Creampie fetish

I am a man who frequently has casual sex with a few different women at the moment. I honestly hate condoms, I prefer unprotected sex so much more that I've often pulled the condom off and threw it away while the girl wasn't looking or in the dark. Probably my favourite type of porn is impregnation/insemination, or anything involving unprotected sex and unloading huge, thick, gooey creampies into pussies. The last few times I had sex with women I've ended up having very intense orgasms while balls deep inside them, the kind that leaves a giant crime scene creampie mess with her pussy cream, our sweat and my sperm leaking out of her pussy. I even find the sight of a freshly inseminated vagina to be beautiful, I wanted to take a picture of the creamy mess leaking out of their pussies, like a trophy to show off to friends. I know I'm a huge douchebag and just love hooking up with slutty girls on these apps, but I just get an immense satisfaction from doing it. How do I condition myself to stop loving creampies so much? Also is there anyway to increase your sensitivity so you can enjoy sex more with condoms on?

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I'm here just to say that dude, you sound fucking gross

I don't have any advice but I would just ask you as a virgin, how often have you gotten STD's given your rate of sexual activity?

There are four possible approaches.

Stop having sex.

Exclusively do oral and anal.

Stop being such a faggot and rubber up.

Ignore the other three options and be stuck with a kid, or several, leeching off you for the rest of your life.

I literally don't have any STDs. Got tested just two weeks ago, zero. No bumps or anything on my genitals like, ever. I got a cold sore on the lip a few times but it went away, haven't had any for years. I often make a note to ask the girl if she's been tested first, or they'll ask me.

>Stop having sex.

>Exclusively do oral and anal.


I guess I'll have to go with option 3. The possibility of being stuck with multiple kids from multiple baby mommas is what scares me the most, these girls tell me they are on birth control but you never know. I don't make much money so there'd be no realistic way for me to support these kids.

I eventually want to have kids when I have more money. It's the act of literally inseminating a woman that turns me on too much, like I can't even cum unless I think of getting the girl pregnant.

There’s another possible approach that you didn’t think of.

He could start having sex with other men instead since men can’t get pregnant.

Dude i have the same fetish

Also women love being creampied

Maintain fuck buddies if you're into that shit, don't just do one night stands

>I've often pulled the condom off and threw it away while the girl wasn't looking or in the dark.

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That's literally rape


That's rape

Ok thanks for the info.

I really want to become a man-hoe, but the fear of STD's are holding me back. It sounds like you have asymptomatic herpes, which is reasonable (it's probably statistically impossible to not get it at your rate). So that's the rub, really. I've been vaccinated for HPV; the other incurable STD's aren't really around; and the rest can be cured - It's really herpes that's the issue.

And it is an issue, with possible painful-ass embarrassing sores, and risk of pregnancy complications/inflicted infant blindness.

Best case scenario I already have it; worst case I end up giving it to my future wife which then makes my kid(s) blind.
..vs glorious promiscuous sex


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>vs glorious promiscuous sex
I will laugh when you have sex for the first time with a random whore and see first hand how sex is nothing like how it’s portrayed. Sex is exhausting, and quite frankly, there many many better things in the world than sex.

What the fuck are you talking about? Sex is exactly like it’s portrayed in porn. Porn is real sex.

sex is portrayed as the most intense, life changing act in the world. It’s not. also, porn sex is heavily exaggerated and acted out.



OT: As much as i love creampies, there is no reason whatsoever to risk pregnancy or STDs, especially HIV so rubber up.

You seriously don’t think pron is exaggerated and acted? What world do you live on

I just came here to ask for sauce on OPs pic, she's a qt

she’s a whore

No, and everything I say is right, so I’m obviously right.

