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Advice #200
Told a girl she was the prettiest girl on campus, asked to hang out, she ignored my texts later, met her again...
Is it even possible to get an interesting gf...
Will getting a cat help with my all-consuming need for love and affection and cuddles?
Girlfriend is my first girlfriend (and everything, kiss, sex)
Wtf can this be revived?
This girl that i'm into drinks and smokes pot...
How do I become witty, badass, and a lone wolf?
About to get an associates degree. Will be going for a bachelors in International business soon after
Are Men prone to cheating?
I want someone who don't want me
How do you get a girlfriend without having to ask one out? I can never do it, too anxious and paranoid
Be on a discord server with my league-playing friends
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Why are women in America so offended by the world cunt...
My gf wants to fuck our dog and I'm into it
I'm a fat dude that wants hot chicks, is it possible for me to get them?
Why is it so brutally difficult to get a job yet everyone seems to have one?
How can you not be awkward at parties? Please, help me
Why shouldn't I hurt women? Why shouldn't I beat the shit out of my girlfriend with a chair...
Is possible to start to self learn piano at 30?
Is dating ugly or fat girls better because they will be more grateful and have less self esteem to cheat?
I'm a 26 year old male and I don't want kids
Be me
Am I too picky?
My bf refuses to communicate with me on our sex life issue
Subjectively attractive?
Am I under any obligation to tell women I’m seeing about each other if we haven’t established exclusively yet...
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Hello all
Girls don't Like me
Gf wants me to piss on her
Yo someone help me out please she's fast at responding and well obviously texts first but still the messages are dryer...
Parents kicked me out
My First GF Left Me for Another Guy
I'm dating a CIA agent
19 y/o virgin
Is there any video game without any challenges?
How to deal with managers who pick on you?
She blocked me on everything after this
I’m going to get coffee with a male colleague after work tomorrow...
Shut in NEET
I decided not to buy the textbook for a class and just print it from a pdf I found online...
Confess to a guy friend that I like him
How can I get the guy I like if he rarely writes to me and I don't live in his city...
Best way to find a decent husband?
How do I C.O.P.E with the fact that I am an average looking guy
What happens to girls who sleep around when they get older?
Is nofap worth it? Or is it a meme? Wondering if it's worth doing a no fap month
How do I stop hating women/people Jow Forums
Is it possible to actually become friends with people on Jow Forums? Has it ever happened to you...
How to explain women to my son?
ITT God Himself offers you advice
How can you protect yourself from false rape accusations?
Checkered Floor
Grills, would you freak out if the guy you met online was 3 years younger than he claimed?
When do cravings stop?
Hide to die
Hey Jow Forums I went on a couple of dates with a woman much older than me, she's 40 and I'm 27...
Why am I attracted to mentally ill guys (depressives, ragetards, shrinking violets...
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
What should my rap name be? I need real suggestions
What's a job where i can make a lot of money for not doing a lot of work? preferably in a cushy office setting
So I've been dating this guy for like a month now, we really liked each other and had great chemistry...
Hating men
Tell me about the last date you went on Jow Forums
As a blackbot, how do I get a girl like this? After the great separation happens I might never see one again
"Nazi" art
How do I get this grill to fuck off?
Do guys like shy girls?
Anybody here have experience suing for discrimination against disability in the workplace?
My girlfriend’s friend is really sensitive and easily triggered...
Pic related
How do I get a date when I'm 22 and have never had any interest from girls?
Finding people to talk to at 30
The worst decision I’ve made
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Any tips on finding/getting the services from an escort? It's going to be my first time
How do I stop hating women?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Cannot feel any emotions anymore please help
How do I compliment any female on her skin...
Recently divorced, am I attractive?
I got a boyfriend and very much care for him...
Fitting in a foreign country
There's a girl I know at work. She is 17 and she's been hinting that she wants me to take her virginity...
I want to get rid of my girlfriend
Attracted to emo/goth girls
Is it cucked to get into a relationship with a woman who has 2 kids if the dad is dead?
Not attracted to my wife
Just be yourself, bro
My gf wanted us to break and come back after 1 year and I agreed on that
Is this bad?
Be me
How does one follow their dreams? Even if they most likely will never succeed?
So uhh... how exactly do I have sex? Like how do I perform the act?
When is it beta to do favors to a girl?
Does donating my money and time to a charity turn me into a cuck?
Simple Question
Girlfriend is a severe masochist
Should I tell my girlfriend the truth?
