Guys it's getting cold

Currently 44c and raining. It's a bit unpleasant.

You can put a tea candle under an upside down terra cotta pot and it will heat up really warm and radiate a lot of heat.

Cell towers have a battery backup but it only lasts 2-3 days.

Two feet of snow is nothing. Especially if your car is the kind where the phone charger works even if the car is off. But turning it on for a little while to warm up and charge your phone would be easy--again, just clear the area around the tailpipe because exhaust.

We got like a foot over 2 days. No biggie. In like 2013 we got 16+ in a night, and that was a bitch because they waited until daylight to plow.


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Or buy....SNOW TIRES. Chains, even.

>Not having the means to operate when there's a power out.
Next time you can, get a selk bag and some more fluffies.
How have you ended up in the middle of it without prep...
Did you think the power would last forever?

>grew up in MN
>both are illegal
Just learn to love the ice user. Chains and spikes don’t even help except with very very thin ice. A real driver doesn’t fear the ice.

You don't need to use hot water, and you shouldn't.

excellent idea