Well if you stop feeling anything things look way more logic.

you’re going to be disappointed when you lose your virginity desu. I was disappointed too. I thought sex was going to be life changing. Make me a new person. But in reality, losing my vCard was awkward and uncomfortable as hell. There wasn’t anything enjoyable about it, and it didn’t change anything. TV and music really hypes up sex a lot. It’s not how they make it seem

We should raise taxes on the rich to 91% just like FDR did

>I've often pulled the condom off and threw it away while the girl wasn't looking or in the dark

You fucking degenerate. Fuck you
Do anal or oral and that's it. Don't go around fucking up other people's lifes just for your idiotic desires. You're disgusting.

OP here. I’ll do whatever I want to, so why don’t you take that post and shove it up your ass? Btw your mother took a big load from me last night.

I'm ; FYI I haven't posted in this thread since that post.
Yes, I am well aware that sex is apparently terrible but desu it's more psychological for me at this point. It's a right of passage, and also for me It's been a lifelong goal. Really though most likely I will just bang a couple girls here and there and then back off, because yeah, I am just too risk-averse. If they ever find a cure/vaccination for herpes, i might go HAM.

>rubber up
I've always found it weird that condoms are promoted to be this massive protectant against STD's. What about kissing? What about oral sex? Or do people just not do these things in causal hookups..? I find that kind of hard to believe..

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Lol. Ok lad..

...what >_>

Cry me a river you fucking scumbag. You've the mentality of a consented child. I hope you fucking catch aids soon, rapist.

we don't even know what rape means anymore

OP here. You’re a fucking idiot, and just for that, I’m going to creampie your mother again.

Fight me

What the fuck dude, this isn't me. I honestly don't like creampieing the older ladies anyhow, I mostly fuck girls in their late teens to early 30s.

Honestly man, those people who say sex is overrated just aren't having very good sex. Or maybe they're 2 minute wonders or something.

If you get good pussy and start having really satisfying sex, you will do anything to get it again. If you're like me and have a large penis and a high sex drive, you'll reach the point where nothing in life makes you happier than seeing a girl's face while she's cumming and moaning uncontrollably as you drill her out. Or girl's telling you how big it is or that they can barely take all of you. I'm pretty obsessed with sex, if the average man thinks about sex 10x a day I probably think about sex 50x a day. I feel like having sex with various women is basically the ultimate gratification for me. I'll leave work early just to hook up with random women and am pretty addicted to dating apps.

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Real OP here, and yes, I do like giving creampies to older ladies too although I prefer younger ladies. My goal is to impregnate as many girls as possible and then turn them all into single mothers. I’ve impregnated 47 girls so far.

what apps? where do you meet women?

Tinder, POF, Badoo. Honestly I've had times where I literally picked up a girl, brought her home, had a few drinks and ended up having sex with her multiple times, usually I'm nice enough to make or buy breakfast somewhere. Really depends on the girl, you gotta gauge it. Other times I'll take the girl out to dinner somewhere, then bring her home and fuck her. If we don't fuck after meeting twice, I never talk to the girl again. Usually I fuck the girl on the first date. I barely "meet girls" in social settings at all, truth be told I don't even have many friends or a social life really. I mostly just love pussy chasing, not even really looking for a gf since I'm already pretty emotionally fulfilled and happy, it's just the sex that I need a partner for. Like I said in the OP, I'm kind o'f a douchebag and/or a psychopath. Not evil or whatever, just very emotionally detached, much more about physical relationships.

Bro I'd be way to broke to even afford the internet if this was true.

Oh it's you - the guy who fell in love with that whore because she said your dick is big?

how are you picking up so much girls? do you have good pictures? which of those apps is the best in your experience?

First of all, I'm a fit guy and usually use douchey shirtless selfies. Also I'll put in my profile things like "I've been told I'm very good at providing multiple orgasms, and a great cup of coffee in the morning" or "Strong, independent, energetic, experienced, athletic and sexually well endowed". The truth is every girl on Earth wants a fit, handsome dude with a big dick, and that's what I am. Literally I'll just tell these girls they're sexy and ask if they want to get smashed. If they're into it, they'll usually give me their number and then it's just a matter of planning a time when we can both meet.