Help me please
My girlfriend just broke up with me yesterday over a situation we had
Why do Black Men get divorced by their non-black wives?
Hi Jow Forums
I made a forum for people going to an event. Turned out one of the members was grooming children to do with the event...
Will I ever be able to attract an attractive woman?
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Any advice for fighting off multiple people at once...
Femanon here
Cat just died
Grad school
What's the fastest way to lose weight?
Relationship advice
How do I take a picture of something that doesn't exist?
Friendzoned aftersex
I'm an atheist. What's a good substitute for church? Really jealous of my religious friends who get to party there
NoFap; could use some help
Good Evening, Anonymous! It's that time again! Need advice on job/career? Sex and relationships...
My long term gf did 23andme and found out she's 1/8 black...
Dating someone with different political beliefs?
What the actual fuck is wrong with this woman?
Got stuck with something sharp on a soap dispenser. What do?
How do I get the U.S. government to legalize rape?
So I almost never ask for advice, this is gonna be a greentext so yeah. Sadly this is serious thread...
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
What the fuck is wrong with women
My daughter isn't mine
I'm scared that I'm going to never get a girlfriend...
Permanent modifications for temporary relationships?
How cringy is this message?
Are the overwhelming majority of women submissive in bed?
At what age does me being a kissless virgin who's never touched a girl become a problem if ever ?
Why does Jow Forums seemingly care so much about tattoos? Is this is a new alt-right neo-traditional zoomer meme...
Gf watches male gay porn
Where do actually interesting girls hang out? Every girl I've been with is a vapid thot
What are some jobs where I get to cause pain?
How does one acquire a qt Japanese gf?
Jealous of son?
How do I break up a happy relationship of a girl I like and a guy I don't like?
In long term relationship
Is it normal, at least for channers, to avoid any white woman that was with a black dude?
Why is it so much easier to get a seven figure salary then a gf?
I really need your help guys
Super confusing situation
Girl asks for my number, I give it to her
Why is it that despite so many people wanting to die in this modern society that is severely crippled thanks to all the...
Should I kill myself?
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
I told my aspie crush that I have a crush on him and he ignored that and acted like I never said that and then stopped...
Ask me for girl advice
I want to kill myself, please talk me out of it
I like to act submissive around women and beta until I get in the bedroom...
How do you learn to talk to women you DON’T want to fuck...
How do I stop being an incel?
So my gf's 18. Just started dating her little over a week ago. Aggressive. Bossy. Bitchy...
Where is the hitler tripfag these days? His "advice" was most often the best of a thread and I miss
Sad virgin girl
I went to college starting in my late 20s, I'm 31 and starting my final year now...
No one could ever love me
Is a cheater always a cheater?
How do I stop hating people who use drugs?
Convince me women aren’t a mistake and do belong in the workplace
Blocking a person you love
Why is this board full of incels and MRAs now? This board used to be good
How do I cope when a Jow Forums post legitimately hurts my feelings?
27 yo virgin
How do I stop smoking so fucking much
Why would girls choose to go out with a serial killer over a guy who's just shy?
What’s the best way to shoot down a woman’s attempts to make you “open up” to her...
What does it feel like to be desired by a girl?
I messed up
Why does everyone on this board assume that all women cheat?
Is this promoting violence?
Amazon Employee AMA
Pretend you are a female looking at you. What would make you attracted to yourself...
I have two girls fighting over me and I don't know which one to choose to be with
22 year old khv with no friends
I might have to fight someone. Any tips?
How do I get rid of gender dysphoria? I've had this shit for over ten years now
When it comes to sexual assault, particularly with the currently Supreme Court battle...
Fuck this shit
The politics of pregnancy
How the fuck do people get over break-ups in long-term relationships? asking for a friend
Dating this girl and she told me that her dad has ties to the yakuza should I be worried?
Why do some women want to have less sex after marriage?
Convince me that it’s not cool to be a mysoginist
What do you do on weekends?
Save a Life!!!
F.U.B.A.R relationship
Should I go to college in China?, I’ve heard it’s really easy to get in and it’s cheap if not free for foreigners...
Maybe this is more of a Jow Forums thing but I'll ask here. How do I overcome coders block?
Do girls think it's a deal breaker if you don't have a car or your license?
How do I know if I have a chance with a female coworker of mine and how do I take it?
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
What do you faggots do for a living? I just quit the university jew...
