your gas is still on. If you actually feel like you're going to freeze to death and you don't have a single friend with a woodstove or fireplace, then either go sit in the car and run the heater for a bit (make sure the tailpipe isn't blocked with snow) or simply turn on your fucking oven and bake some cookies. Put your chair by the stove while they bake. Simultaneous comfy dessert and nice warm evening.
take care
Not that you couldn't fix the problem easily enough, but if you can't be arsed, then at least put a sleeping bag by the fireplace. There will still be plenty of warmth to keep you comfy. Duh. You don't need to heat your entire fucking house.
majorly comfy, user
Laughs in Alaskan
At least put your phone in power save mode to preserve the battery. And turn on your faucets just a tiny bit to keep the pipes from freezing. If this looks to go on for a while, get out some quilts or thick comforter-type padded bedding and tack them over your window(s) to help your room stay warmer.
Chew my boots bitch.
You're all going to die. Imagine what happens when we shut the grid down for good?
Only once Winter-chan has purged all the niggers un the local area.
LMAO christcucks Chan with that symbol and a pagan winter chan
>having a gas water heater
>not having a gas central heater
>not even having a propane tank to run a space heater on if all else fails
Do you have a gas oven? If it uses a pilot light, just warm it up, and move into the kitchen. It’s retarded, but it’ll keep you warm.
But why would power be out except for internet towers? Seriously wondering, if anyone could answer...
Currently 44c and raining. It's a bit unpleasant.
You can put a tea candle under an upside down terra cotta pot and it will heat up really warm and radiate a lot of heat.
Cell towers have a battery backup but it only lasts 2-3 days.
Two feet of snow is nothing. Especially if your car is the kind where the phone charger works even if the car is off. But turning it on for a little while to warm up and charge your phone would be easy--again, just clear the area around the tailpipe because exhaust.
We got like a foot over 2 days. No biggie. In like 2013 we got 16+ in a night, and that was a bitch because they waited until daylight to plow.
Or buy....SNOW TIRES. Chains, even.
>Not having the means to operate when there's a power out.
Next time you can, get a selk bag and some more fluffies.
How have you ended up in the middle of it without prep...
Did you think the power would last forever?
>grew up in MN
>both are illegal
Just learn to love the ice user. Chains and spikes don’t even help except with very very thin ice. A real driver doesn’t fear the ice.
You don't need to use hot water, and you shouldn't.
excellent idea