Fell in love? What the fuck, I never said that. I said I've caught feelings for a fuckbuddy. And the truth is her and I have been spending a lot of weekends together just watching movies, eating/cooking together and having lots of sex. I literally drilled her on the sofa while we were trying to watch the last Harry Potter movie last time she was here.

He showed us a picture of his body and penis in his other thread. I'm a femanon and I'll tell you his secret:

He's charismatic and confident - look at the way he types. Reminds me of an ex who typed in a similar way and he was EXCEPTIONALLY socially gifted; able to chat up strangers, multiple sexual encounters, charming and can relate to anyone despite nothing in common.

He had a nice body; tall, big, and black from the looks of it. That physique, even though he wasn't that ripped (if I remember) is sexually attractive to women. Protective and strong and sexual. I'm guessing he's also handsome.

He probably has a white collar job and his own place, look successful and independent. The independence is the most important facet.

Seriously, that's all manwhore's need. That, and constantly pursuing women (he probably has Tinder Gold).

So you would smash?

>I'm a femanon

I seriously hope not because you sound like some creepy 40 year old basement dweller who reads books about "game" but has never talked to a woman in his life.

I don't remember you from those threads, but maybe we should get to know each other better. Did you ever post a picture by chance? Send me a shout on kik: mohamdu91.


I hate casual sex compared to sex with my ex - but you know what? The disappointing casual sex was with inexperienced, young men. My ex was just like user, and when I was having casual sex with him (at the start of the relationship) it was amazing.

Or yeah, this could happen.

Thinking about it makes me excited desu. My latent goal is to completely fill out pic related. It's all the sexual variables I want to experience

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OP have you tried giving creampies to other men instead? Men can’t get pregnant.

Whatever you want to believe. I just know user's type and I know the girls who fall for him. You'd be surprised how many """nice""" girls, who are *engaged* to beta Asian guys, leave them for people like user (I'm serious, this happened).

>and black from the looks of it
>That physique, even though he wasn't that ripped (if I remember) is sexually attractive to women
Maybe in your own little world.

Whew. That's a lot of effort for a larp.
2/10 though, would not pretend to believe again.

I'm convinced this is the difference between guys who are sexy and guys who aren't.

Guys who aren't sexy or confident can't even imagine or picture the kinds of things guys who are attractive have happen to them. They don't see it as plausible that women will start messaging them online after seeing pictures or they'll start pulling multiple women without even trying very hard, or women might make the first move on them and give their number without being asked. Also they don't understand how much impact it makes on women if you can give them multiple orgasms, they begin viewing you very differently and treating you like a valuable commodity, looking forward to the next time they can meet you again. That's why when you actually explain why women are attracted to certain men, they don't understand it or believe the explanation. I'm honestly convinced most women are more superficial than men, and this is coming from a pretty superficial guy. There's no way to really change your physical appearance, but getting fit, dressing well, having your shit together and being very confident goes a long way.

I've honestly had encounters with girls who straight up told me they were cheating on their boyfriend or husband. Not a very uncommon occurrence, really. And if you're down for it, we should exchange some pics or video chat over that kik I dropped in the previous post. I don't have a Tinder Gold account by the way, don't need it.

Where are you located user? No point chatting if we can't meet up.

And in his apparently. And my ex's.

I live in Toronto but can travel down to the states or host in my city. If you live stateside that's not too far of a distance, I'm interested to see what kind of person you are since you remember so much about me.

Ah. Well it's inconceivable that we'll ever meet. I remember that picture vividly though, wish I'd saved it. Any chance of a repost?

any advice for a Jow Forums attractive guy whos shy and doesnt have much social media?

Whereabouts are you? I can send you various pics on kik if you want. There's no reason two people would never be able to meet by the way. A few girls I talk to live halfway across the world from me. And if you want, you can just delete or block me on kik after I send you some pics. It's mohamdu91, or if you prefer snapchat mikemoh91

Also to add to this if you'd like I can send you some videos of myself showing off and dancing. Made it for someone else who asked. Maybe you could even ask me to do something for you if that's what you're into. I would like to see what you look like too.