Hello /ad/:3
Explain to me *exactly* what's wrong with being racist
Hello If you have any questions girl related, ask away! As a girl I will try my best to help you
Is it Ever okay for a girl to pursue a guy? Honest answers please
If you fuck a drunk girl it's rape
Why does it feel like Jow Forums is the only support group for men left...
Have gay friend
Be me
How do you maintain interest in your gf when there are so many hot insta girls out there. I see my frumpy ass gf of two
I just started uni and now I'm surrounded by chads, nerdy asians and niggers...
Am 25
Born in shitty small town
It's been almost 6 months since me and my ex broke up
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
I’ve been hanging out with this girl for a while and she sent me this a couple hours ago while I slept...
Match a girl
I found a dildo bigger than my penis in my gf’s apartment and my confidence is fucking shattered
Ex Threw away my furniture
I just moved in with my boyfriend and I'm very non-confrontational, but something is really bothering me
I just want an over 6ft guy who is funny and has a job he likes who is not a cheater or porn addict...
I have decided to emigrate to norway
Are these bangs nice on a girl? Ignore the fact that its obviously a pretty girl and imagine it on a 5-6/10
Is it normal for girls to be completely neurotic and hard to deal with when they're on their period?
Gf wants me to give up my primary hobby
Met this girl one of the smartest people I've ever met in my whole life, has a cute body, has a PhD...
Good evening anonymous, I hope you're having a good week so far
Girl in class smells horrible
I feel like I'm getting bullied at work
Is she too fat to hook up with?
Got cheated on
Why do assholes feel compeled to travel the world?
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
I feel tat I am genuinely destined to never have a girlfriend. Everything about me repels them...
Everyone keeps telling me I should be dating the manager of my favorite bar. She seems super interested...
I'm 27 and never even touch touched a girl. Is it too late for me to get a gf?
How do I fuck over my Chinese landlords?
Am I a weeny little Snowflake??
Convince me that it isn't impossible for me to get a girlfriend
How should I behave in public?
I started chatting online with this girl a month ago. We have a lot in common and now we basically flirt all day...
Why shouldn't I compare myself to others?
How do I get over the smell of vagina?
OCD, Anxiety, Depression, DP/DR
How to deal with my ugliness? I mean...
Licensed Sex Therapist here, let me help you
27th year of life slowly approaching
Small vagina
How am I supposed to lay pipe if I live with my parents?
Friend just serendipitously met a perfect 18 year old girl in uni club
My good friend broke up with her boyfriend cause he is cheating
Gf watches cuck porn
The girl I'm interested in never texts or calls me first. I always do it...
I cant trust blonde people. i hate em
How often do girls cheat?
Neighbor Cheating With Tyrone
I just thought: should I livestream my suicide this weekend...
Is there any way out of loneliness?
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
So I just masturbated to CP for the first time and I'm wondering if I should kill myself now or just turn myself in and...
Flow of a date
My crush ignores me on fb because he says he is busy, but gave me his WhatsApp and told me to message him there
Why is it so hard to find a girl that just wants casual sex?
How to deal with online people insulting you over voice chat?
How do I fix my social anxiety...
Which homogeneous White Country should I go to?
What do you think about open relationships? Is it bound to fail?
>Inb4 going to prison
Whats the best way to learn chinese?
How to get rid of acne? I'm 19 atm and have had mild teen acne for the last 3 years...
What is wrong with tinder girls?
Why i am unable to relate to others almost whole the time?
My underage friend is in a relationship with a 30 something-year-old
My crush compliments other girls in front of me
What can I start doing right now that would get me to be less awkward, shy and help me get a girlfriend in the future
How to dom my gf
How should I have my haircut to look cool and october-y?
"To resuscitate the economy"
How to endure western degeneracy?
Why even bother with casual sex if you can just masturbate...
I'm seriously considering hiring an escort these days and I'm completely freaking out about it...
I thought I was going to have a girlfriend for the first time in my life, at 24 years. She is 6 years younger than me...
Hi Anons
I'm 23 and want to start my life already. It all comes down to money. I don't know what to do...
How do I lower my libido? I'm currently on noporn closing in on 3 weeks and my libido is through the roof...
Hey advice
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Internet hookups
My girlfriends family hates me for seemingly no reason. I havent mistreated her, i try to be polite to them...
What's more important, being true to who you are or your career ?
If girls never start conversations with you, that means you're ugly, right?
Glad I didn't neck myself thread
How much does money and intelligence in a guy matter to women?
