Any websites where i can livestream with complete freedom of speech?

any websites where i can livestream with complete freedom of speech?

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i want to be able to livestream so i can better work on social skills

Your racist tirades will get you banned everywhere, rightfully so.

Attached: jew kek.jpg (442x558, 33K)

You can stream on any mainstream website for that without losing your free speech. Getting booted off of a privately owned platform for violating their rules didn't rob you of your freedom of speech and it's funny that imbecile niggers such as yourself degrade the actual value of freedom speech, which is to openly talk about your political/religious believes without getting imprisoned, by claiming it grants you the ability to be an autist that throws around insults with no repercussions.
These repercussions aren't getting imprisoned either.

Attached: 1528559900931.jpg (523x600, 112K)

A million times this.

I love the irony of these Americans being all MUH FREEDOM OF SPEECH SAVE ME DONALD TRUMP:((((((( when some alt-right shithead gets rightfully banned and should have been banned years ago, but when it's something that they support like that bakery that didn;t want to do gay cakes they're suddenly big libertarians that believe that private organisations are free to do what they wish.

The alt tech are the answer.
Meaning Gab, BitChute and Minds.
Bitchute being the new youtube.
Dunno if they support streaming yet, tho.

>Muh private owned businesses can do what they want, how dare you criticize them!

Oh look, it's this cop-out again. Who wants to bet these are the same kind of people who think bakeries should be forced to cater to gay weddings?

Insults fall under the category of freedom of speech, you censorious fucking commies.

And the big media corporations have no right to act like publishers and censor the shit their users post when it suits them, and then act like platforms that are not responsible for the content on them when it suits them in other occasions (aka for example, not being liable to be sued for copyright infringements etc).
They cannot have it both ways.

Besides, Google and other big tech giants are basically propped up by the state anyways. They are anything but "private corporations", unless you think that private corporations should be basically partially tax funded extensions of the surveillance system that the government runs.

>Who wants to bet these are the same kind of people who think bakeries should be forced to cater to gay weddings?

I think bakeries can refuse to bake gay cakes or whatever else they decide, as much as youtube or twitch can ban users for whatever they decided, just as long as the rules are spelled out for them which they are.

It's not an issue of youtube now being a big corporate giant, any small dick-ass forum populated by 15 people has its own rules that you agree to follow when you post there. Even Jow Forums has rules.

>They cannot have it both ways.

Youtube clearly states that you are responsible for your own content, so yes it clearly goes both ways.

Look at what's written on the bottom of Jow Forums.

>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

>lol you triggered safe space weenies have to follow the rules of private companies
>religious baker doesn’t want to bake a gay cake? omfg fucking bigots need to be shut down you can’t deny sevice to anyone

Idiots on display

>Youtube clearly states that you are responsible for your own content, so yes it clearly goes both ways.
Yeah, and then they turn that around by actively censoring people anyways.
Hence the issue. Either individual users are responsible for their posts, and can get sued etc by parties their shit might offend, while the platform itself is neutral OR the platform does the screening and censoring for content that is not approved.

They cannot have it both ways.

the internet is not a public utility sweaty

>Yeah, and then they turn that around by actively censoring people anyways.

They're not turning anything around, they clearly state that harassment & hate speech are against their rules.

Bakery can do what they want
Takes a pretty shit business owner to turn down fair business though
This depends on if you want to say "the thing is Hitler did a lot of very good things and represented some qualities we might even want in modern politicians," or if you want to say "blacks aren't people"

For the former just carry yourself well. For the latter just carry yourself off a bridge

Both harassment and "hate-speech" are vague newspeak terms that don't mean jack shit. They are blatantly used to silence political opponents. For example, Jared Taylor was banned from Twitter despite him never harassing anyone or publishing "hate-speech", his crime was simply being an advocate for the right of white people to continue to exist.

Right but then the counter argument is that all these mouth-breathing slobberknockers are acting like shouting "NIGGER" in the streets is their right and ability

Despite getting their panties in a twist when people naysay whites...

>are acting like shouting "NIGGER" in the streets is their right and ability

It is.

>Despite getting their panties in a twist when people naysay whites...
Wrong. They get angry about the hypocrisy. It is apparently completely ok to hate white people and even wish genocide upon them, but even just saying "nigger" or only stating that you want to live in an ethnically homogeneous neighborhood is somehow morally unacceptable.

Both either are or aren't. There's no "but it's a response" shit, adults are expected to know two wrongs don't make a right. That's the problem.

Branding people hypocrites while being hypocrites isn't fighting the good fight, it's looking like a moron.

The anti-white bias of the mainstream culture is blatantly obvious m8. And there is no sense in playing by the rules of the people who want you to be exterminated.

>saying "whitey is evil" is cool
>saying "nigger" is frowned upon and ostracized
Wonder why people don't like this, hmmmmm...

>his crime was simply being an advocate for the right of white people to continue to exist

He's white supremacist, that's not the same as "an advocate for the right of white people to continue to exist" which is a dickless non-statement.

the former quote, that you made up, doesn't carry hundreds of years of slavery upon decades of systemic oppression on top of it.

I dont give a shit whats attached to it! These people WANT US ALL DEAD!

Not the guy you're replying to, and I've never read any books or researched his platform, but I've seen a couple of his talks and he doesn't seem much more than "an advocate for the right of white people to continue to exist"

But I watched a couple talks like 6 years ago when I was really into Jow Forums, no clue how much he's changed.

He's nu-racist or alt-racist or whatever where the doesn't want to LYNCH black people or anything but he definitely believes that they're below Whites and that they should go back to Africa, and also that Whites are unironically oppressed and somehow being put through a genocide.

Oh, so you agree with me, you just read into it a whole lot more.

How in the fuck is he a "white supremacist?"
He doesn't want to enslave or control non-whites. He simply desires to be able to have a homeland where white people can continue to live as the majority. Is a japanese person who desires to maintain the demographic dominance of japanese people in japan a "japanese supremacist".

No. He simply advocates for the right of white people to exist and have homogeneous communities of their own, where they can rule themselves.
If that makes him a racist, then there is nothing wrong with being a racist, because apparently being "anti-racist" means desiring white people to be subjugated and mongrelized until we cease to exist.

Just make a new account faggot
>t. never been banned and if i was I'd do that

>Is a japanese person who desires to maintain the demographic dominance of japanese people in japan a "japanese supremacist".

Yes. Japan does have a small but vocal minority of people

>If that makes him a racist,

He has a ranking system of which ethnic groups are the best. Maybe not surprisingly, he's a secret weeb and thinks that East Asia is #1.

>favoring the survival and sovereignty of your own people is racist.
I guess that there is nothing wrong with racism then.

>muh white genocide

if we're going through a genocide, how come I'm able to just talk around and go to the movies and go to school and fly out the country to go on vacation and vote and do everything and anything I want?

This is one extremely inefficient genocide we're being put through. Almost as if it were just a conspiracy theory.

The current trends in both USA and Europe will render white people into minorities in their lands within a few generations.
That fits the definition of a genocide.

I want to maintain my homeland ethnically homogeneous. I find the state of USA revolting. I have no loyalty or solidarity towards people who do not belong to my ethnic group.

Attached: UN definition of genocide.jpg (638x479, 81K)

>UN definition of genocide

Yeah you should go ahead and read it

Mexicans or whatever coming over and having kids doesn't make it genocide.

>That fits the definition of a genocide.

oh but it really doesn't. It's just immigration.