I'm not comfortable sharing pictures of myself with people here. But I do regret not keeping that one picture of you, and gosh I'd love to make some lewd requests. Are you okay with it being so one-sided?

You could even just tell me what you look like over the chat. I find doing these kinds of requests and getting reactions from women is pretty fun. I'm quite interested in the lewd things you'd like me to do.

I've asked boyfriend's to send me specific videos (they're not too perverted!) because I genuinely masturbate to them - but they never did. I'm likely not your type, but I'll add you for purely selfish reasons, if that's okay. And if you're free on time? I can't imagine you even need to masturbate with your schedule of women.

I've already made you a video, but I'll try to fulfill requests when I can, possibly late at night. Most men are selfish, I honestly enjoy making women happy. For me the biggest issue is scheduling meetings with women and managing my own work life, so I do masturbate whenever things don't work out. Like I said, my sex drive is super high and honestly most women can't keep up, even after a weekend together they'll message me saying their pussy is sore during the week.

I wanted you to add me like an hour ago when I had time, but I've gotta go do stuff now. If you still want to see the pics and vids I already have and have me fill your requests, add me but I probably won't be able to make new videos until later tonight or tomorrow.

I want to. Tell me where, bitch.

what's your top 3 techniques to make women attracted to you? I'm not particularly tall but I'm relatively fit, I don't want to bulk too much because I like martial arts so I want to be nimble. I know women like guys with muscles and I'm probably slightly above average because of martial arts training, but I don't think women really look at me and say "woah look at that sexy guy"

how do i become sexy guy

Honestly, so much of why women like me boils down to me having a big penis, handsome face and a douchebag attitude. The girl from this thread told me she wants me to piss in her mouth just because I'm handsome and hung. Things like money and muscles do help, but it feels like 9/10 what makes women like me is my face or a picture of my dick and the promise that I'll stretch them out and make them cum.

I even met a small dicked guy from Jow Forums who seems pretty depressed and wants to kill himself or something. He got triggered by the same pic that made the girl from this thread want to fuck me, my big dick made him feel inadequate. And even he asked for pics and vids of me bullying him while stroking my cock, talking about how he'll never have a big dick like mine attached to him, or up his ass. Shit is fucked up. I tried to counsel the guy but I mostly like telling him about girls I fucked so he can imagine what it's like to be a sexy guy. I think he's a virgin.

I don't like this LARP character you're trying to shop here. He's a little too angry and comes off as a bitch actually. It's like deep down inside he's really this huge titty baby trying to project this big dicked machismo type character. It's frankly not that amusing.

See this is what I'm talking about here: You fail to understand how straightforward the dynamics of attraction can be when dealing with casual sex, so you accuse me of bullshitting. I'm gonna assume this is because you have little to no experience with these kinds of interactions. I had no clue what the term "LARP" meant until I began asking for advice pertaining to my sex life on this board. It's strange to me that people think I'm lying when I'm just talking about interactions with people in real life and online.

I'd also like you to point out where I was being angry, cause I have no clue what you're talking about.

The truth is both women and beta males are attracted to men like me. The women want to have sex with me and live out their big dick fantasies, they get rush of excitement if I just send a nude selfie and usually cum much more than I do during sex. The betas either want advice from me, or to live vicariously through my sex experiences. This is just the truth of how these things work, sorry if it's easier for you to believe people just make this stuff up. Maybe one day you'll see people for what they are.

Does someone want to answer my question about condoms
>I've always found it weird that condoms are promoted to be this massive protectant against STD's. What about kissing? What about oral sex? Or do people just not do these things in causal hookups..? I find that kind of hard to believe..

Also OP, to your original question, surely you've tried those thinner/'naked feel' condoms? How did you find them?

Also, how big is your dick (L x G)?

My dick is 7.5" x 5.75" girth. I prefer the "naked" condoms, but nothing beats unprotected sex

>pulled the condom off and threw it away while the girl wasn't lookin

That seems like a sexual violation. If you caught an STD doing that and then gave it to another woman doing the same thing then would you be legally charged?