How to get over a shitty relationship
Eating a girl out
Good evening anonymous, I hope you're having a good week so far
How do I get out of Canada? I can't take being constantly vilified by the media and country at large anymore
What do men with average looks/genetics have to do to get laid without paying for an escort?
Fat girl here
Despite what advice and help I've gotten, I don't feel that im fit to be a wagecuck at some corporation...
Why am I forbidden from getting a girlfriend just because I have social issues?
Should I sue the Sheriff's Department for this?
Why are blacks so rude...
Is it bad to stay alone
Relationships: Move on or get back?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Are breast implants worth it? I am a small-chested girl and I feel insecure about being flat-chested
Why is the head all wrinkly?
Is it a red flag if gf gets turned on easily?
Is my girlfriend retarded?
How do I make myself more attractive to younger guys? I'm 19 and 25+ men keep coming onto me...
Hey Jow Forums
People who learned a second language, what tips do you have? What did you find most effective with learning?
19 years old
How Do I Not Cheat?
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Is 25 too late to start dating...
Does white hair improve a girls "sexual marketplace value"?
Losing ability to speak, came here to type
My brother-in-law got cucked. He had a DNA test done and learned “his” son isn’t really his...
Go on Jow Forums
Are the majority of selfies that girls post lies...
So as of this morning, my girlfriend is giving me a cold shoulder and refusing to text me most of today...
I've been having these obsessive thoughts about being transgender...
Bestfriend for 8 years
Came on too strong to a 25y/o virgin, please help
Tips on having a good long distance relationship
Just found out my brother is a Jow Forumstard. What should I do?
Is there a musical instrument that's easy enough to learn in your 30s and will also allow you to play video game music?
Why can't I love myself?
Welp, folks found out I'm gay this weekend, and the shitstorm still won't let up
Am I weird to other people?
Trouble in paradise
Why are girls all brain dead sluts now...
Sometimes I think I am the only one 30+ here since a couple of years. Every week I think of leaving this board...
Ask anything
Why has my dick lost ALL sensitivity recently? What are some possible causes for this?
I think my sister likes me
Is there an alternative to Jow Forums?
Girls - What makes you REALLY fall for a guy?
ITT: ask the opposite gender anything
As a brown man, how hard is it for me to obtain a 6+ WHITE GeeEff
Is going to a psychologist worth it?
Why is MGTOW bad?
Catching feelings
19, virgin, bitter and doing anything for the sake of fucking other people
I’m dating a girl that has depression. Can I get some advice?
Marrying modern women
I’m a high school senior and I’m planning on going out of state for college...
Why dont guys like me? The only few guys that have ever talked to me were short and borderline retarded or niggers
Go on date with girl
Height surgery
Why are some men against dating plus size women?
Boyfriend Treats Mom Like Shit
My Ex has come back to my life, and I don't know what to do
How/where did you all meet your significant others?
What beauty trend(s) do you dislike/hate?
Taking a "Break"
Good Evening Anonymous!
73% European, 15% Negroid, 12% Amerindian
What would you do a couple of months before your suicide date?
How do I cause the most pain to my girlfriend?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
How do I Break the cycle?
My friends think that I am desensitized and a horrible person for defending the two... Is it because of Jow Forums?
Hey everyone. I'm in quite a pickle. I'm a woman. My boyfriend refuses to have sex with me...
Cute girl keeps flirting with me at church. Help me bros
Would you date me?
Should i lose my virginity with hookers to gain experience ?
People using my autism to act like I shouldn't have a say
Have sex with a guy I befriended
Strange femanon
If you are a meme, subjected to the harshest scrutiny and ironic detachment of internet and meme culture...
I'm a 5'10 girl and I like a guy that hates tall girls. Do I just forget about him or can I do something about this?
ITT: Ask 3 girls and 300 guys anything
How do i hurt my girlfriend a little once in a while without breaking up...
I just bought my first dakimakura and it's a pretty lewd one, but I still live with my family...
Date women younger or same age?
I’m kind of concerned about my own safety. Is it possible for facism to over take the US...
Can sending nudes back fire? Can sending TOO many nudes be considered equivalent to sending like too many texts...
Suicide or not?
My first boyfriend just cheated on me
I have a roommate from Iran. At first he wanted me to not wear my shoes on the carpet, which I did
How can I find a girlfriend if I'm a 5'9 manlet and a 5.5" dicklet?
Too cute to fail
My gf has small tits
How the fuck do I stop being horny all the time?
