What does this mean y'all?

>Went out on first date saturday night
>Date went well, I felt and she texted me later making some chat
>Next day, I message her and we chat, she seems friendly etc. I say "So you keen to hang out again? I was thinking we could do a trail or something outdoors"
>She sends me a picture of what shes doing that afternoon and says "Yeah not sure when though. I'm so busy this week"
>I say thats fine and I end the convo by saying I'll let her get on with her stuff but I said if she's free later to message me
>She doesn't message me
>I wake up Monday morning and notice she is online all day and doesn't message me at all
>I post an instagram story and then she replies to it saying "Living the life, I'm still at work zzz"

WTF man, is she keen or what? She surely wouldn't initiate a message today if she wasn't keen? I stopped messaging her completely after she said she is busy and she had a prime opportunity to phase out of things. Tonight she's told me she did a 13 hour day though... maybe she is..

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She's keeping you on the backburner. Don't make a big thing of it. If she's messaging you, do some light replies and then ask her out. She dodges you, again? Go back to radio silence until she contacts; rinse, repeat.

Social media interaction in the early phase is a form of flirtatious dynamic. It's almost like a game. Don't over think it. Don't over do it. Be confident. Do what you want. And most importantly don't be yourself.
Hope that helps.

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God it's you again. You're a retard.

She's just as anxious about being overbearing as you are, and she replied to your story specifically to let you know that she's busy. She was probably even hoping to prompt you into texting her by showing you that she wasn't just ignoring you.

She's busy. She proved it. YOU are the one who ended the text convo you had the other night, telling her you were going to make dinner, just because she didn't text you later doesn't mean she's not interested. It means she was still busy.

Wow, I appreciate you remembering me.

I know... BUT its just how shes been active on bumble today and tonight that makes me wonder. She is kind of dropping cryptic hints tonight and she just said "Yep, its going to be a painful month or so :/" Like, is she trying to hint that I shouldn't get my hopes up and is stalling while she games over dudes?

If you're going to obsess over it like this then online dating isn't for you.

I normally dont care and slay lots of women but I just thought she was a keeper.

She told me tonight "it will be a painful month or so".. referencing her work. Then I said "is that a hint to not bother asking you out ", she didn't say yes or not but asked me if I thought it was bad she prioritizes work over a lot of things. We got into a discussion about her wor life balance... what the fuck?

let her breath, damn you guys jump on and won't let off. you are stalking her social media, and twisting what she says around so you can pin her down and its been 3 days since your first date. tip I learned. when the guy comes on this strong you better run, if you think its hard to breath after one date he'll monitor every second of every day and want to know every thought you have and an explanation for having that thought.

She is blatantly acting different towards me though. I'm not imagining it. I'm not creeping her at all.. it takes two seconds to look at her bumble profile to see if shes been active. I have been talking to other women anyways. I just noted her putting up these walls as if to say "don't get your hopes up" and thats en-keeping with her not being too interested, right? I mean I know shes busy, yes. But she is definitely cooling off on the messages and just left me with a one word answer tonight. Last week we were staying up til 1-2am chatting even when she had her job the next day.

Why message me first tonight when she gave me some vague as fuck response about hanging out a second time yesterday? Why not just make time and offer an alternate day? Instead she goes cold and starts being aloof and obviously still scoping guys out on bumble. Why even scope guys out if you're so 'career driven'? Why did she even bother talking and going out with me? Sounds like she's just stalling or trying to let me down lightly.

here you go, doubling down, tightening the screw. ITS BEEN TWO DAYS SINCE YOUR DATE. Let go a little. Seriously you are scary wanting constant contact and chatting till early morning every fucking day. She has a life other than YOU a guy she has been out with ONCE