Also this because you're messing with consent. They consent to condom-sex

>unironically using the term beta
If that's the case you're a massive faggot if this ain't bait.

I FUCKING KNEW IT. Fuck your bait thread you faggot.
You bumped with the same picture you started this thread with. The syntax is similar and the content is almost the same.

Well yeah, that's the aforementioned thread where I was talking about how I caught feelings for a fuckbuddy. Literally someone brought it up in this thread and I confirmed it was me. Nothing in that thread was bait, nothing in this thread was bait. Maybe try reading that thread you just linked and more of it will make sense.

Life experience has taught me that alpha and beta males definitely exist. Some men just never get laid.

good catch, I saw that other bait-bitch thread but didn't make the connection and almost wasted my time responding helpfully!

Nah, I read enough of this one to see your asinine replies to everyone. You're literally just goading people with every comment and reply. Just like you're doing with me. Still shit bait since you got found out.

One last time: How do condoms make a difference if people suck dick; eat pussy; and tongue-kiss in casual hookups?

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Dude, there's no "getting found out". I admitted that thread was made by me, what is there to "find out"?

This is what I mean, I'm beginning to doubt people on this board really have enough life experience to offer me meaningful advice for the kinds of relationships I'm talking about. I've made a few fun kik friends like the girl from this thread who added me, but honestly people just don't seem to have much constructive stuff to say, which is disappointing. Instead I get a bunch of guys like you who somehow don't believe that people have casual relationships through dating apps.

Anyhow here's a selfie I sent to that girl from this thread, I sent her one with my face fully visible. She seemed pretty happy with what she saw.

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I've never heard of someone getting pregnant from kissing.

In context of STD's

>man tits
>look mexican or some other shit race
>average, crooked, dick

Consent to condom sex? What the fuck? Do I need to bring a lawyer to bed with me to explain all the stipulations and provisos of my bang sesh?

all the insults from racist losers in the world has never made women like me less, funny enough.

Also if my dick was average, dildos wouldnt need to exist.

in this day and age, yes

>I know I'm a huge douchebag and just love hooking up with slutty girls on these apps, but I just get an immense satisfaction from doing it.
way to construct a bait thread, how are people not getting that this is bait? truly everyone have fucking bailed from the old days and It's just reddit fags now replicating the same old shit they've been doing there for years on Jow Forums dot org

How is this bait? Why is it hard to understand that this is a lifestyle people engage in? This is the modern world.

not here, not on Jow Forums.

idk man maybe i've become too normal for this website

Like I honestly can't relate to the autism and shit anymore. When I was a teen I could, now I just can't. I'm a grown man with a job and a sex life and I still have this residual part of me that loves anime and video games and stuff. I guess that's why it's hard to believe that someone like me could be cut from the same cloth as most of this website's clientelle, I was here since 2006 and I've become a complete normalfag, perhaps with more sexual proclivities than most.

Nothing to be ashamed of

But if you're truly an oldfag, then you should know the hit-and-miss rate of Jow Forums.

Sometimes you'll get stellar input. Sometimes one or two trolls get in first, and the thread never gets off the ground.

And in the last year or so, I've noticed the 'bait' meme is called on pretty much every thread.

To your original question, I'd recommend perhaps trying to shift to anal creampies - because yeah, tricking girls the way you sometimes do is in fact pretty fucked up.

You're right

I mean truth be told anal barely interests me anymore, I'm too obsessed with vaginal sex and insemination. But I shouldn't do it, I should at least cum in her mouth or her ass instead.

Literally???? wow.

Not wearing a rubber is rape? You might want to check the deffinition. Bitches be trippin.

People have lost their minds. Unless the girl verbally says condom sex only I say have your fun. She consented to sex and didn't specify with or without condom so yank that fucker off and blow your loads.

then so is lying about being on birth control.
oh no, wait, that would make women responsible for their actions. cant have that.

You're a cunt and I wish you'd stop making threads every week

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Make a follow up thread about the schoolteacher you're fucking

Does not compute

Disgusting pedo