I just drunkenly wrote my oneitis a love letter. I most definitely should not give it to her, right?
Bed bugs !!!
Female with Borderline Personality Disorder. I am extremely vindictive in arguments; I hit below the belt...
Older guys in college who succeed in scoring with college age girls: tell me your secrets. I'm 30...
Want to be a stay at home mom
How would you react if someone you’d known forever suddenly went bi or gay?
Women only want men who don't want them
D-does long term depression really cause permanent brain damage?
My bf raped me
Be me
Is anyone here straight edge
Falsely accused of transphobia
Broken sexuality
How do I pay a girl for sex in college? I just want to get rid of my virginity by any way possible
How to make a LDR work? I'm in one now and I'd like to know. It's my first serious relationship...
Foreign men interested in marriage to get a green card
How do I find a girlfriend with some type of mental disorder...
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Is it wrong for a girl to propose marriage to a man...
How do I intiaite change in my life?
I was talking with a (friend) girl about our dark stuff and I talked about my suicide attempt and she told me how she...
Sailing in the heart of darkness
I had the worst customer experience today and i want to cry in anger...
Fake Degree - Update
Why is it so easy for normies to get a gf? I'm 27 and still can't figure out how this shit works
Can psychedelics help me?
Going out for coffee and wanting to go on a hike together means she likes me as more than a friend, right guys??
What is masculinity exactly?
How common is it to not have any friends at all?
What makes a hot girl a hot girl?
Post your Life Goals
Hey y'all. I need some advice. My girlfriend wants her nipples pierced...
What gifts do women like?
I need help unfucking my life
Judging mens’ masculinity
I think I fucked up Jow Forums
Doxxed, How to Cope?
What are the best books/resources you know of to develop god tier social skills and awareness?
Will I regret cheating?
How do you turn your shortness into cuteness ( 5'6 male ). I've given up on being strong and macho
Can I fix this?
Be me
How do I stop being so bitter at everyone with more freedom than me?
Caught my girlfriend using tinder
How do I know if I'm really transgender or if I'm just making it up in my head?
Does having vaginal sex ever hurt (for men?)
I have this friend who let's me fuck her... and I don't know how I feel about it...
Two questions: what is 4cchans obsession with "Chad" and why are you all such fucking faggots?
Any religious folk here?
What could be the real reason some perfectly nice guys decide to "Give up on dating all together"???
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
My friend is super loud and talkative around his other friends, almost to the point of being obnoxious...
So, I go to this mandatory uni class and it's 90% women. I just can't stand it when they are looking at me...
Tell me about birth control, Jow Forums. I'm moving in with my bf of 2 years...
How do I grow myself out of nihilism?
My dick is only 6 inches and pretty thin, is pic related my future?
My gf just start breakdown crying whenever I try to confront her problematic behavior...
Based on the pictures should I wear a wig? Can I get a rate going?
How important is height as a factor of male attractiveness? Can a 5'4'' guy ever get a gf?
Some guy just transferred me 1000 dollars to buy a 700 dollar graphics card...
[Help!] The Girl I Like Won't Respond to My Emails (´ï½¥ωï½¥`)
ITT Death gives you advice
What happened?
User, are you familiar with PSORIASIS? I've had this skin condition since 2011 and I am desperate...
Any protips on how to ask out a Russian girl who's English isn't great?
Finally got tinder, how do i get my cherrie popped?
How do you become rich and successful?
I'm 28 and she 21
What do Jow Forums girls look like irl
I'm a 28 year old woman...
How do i get in contact with the mafia?
My friend is a jerk when we're talking about religion
What am I supposed to do when getting my titties sucked? Pat his head? Should I have my eyes closed or open?
Cumming inside my girlfriend of 2+ years
Am I the baddie?
Have you ever had to choose between two people clearly into you Jow Forums?
Very simple question: How do I stop being so fucking lazy?
Openly jealous bf
My bf is sleeping HELP!
Mass shootings in the US, how would I prepare for them in my next vacations visiting the US?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Am I texting her too much?
Is it's normal to imagine yourself and your crush in sexual situations if you're a girl?? I feel like it's wrong
Give me 1 reason why I shouldn't put a bullet in my brain, just 1
Men what does your ideal girl look like & what type of characteristics/personality...
Should I get the McDouble or the McChicken today?
How do I get sex if I'm a legit sperg?
If introverts don’t enjoy small talks because they’re often insincere...
Morning adv
Is there a difference between dating a girl with small boobs or one with big boobs...
A hacker Ian threatening to release my friends nudes!
Dealing with a mentally ill girl
Why is teaching chastity and sex in the confines considered not sex-positive...
Pregnancy advice
Licensed Sex Therapist here, let me help you
I’m been with my bpd girlfriend since may...
Am I overreacting?
Femanons, Rate my OKC Bio Please?
Red Flag Hobbies
Men, what are you biggest turn-ons in a woman?
Is it possible for an ugly ethnic male to get a white gf?
Lost over 100lbs
My girl tongued her male friend at concert
How do I stop despising black people
I'm done
Tinder Thread General
How do i get a goth gf? they’re so gorgeous and i have no idea where to look
I've had sex with 70 women
I’m going to just fuck a kid(14<=) already. Not like I have a chance with adults my age
How do you prevent your daughter from being a filthy whore...
Where are all the good girls?
How do you know that you're ugly or not?
What’s the fastest way to differentiate between someone who has free love and someone who uses sex to manipulate people?
Does anyone else think that our romantic relationship culture is very predatory?
Never fallen in love
How physical can I get with my gf without being considered a woman beater
Is there any site like Jow Forums but for "normies"?
Is it weird to want a girlfriend?
Women, what are your biggest turn offs in a man?
Do you guys ever see a girl who just seems perfect...
Dating gril recovering from anorexia
How do women feel about dicks...
My girlfriend has just left on vacation abroad and she's staying at a male friend's place for a week
How fucked am I if I took a few hits of weed and have a drug test 6 days after it...
A girl invited me over to watch a bad horror movie from her childhood because i told her i never saw it
Gf threatening to leave me
Amateur porn
Do guys actually get turned on by lingerie or is it just something that gives women confidence?
Gf wants to sleep with other people
How do you actually make friends and get a significant other that understands you...
Have you ever lied to your significant other?
I jerk off to porn while I'm in a relationship. Real fucked up shit too
Been living with 5 years older woman since i was 17...
Raped my little sister again
Is it possible to avoid a girl with a slutty past...
Being black sucks
Trying to find work
A black girl I work with keeps flirting with me and asking me out
Best place to find gf material?
I've finally given into the no fap meme. Any advice to keep myself from falling into temptation?
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Finally got tinder, how do i get my cherrie popped?
Where are all the nice girls?
How crazy is it that I know what my soulmate will be like and how I’ll meet her?
Are my friends suicide threats real. He has been going on like this for weeks...
There really is no help here is there?
How often does getting back together with your ex actually work out?
Is this ok to wear out in public? I live in a small town and I'm going on a date...
Having the brain of an adult is no fun. Music isn't the same anymore, colors are less vivid...
Girl that I know has crushing on me for quite a while lost interest in me...
My boyfriend just revealed to me that he has sexual fantasies about killing women
Help me get out of the friendzone. I try to go out and meet new girls as much as possible...
Why do girls show no interest in me?
Turning 30 tomorrow and I've never been loved/been in a relationship
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Fetish help. I'm still embarrassed
Is it me or does tinder feel one sided from a guy's perspective?
Be married for a few months
Why are some men against dating a larger women?
How do I learn to like alcohol?
Men, what are your biggest turn offs in a woman?
I really don't like the way my gf has been handling stressful situations...
Boyfriend (gay, not femanon) won’t have sex with me, what should I do?
Can someone tell me if guanfacine or clonidine can help with emotional blunting due to taking adderal...
I have some posture issues and I went to a chiropractor today...
What's the way to find love in 2018?
Is fapping fucking bad for you?
Partner never talks about his problems
Does anyone feel like Soyboy is the new nerd?
Why does this guy talk to me really often, sometimes every days but won’t ask me out?
I'm a useless autistic trans neet with no family, friends, or reason to live. Why shouldn't I kms?
I really hate that women aren't attracted to me...
So I was walking to work today and I saw a woman being beat in the alleyway...
Do any guys out there actually like their girlfriends and think they're special?
How do I cope with being an ugly 5'0" manlet, dicklet, brainlet, social retard...
So a happy relationship and a successful, meaningful career are both out of the question
If men are replaceable, dick is a dime a dozen...
What have you achieved in life? How? Any tips for us that aren't there yet?
How do you recover from being exposed as a liar?
What do Women actually like to talk about
Why do women seem what more attracted to other women (as in they're way more vocal about women being hot than men) but...
Why do women hate short men so much?
Sex for females
You know the deal. say it
I am back to update the few, if any, who have kept up with my post. So I called her a day ago...
Are girls with hair dyed unnatural colours a red flag for you?
How do I let him go once and for all?
Ask the Opposite Sex Anything, Basically QTDDTOT
What qualities in a man do women find attractive?
Yo, midnight Jow Forums, is this a decent bio/first pic...
How to feel confident without makeup?
My girlfriend is breaking up with me. For the sake of closure...
Yknow, I keep seeing threads about guys crying that they're 5'6. Soooo am I just straight fucked since I'm 5'3...
Hey Jow Forums
I have a major crush on my coworker and NEED to touch his arms
Cereal and Milk Alternative
Why do I want a girlfriend even though I have a personality no girl would like?
First Girlfriend
How do I flirt with latina women? How do I flirt and leave a good impression with them...
Meeting new women?
How do you help someone with eating disorders? Gf suffers from anorexia nervosa...
What the fuck happened?
What keeps you going? If you are over 30 and your don't have your shit together...
Living with yourself
How do I do online dating if I’m a 5’6 guy ? I have a decent white collar job and I’m like a 7/10 looks wise...
I'm probably going to be homeless soon
This girl I'm seeing is basically a 10/10 in every aspect...
Hey Jow Forums!23 female here
Is cold approaching women worth it...
Femanons I need your help
How to feel powerless to women?
I'm 21 and I'm going to transfer from incel to MGTOW (basically like incel but voluntary) until I'm around 35 and I'm...
Is 25 too late to get a good girl? An user on /v/ was saying it was
I was in the self-checkout in a supermarket. Look over to the regular ckeckout...
Financially irresponsible GF
Being born ugly means I'll be alone forever
I took 6 big dabs of MDMA on my first time (yeah I know that was a fucking stupid decision and I'm not doing it again)...
Why i can't tind a generic guy who just look a healthy quantity of anime to date?
I have a younger sibbling addicted to technology...
Got pretty close with someone last night, wat do?
Just be yourself, bro
Hello, i have a 152 IQ and was raised in a family of entrepreneurs...
Just how shy are women?
Sexual Inadequacy
My dad was a massive ladies man who already had 4 girlfriends by my age (20) and he ranted at me yesterday...
How bad am I and how can I make it better?
Ask A Lawyer
Should decade(s) old sexual misconduct allegations even matter, especially if the crimnal was underage at the time?
What advice would you give your 21-year-old self?
Should I try to get a girl's number?
Birth Control
Hi,throat felt a little sore, went to looks and it looked worse than expected...
How can I learn to stop liking men?
Be 2nd generation japanese girl, adopted
Favelanon here, this thread is really important, dont ignore it
Mixed-raced, 22 years old
Explaining /nosocialmedia/
A few months ago...
Is this a tranny messaging me on Tinder :/
My girlfriend has been letting a friend of hers stay at our house alone while she's at work and I'm out of town...
Orbiters getting a chance
How do I (19, straight guy) stop being utterly terrified of sex?
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Why will women fuck short men but won’t date them?
I'm a piece of shit unsalvageable roastie with bpd, depression, and all that fucking disgusting shit...
Hi Jow Forums. 23 F, engaged. My fiance recently joined an anti-smoking activism group, and I'm a smoker...
How the hell do I move into management roles in tech? Do I need an MBA? Just keep job hopping till I'm promoted...
How do I deal with this pain
Girlfriend says she has bumps on vagina
I am tired of reading all your fucking BULLSHIT fucking PUSSIES
How are people okay with themselves?
Why is this board so deluded about “wife material” women...
Danger areas in Manchester
Nobody likes to be bothered by complete strangers on the bus, specially if you're wearing headphones...
Can anybody explain to me how real sex looks like
What advice would you give to a favelanon that live on Brazil, at the poorest area in São Paulo...
Should I break up or have I found the love of my life?
How do I get a bf who's out of my league?
Pic related walks over to your gf, pics her up and says "she's mine now"
When Internet was cool
How to stop paranoid empathy?
How can I get a girlfriend if I'm extremely shy, introverted, anxious, a voicelet...
I don’t know how to be hopeful about women anymore. How do I have hope?
My gf cums maybe 1/3 of the time we have sex (if she is honest) but the other 2/3s she gets very wet...
Sex with a do I get over it Jow Forums? UPDATE
What happened to pickup artists?
What is it like dating a person with bipolar disorder?
Be me
What is she trying to say?
Eating out/going down
How do you get a 10/10 girl?
I’m smoking weed for the first time tonight, any advice? idk i’m kinda worried
I caught my boyfriend masturbating to selfies of his female “best friend”...
Where in this world can I bang hookers who are regularly tested for HIV?
How to deal with extreme pain
You want a weak submissive woman because you are weak and you can't handle strength...
Dating A Chinese Girl
Shekel quest
I can't talk to boys
Why is Jow Forums so obsessed with relationships?
I am a pedophile
ITT: Ask Men Pretending To Be Women Anything
Is there any way to get medical marijuana delivered if you get a prescription in hell hole shitty ass new York...
Tinder Advice General - /tag/ #1
What do I do if I live in a crazy small town where everyones a maniac
How could I stop being depressed over not having a gf?
Why do men have to bribe women with food and alcohol before sex? Women enjoy sex as much if not more than men do
Am I fucked if i'm a 5'6" male
Give me some wisdom guys
Ask a doc
Half of my family is from a small village and quite related
A female friend of mine was rather exasperated and asked me why she’s single...
Be me
Hello, my boyfriend said something fairly concerning and I was wondering about Jow Forums's take on it
Caught my bf masturbating the other day on his computer
Scared my boyfriend will leave because of my job choices
I've been ghosted into oblivion for about three weeks...
I guess I just need to vent off. Relationship issues thread
How do I make a female friend? NOT a girlfriend, just friend
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Boyfriend looks at his ex’s
My parents are going through bullshit/ might divorce wtf do I do
Why is there such a double standard for cheating on here? Recently I saw 2 different threads...
Second thoughts about gf
Random Rant
Taking down my nudes from internet
Sound like a plan?
I've never been so fucking angry
Mommy-type GF
I found a girl i went to highschool with in the facebook "people you may know" section who got extremely hot since...
Good evening anonymous, I hope you're having a good week so far
Is it normal to still feel like a child at 19?
I am a hopeless game addict and I'm addicted to Onigiri...
Td:dr help me hack
Is it possible for me to find a bf that doesn't watch porn?
Why shouldn't I kill myself?
How do i stop being a failed normie?
Why do I always doubt my standings on certain things...
Punched my dad's laptop and now the screen is broke
Befriend woman
Small dick problem. Any options besides expensive surgery or killing myself?
Incel here. How do I into online dating?
Getting a home when poor
Girl treats me nicely
Women Jow Forumsocates. Help a dude out
I fucking hate myself. I'm 5'0 femanon and I doubt I'll get any taller...
Loving gf, unnattractive body, break up?
My gf obsesses over k-pop. She compliments some korean niggers more than me and I'm getting hurt. What do?
What does it mean if girls never flirt with you?
Is 22 to old for being male virgin?
Do guys actually like big asses?
Anyone want to talk with me?
New girl at work
Bf worried about taking my virginity
Why do men want sex with thicker women, but won't date them?
If dating is as difficult for men as for women how come there is a huge market telling men how to date and score women...
How do I become a smug asshole? People are often rude to me at work...
How am I supposed to eat the pussy?
I forgot how hard monogamy is
Is this building high enough
I'm a 4'11 20 year old guy with a slight facial deformity and i dropped out of high school due to depression and now i...
How do I get rid of a street preacher?
Meet girl
Am I right for feeling uneasy about this?
What is it with autists and sexual harassment?
My gf hasn't hit me in over month but just did so yesterday after a fight...
What do I do if I have a curse preventing me from leaving my shitty town
Have FWB situation with artist chick
How do I make my boyfriend stop constantly complaining about minorities
I just discovered my family was richer than I thought, and I just inherited 2 million dollars
Hello Jow Forums
How do I tell a girl that's madly in love with me to lose weight and shower every day...
Why don't some girls want to have a status on fb? I'm a teen, 19, she's almost 18...
Cut or uncut?
I was molested by my cousin at the ages 8-9...
Hey B, any help in pursuing introverted girls? Im a 6'1, 14/2 stone...
What is unironically the best degree?
How could I improve myself to become interesting to women?
I have no idea how to deal with this
Jealous of Women
Is suicide really selfish? I never asked to be born, I never wanted this...
Al/ck thread
How do I get a girlfriend without making the first move?
My boyfriend is showing interest in poly relationships, but i'm very against it...
My boyfriend is balding and I don’t know what to think of it...
Boyfriend got really violent, not sure how I feel
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship